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Sunday 21 September 2008

Composer summoned to Bukit Aman

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Sunday, 21 September 2008 09:30am

Wee Meng CheeMUAR: Controversial composer, Wee Meng Chee, whose controversial version of Negaraku raised hackles in the country, has been summoned to Bukit Aman on Tuesday.

Wee, 25, who returned home last month after completing a documentary on Malaysians living abroad in Asian countries, did not know why he was being summoned by police.

"I am not sure why," the media studies graduate from Ming Chuang University in Taiwan said yesterday

Wee's father, Wee An See, 50, said he received a call from police on Sept 11 instructing his son to be present at Bukit Aman on Tuesday.

A five-minute video clip on the YouTube website last year included a rap song in Mandarin which allegedly carried anti-government messages.

Wee had since apologised for mocking the national anthem.

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