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Monday 10 November 2008

Syed Hamid Albar is an example of UMNO blatant arrogance against the goodwill of the society

The decision of the judicial to release Raja Petra Kamaruddin is now challenged by Syed Hamid Albar in his direction to his ministry to instruct the Attorney General's office to make an appeal against the decision as reported in local media.

The Home Minister without consultation with his peers nor the parliament decides to usurp the function of Attorney General's role in deciding that his ministerial function allows him to dictate how the AG's office should act.

Although it is obvious that Attorney General's office is not credited with impartiality but the ability of the Home Minister to direct and dictate the course of a legal action defeats a purpose of the existence of the AG's office and its role to act in a non partisan way to ensure the integrity of the state prosecutor remains intact without fear or favor.

The ability of the Home Minister to issue such direction to the AG's office clearly indicate the arrogance of the UMNO warlords who have little or no respect to the judicial process and its ability to toy around with the operation and rule of law to serve their own needs without any regard to separation of powers and its impartiality in addressing what is just and fair to serve the public interest

HINDRAF condemns out rightly the ability of the Home Minister to dictate and decide the will of the Attorney General's office in upholding public interest for the sake of UMNO warlords.

Waytha Moorthy
HINDRAF – Chairman

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