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Thursday 19 March 2009

So Maika’s Money Spend Lavishly on Sujatha…

Experct from Bernama on Sujatha’s Death Inquest

…Paari, who is MIC presdident Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu’s son, said he had funded Sujatha to pursue her diploma and masters in commerce….

…Paari also said he paid RM220,000 in cash for the condominium unit where Sujatha had stayed and stood as a guarantor for a bank loan amounting to RM200,000.

Paari added he also stood as a guarantor for a loan on the Mazda RX8 used by Sujatha. “I also had stood as guarantor for four to five of my staff,” he added….

He also said that besides Sujatha and her brothers’ education, he had also supported the staff at Maika and Tamil Nesan pursue their education locally and overseas.

“I had assisted in their medical bills, even paid downpayments for their houses,” he added.

He said Sujatha also had assisted him in overseeing his business interests in India and Australia….

Where does Vellpaari got all this Money from ? Cash RM200,000 for a Condominium for his Secretary in Maika Holdings. Does a Secretary qualified for such perks ? I don’t think any Maika Holdings Directors had enjoyed such OFFICIAL perk. So, where does Vell paari got the cash to purchase Condominium.. Maika’s or Personal. If Maika’s how and why? If personal how does he can poses such cash ?

He too admitted sponsoring Sujatha up to Master Degree and her brother’s Education in Australia. So, what so special about them.. thousands of qualified Indians cann’t even get a Single dollar Education Loan from MIC or it’s Education Arm.

Come on Man.. Special Medical treatment for Sujatha at Private Hospitals in Kuala Lumpur and India , Condominium , Education support, sports car and luxury car for her borther . Why ? And Importantly all from Hard Earn Maika’s Holdings Shareholders money. Father promise excellent return and upliftment of Indian Community within years but Sons spending them lavishly on a Woman and her brother for no reason or simply she is his secretary without any special relationship. SUPERBBB

Millions of Estate labourer pawned their jewelleries , sold their cattles and lands just for the sake of Community upliftment , and the return is Condominiums for Secretaries . That’s for secretary, so what does Founders, Chairman, CEO and Directors got ?

The dirts swept under the carpet by Police , Anti Corruption authorities and Samy vellu family now had accumulate so heavily until the carpet moved up metres above floor. What else they are waiting for .. go MACC go and dig the dirts for the long buried proofs needed.

It’s not only proofs of wrong doing, and Sujatha’s life but Life of Thousands of Malaysian Indians whom loss lifes for listening to Samyvelu . Under the carpet lies Billions of Dollars of OPPORTUNITY loss by Malaysian in genaral and INDIANS in particular.

Authorities , at least do your Job Now…

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