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Sunday 21 December 2008

Petisyen Kepada Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Selangor untuk mengadu berkenaan Ketua Polis Selangor

December 19, 2008(Haris Ibrahim)



This man took an oath to “obey, uphold and maintain the laws of Malaysia” and to execute the powers and duties of his office “honestly and diligently”.

He hasn’t.

He’s shamelessly lied and in recent days, has arrogantly bullied our brave young cyclists who have stepped out to try and make a difference.

And he has demonstrated a seeming determination to undermine the will of the rakyat of Selangor to mobilise and pressure for the repeal of the ISA and the immediate release of all ISA detainees.

The people of Selangor, and every other Malaysian who visits Selangor, deserve better.

Yes, we need protection from this cop.


Can our Sultan help us?

I don’t know, but I think we must try.

By this petition, we seek his royal intervention to :

1. direct the Selangor state government to lodge a complaint with the Police Force Commission in relation to the conduct of CPO Dato Khalid Abu Bakar as hereinstated and, if thought appropriate, to request that the Police Force Commission take such disciplinary measures against the CPO Dato Khalid Abu Bakar as the Police Force Commission thinks fit but, in any event, to transfer CPO Dato Khalid Abu Bakar out of Selangor;and
2) direct the Selangor state government to take all necessary steps to protect the right of the people of Selangor to peaceably assemble without arms.

I apologise at the length of the petition to His Royal Highness, but the team that worked on it felt that we were obliged to appraise His Royal Highness of the fullest possible facts that found our complaint.

The petition, in full, may be accessed HERE.

Like the many other petitions launched through this blog, this petition now belongs to you.

Its success or otherwise, is in your hands.

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