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Wednesday 5 November 2008

Let me tell you, Rocky

In his post today entitled ‘How should a judge endear him/herself to the Bar?’ , Rocky associated with Azmi Anshar’s response to Robert Lazar’s “If Rocky really wants to know, the Tun never really endeared himself as a friend of the Bar pre-1988 ….” and reproduced in his post, the following excerpt from Azmi’s piece :

“But to “endear as a friend to the Bar”? How should Salleh endear himself to the Bar as a friend? Play golf with lawyers? Lunch or dinner together? Go for holidays together? Rule everything in favour of the lawyers of the Bar?”

Since you asked, let me tell you, Rocky.

The greater number of the 12,600++ lawyers at the Bar, most of whom are not tainted by any connections with UMNO or any BN politicians, wouldn’t know one end of a golf stick from the other.

Not that they wouldn’t like to take up the game. It’s just that they can’t afford it.

What most of them would not do, though, even if they could afford it, is to wine and dine with judges.

Holidays together?

Don’t insult all the lawyers and judges, Rocky! Not every judge is a Chin and every lawyer a Lingam whose slimy tentacles reach into every corrupted crevice in UMNO.

You know the sort I mean, Rocky.

Why, some lawyers can’t even afford a holiday with the family!

You think I fib?

Go on, ask the missus next time you see her.

Of course, some of these lawyers are the authors of their own circumstance, foolishly hanging on to ideals of a free and unshackled press, free speech and free expression and, for less than a peppercorn, defending the same in court. More on these lawyers in a forthcoming post.

Let me tell you how these lawyers would want a judge to endear himself / herself to the Bar.

Treat lawyers with the same courtesy that the judges themselves expect be shown to them, hear impartially and devoid of any bias, and decide according to the law, without fear or favour.

No more, no less.

Don’t get me wrong, Rocky.

I am not for one moment suggesting that everything is hunky dory with the Bar and the Bench.

Just as there are slimeballs amongst the journos, editors and bloggers in the media business and blogosphere, respectively, who would pawn their souls in exchange for position, power and the posh lifestyle, so too, sadly, in the Bar and on the Bench.

And we know who they are, don’t we, Rocky?-HarrisIbrahim

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