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Thursday 5 February 2009

Good people of Perak, guide your monarch, please

February 5, 2009 (Haris Ibrahim)


If he has not already, His Royal Highness the Sultan of Perak must soon make a decision.

Dissolve the state Legislative Assembly and allow the people of Perak to vote afresh to resolve the current political crisis in the state, or allow BN to try and form a viable state government.

His Royal Highness, who must have the interest of his subjects at heart, has a difficult task at hand, and it might make that task lighter if Perakians would take time out and try and convey to His Royal Highness their wishes.

Tonight, there is a planned gathering outside the Perak MB’s residence. God Willing, I too, will be there.

Whilst it is planned as a show of support for the MB and the Pakatan state government, let it primarily be a gathering to appeal to His Royal Highness to heed the wishes of the rakyat and not that of the politicians.

In that respect, please let the gathering be a peaceful one by the rakyat, and not one for powerful fiery speeches of politicians.

If His Royal Highness is to take on board and give effect to the wishes of his subjects, then you, his subjects, must communicate with His Royal Highness.

There is a an official website of the Sultan of Perak. You can access the same HERE.

That website provides the names and contact details of some of the important staff members of His Royal Highness. You can access the same HERE.

The website also has a Guest Book where visitors can send in comments. I’ve had a peek and already many have been sending in appeals there to His Royal Highness to dissolve the state legislative assembly and call for fresh elections. You can access the Guest Book HERE.

I particularly like this comment from the Guest Book :

Ampun tuanku,
Patik harap tuanku akan memperkenankan pembubaran Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak. Ini untuk mengembalikan kuasa kepada rakyat. Semoga Allah membalas jasa baik tuanku.
Harap maaf, ampun tuanku…

If you’d rather write in, I’d suggest that your communication be sent to the private secretary to His Royal Highness, whose details appear below.

Setiausaha Sulit DYMM Paduka
Seri Sultan Perak Darul Ridzuan

YDH Toh Raja DiRaja
Kol. Dato’ Abd. Rahim b. Mohamad Nor, D.P.M.P., K.M.N., K.A.T., A.M.N, P.T.S., P.J.K.

Phone : 05-7761141 / 05-7761144 / 05-7761203 / 05-2540845

Fax : 605-7763724

Don’t know what to say?

How about this?

Ampun Tuanku.

Patik mohon mengadap sembah Tuanku dan memohon Tuanku memperkenankan untuk bubarkan Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak untuk membolehkan rakyat Tuanku mengundi dan memilih kerajaan, demi untuk menyelesaikan krisis yang kini melanda negri kesayangan Tuanku dan rakyat.

Sekian dan demikian sahajalah sembah patik yang sangat menyanjungi pendirianTuanku dan amat mengharapkan limpah ihsan pertimbangan serta perhatian Tuanku.

Ampun Tuanku

Please don’t forget to sign off an , people, please, no pseudonyms.

Those of you who are going to be in Perak, see you there.

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