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Wednesday 4 March 2009

A tale of two post mortems

By Anilnetto,

Remember A Kugan, who died in police custody?

Well, he died as a result of “acute renal failure due to rhabdomyolysis due to blunt trauma to skeletal muscles,” an independent second post mortem has revealed. In layperson’s language: kidney failure as a result of repeated beatings. More accurately, his death was due to his muscle cells disintegrating into his bloodstream and absorbed by the kidney, which led to kidney failure.

His body also had severe burn wounds including those caused “by the repeated application of heat with an instrument or object with a triangular surface, causing multiple V-shaped imprint burn wounds on the skin of back”.

The pathologist who conducted the independent second post mortem also detected severe hemorraging and blood clots. Check out the post mortem report here by Dr Prashant N Samberkar, Department of Pathology, University of Malaya.

Those responsible for Kugan’s horrific torture and death have a lot to answer for. The authorities must also outline the steps they are taking to ensure such incidents do not recur. Setting up the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission would be a step in this direction.

Amazingly, the findings of the second post mortem report are so different from the first. The Serdang Hospital personnel who conducted the first examination must now explain why all this was not detected or highlighted in their post mortem report. Fluid in the lungs? How many other post mortems have there been like this?

What have you got to say, Serdang Hospital?

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