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Friday 24 October 2008

Hindraf leader calls Syed Hamid a racist and extremist

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 24 — Hindraf chairman P. Waytha Moorthy has called Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar a “racist, extremist and liar”.

He said this in a press statement in response to Syed Hamid's justification for the ban on Hindraf which was that the group promoted extremism and named Malays and Muslims as its enemies.

“The allegation is absolutely ridiculous and a blatant lie,” Waytha Moorthy said and challenged the minister to prove these statements were ever made.

But he added that "we know he would not have the courage to do that but would continuously lie to enhance his ailing political career within Umno."

"There is no point asking for his resignation because this man does not have any moral dignity left in him. He would continuously lie and pretend as if he is the serving 'justice'," said Waytha Moorthy.

This outburst from the group's leader, who is currently exiled in the UK, comes on the back of yesterday's arrest of his six-year-old daughter Vwaishhnnavi along with 11 other Hindraf leaders who attempted to submit a letter to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi demanding the release of the five Hindraf leaders currently held under the Internal Security Act.

They, however, claimed they were just ordinary citizens and not representing the banned group.

Waytha Moorthy also accused Umno of using "tactics to raise racial and religious feelings whenever there are problems within Umno. The history of Malaysia and the history of Umno have proven this."

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