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Tuesday 11 November 2008

Karpal tables urgent motion to discuss CJ's admission

Karpal Singh CJ's Clarification

The Sun

KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 10, 2008) : Bukit Gelugor MP Karpal Singh tabled another urgent motion under Standing Order 18 requesting Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia to discuss on the reported public admission in an English daily by Chief Justice Tan Sri Zaki Azmi that he had bribed court officials in 1987 when he was in private practice.

"His (Zaki’s) statement appearing in the New Straits Times on Nov 7 that he had bribed court staff when he was in private practice in 1987 and in the correction effect in the newspaper on Nov 9, he said that 'during that period there was corruption in order to get things done at the court registry, as I myself having done it'.

"Even this correction, if at all it is to be believed, render Zaki a person unfit to be chief justice as he was morally obliged to lodge a report against the corrupt court officials," he said.

Karpal added that Zaki had committed a serious offence under the Prevention of Corruption Act 1981, which required an in-depth investigation.

He also explained that there was no limitation period in prosecution of criminal cases and the acts of Zaki brought the judiciary into disrepute, contempt and public odium and his continued occupation of the chief justice office demanded debate in the Dewan Rakyat.

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