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Saturday 21 February 2009

RPK not landing up in Kamunting tomorrow

In a surprising development, RPK announces that he will not be landing up in Kamunting tomorrow. This might mean that he could still be free to campaign in the by-elections in April - a prospect Najib will not relish:

… lo and behold, my lawyers just called to say that my appeal against the three-member Federal Court’s decision to reject my four applications is going to be reviewed by another quorum of judges. I suppose that would mean the Federal Court will not be able to send me back to Kamunting on Monday after all — at least not until after the judicial review, and only if the second quorum of judges upholds the Federal Court’s decision. If the judicial review is of the opinion that the Federal Court had erred, or was indeed biased, then back to the drawing board we go. I will then be able to get a second bite of the cherry.

Hmm….my ‘Bon Voyage to Kamunting’ party tonight is instead going to be a celebration party after all. We appear to have at least been able to delay my departure, even if ultimately I am still going to lose. I suppose winning one battle is good enough at this stage even if I am not going to win the war in the end.

Okay folks, let’s party. I have been given a few extra days of freedom. And if things work out well in the end, I might still be around to campaign fo

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