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Sunday 15 March 2009

Democracy Tree vandalism caught on camera - Anil Netto

Democracy Tree vandalism caught on camera


Friday the 13th, 1.30am: The light at the centre of the image is from the headlights of a car parking before a vandal alights to smash the Democracy Tree plaque - (Click to expand) Image sourced by Kinta Kid


Smashed and scarred: A disappointed little girl looks sadly at what remains of the Democracy Tree plaque - Photos and images by Kinta Kid

The tragicomedy surrounding the Democracy Tree continues as the resourceful Kinta Kid reports from Ipoh:

The plaque was vandalised a second time today. This time the wording was covered with what appears to be road tar. The general consensus amongst all present was that it was once again a sad and cowardly act.

It was more disappointing for a group of 27 Keadilan Cheras branch supporters who had arrived by bus to view the “Democracy Tree”. Its Wanita head, Felicia Ling, said they had decided to visit the tree two days ago. But when they heard the tree had been vandalised on Friday the 13th, they brought forward their trip - only to discover today it had been further vandalised.

Their branch donated RM500 for the reconstruction of the plaque. At a press conference immediately afterwards, Nga Kor Meng showed CCTV footage of the first vandalism incident. “The incident took place at 1.30am…. One person…parked the car next to the tree and used a hammer to damage the plaque.” He plans to upload the incident on YouTube.

(Kinta Kid had earlier reported here that a neighouring house had heard dogs barking at 1.30am that day.)

Those who want to make donations for the plaque may make out cheques to “DAP Perak” and write “Tabung Pembinaan Monumen Demokrasi” on the reverse side and bank it into Public Bank account 311-044-1003.

Meanwhile, the Ipoh City Council, now wanting to be left out, has taken up the cudgel. Someone from the Council stuck a memo (see below) on the tree on Friday the 13th which said the plaque was an “obstruction” to the public and had to be removed within 24 hours failing which the Council would remove the structure. The notice was not addressed to any particular person or party and did not have a mailing address. Instead it was addressed to “pemilik/pemunya” (the owner); so it was presumed it was addressed to the Democracy Tree itself. Either that or it could be addressed to Malaysians in general as many feel the Democracy Tree and plaque are now part of our heritage.

And so the comedy of errors keeps growing. There is only one way to stop it: dissolve the assembly and call for fresh elections.



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