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Friday 17 October 2008

PAS leader, 26 others arrested during demolition

(Malaysiakini)A total of 27 people, including a local PAS leader and three women, were arrested in Kampung Baru Plentong Tengah, Johor Bahru, for attempting to stop the demolition of the squatter settlement.


kampung baru plentong tengah johor bahru protest 161008 02Also arrested was the villagers' action committee chairperson Jameon Abdullah and secretary Taslim Nani.

Contacted on his mobile phone later, Taslim said they were taken to the Johor Raya police station. He also revealed that Sameon had fainted when the police arrested him.

According to Taslim, the police had arrested them when they held hands and formed a human barricade on the road leading to the village inhabited by about 2,400 people.

He said PAS Johor state liaison committee member Syed Othman Syed Abdullah was also picked up.

Predominantly Malay village

The demolition exercise was carried out after the developer Bukit Lenang Sdn Bhd obtained a court order.

kampung baru plentong tengah johor bahru 161008Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) president Hassan Karim, who is also the lawyer representing the villagers, said the demolition was not expected as discussions are being held between the villagers and the developer.

He said that the houses which have been demolished so far are vacant units.

It is learnt that some 100 Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) personnel and some 200 police personnel, including those in plainclothes, were deployed in the area.

The predominantly Malay Kampung Baru Plentong Tengah - considered similar to Kuala Lumpur's Kampung Baru - is believed to have been in existence for nearly three decades.

Meanwhile, lawyers John Fernandez, Kuna Nadesan and Mathews George are attempting to meet with those arrested.

When contacted earlier, Fernandez said the lawyers were not allowed to meet with the detainees or the investigating officer.

At about 8pm, all 27 were released on RM1,000 police bail each. They have been ordered to appear at the Johor Jaya police station on Oct 31.

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