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Wednesday 18 March 2009


UMNO Disciplinary Board yesterday had found Malacca Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam and MP for Rembau, Khairy Jamaluddin for vote buying in the forthcoming UMNO Elections.

But its surprising that Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam would still be the Malacca Chief Minister, while Khairy Jamaluddin, the MP for Rembau.

Vote buying means CORRUPTION and its an offence and these persons should be arrested and charged according to the laws of Malaysia.

Since they are UMNOputras, it seems UMNO Law has been applied, UMNOputras can do anything, but nothing happens.

Its time our UMNO-led Barisan Nasional federal government disclose to us why when its an offence, these persons are not arrested and charged and are able to keep their positions ?

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