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Thursday 27 May 2010

Samy Vellu to quit in July?

The Malay Mail,
So claimed sacked deputy Youth chief, V. Mugilan this morning

PETALING JAYA: Samy Vellu will step down in July, said sacked MIC deputy Youth chief V. Mugilan at a Press conference this morning.
"At first, I wanted him (Samy Vellu) to step down by the end of this year but i've changed my mind now.
"I want to persuade him to step down in July of this year because of the massive support that we are getting for GAS," Mugilan said.

On how he knows about the resignation, he said that this Sunday, during the GAS gathering in Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), he (Mugilan) will announce the 'plan'.
More than 10,000 people including some MIC top guns like MIC's former vice president, V. Govindaraju are expected to attend the event. Previously, Mugilan was expecting around 7,000 people to attend the gathering.
Mugilan also claimed that several members of the MIC's central working committee (CWC) are expected to attend a press conference scheduled for tomorrow to pledge their support for GAS.
When asked if the organisers had a police permit for the event, Mugilan said that they are in the process of applying for one.
"I will announce this on Sunday and the plan is such that the pressure for Samy Vellu to step down will be unbearably high," said Mugilan. According to HIM, the pressure will make Samy Vellu resign by July.
Mugilan also rubbished claims that Umno was behind the GAS.
He provided proof that the PWTC hall was not booked under Umno's name as MIC Youth chief T. Mohan claimed. The proof is a receipt that confirmed the booking. It is stated on the receipt that the RM5,000 payment for the hall was received from Mugilan on May 24.
For further confirmation, he said he has submitted the evidence of the payment made to the Dang Wangi police station.
"Anyone can organise an event at the PWTC because it is a business entity and a political one," Mugilan said.
"Don't talk without evidence," he said, when referring to Mohan's claim.
To Vell Paari, son of the party chief, Mugilan said: "You can say whatever you want but now you can't stop the gathering as the hall has been booked.
"Today Vell Paari will say Umno is behind GAS, tomorrow he will say MCA is behind GAS and I won't be surprised if he says Obama is behind GAS," quipped Mugilan.
Mugilan, who is one of the coordinators of GAS, also denied Vell Paari's allegations that Umno was behind the movement.
In one of his blog entries yesterday, Mugilan said: "I wholeheartedly deny his allegation because GAS is my own initiative without the intervention of any parties.
"I don't need the ideas of a third party because I am capable of thinking rationally for myself and for the party's benefit.
"Pointing fingers at a third party only goes to show that the party president and his son are beginning to worry about the support I am receiving.
"Vell Paari is doing this because he wants to divert the attention of MIC members away from me. I want to advise him, 'Don't blame the stage if you don't know how to dance.' Accept your weaknesses."

Umno outraged by Vell Paari's accusations

KUALA LUMPUR: Several Umno leaders were unanimously outraged by MIC central working committee member S. Vell Paari's recent allegation that Umno is behind the Anti-Samy Vellu Movement (GAS), as they felt the accusations are baseless.
Yesterday, the politicians shared their thoughts with The Malay Mail on the allegation while lambasting MIC for involving Umno in their leadership issue.
Former Selangor Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Mohammad Khir Toyo said that Umno does not meddle in the internal matters of MIC.
"Even in the Barisan Nasional's (BN) constitution, it is stated that we cannot get involved in another party's internal problems unless that party's chairman asks for our help. MIC should attempt to solve their own problems," he said in a telephone interview.
Dr Khir added if Umno dislike MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu, it would not have accepted the MIC candidate, P. Kamalanathan, who was chosen for the Hulu Selangor by-election last month.
"Of course, Umno wants to see MIC as a strong party again," he said. When asked if MIC was really playing second fiddle to Umno as claimed by Vell Paari, who had earlier said the BN component party was only a passenger while Umno "drove the bus", Dr Khir shot back: "How can a bus be driven by two or three drivers?
"However, that does not mean that the passengers must just sit in the bus quietly. Tell the bus driver where your destiny is, work with the bus driver to find the right way to head to."
Dr Khir added if indeed the expelled MIC Youth deputy chief V. Mugilan had close ties with Umno leaders as alleged by Vell Paari, the party would have chosen him to be the BN candidate for the Hulu Selangor by-election instead of Kamalanathan.
He said MIC still had time to restrategise itself.
"This is the right time for MIC to garner back the support of the Indian community. If they cannot solve their internal crisis, then, as a last resort they could seek the help of the Prime Minister to interfere, which was what MCA did when it faced problems," said Dr Khir, adding that so far there have been no requests for help from the MIC.
Umno secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor said it was unfair to point fingers at Umno because the party was not involved in MIC's internal crisis.
"This is not Umno's problem. This is MIC's problem. If they start the problem, then they should know how to solve it too. Please don't use Umno as a form of escape," he said, adding MIC are not mere "passengers in the bus" as they are also in the central committee of BN.
Home Minister and Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein also said that MIC's internal crisis had nothing to do with Umno.
"Everyone knows what happened to Mugilan, who was sacked by the MIC president. So, it should not come as a surprise for Mugilan to do what he did — to launch GAS. It's not fair to say that Umno is behind every wrongdoing.
"What is important for Umno now is to move forward and MIC to solve their own problems," said Hishammuddin in a text message.

MIC Youth chief suspicious of 'top guns'

KUALA LUMPUR: MIC Youth chief T. Mohan believes "top guns" may be behind expelled MIC Youth deputy
chief V. Mugilan.
Whether he believes Umno was involved or not, Mohan remained non-committal. He said he does not know whether Umno was behind Mugilan's GAS movement but claimed that there were some "top guns" supporting Mugilan and his cause.
When asked about S. Vell Paari's recent statement claiming Umno to be behind GAS, Mohan described it as his own personal allegation.
"I know who they are but I am not going to say it now. I will reveal it when the right time comes," he said.
"GAS is Mugilan's personal agenda against Samy Vellu because he was not chosen as a candidate in the Hulu Selangor by-election. It is not even a legal body and yet they are going to hold a gathering, an illegal one for that matter this coming Sunday."
Mohan urged police to take necessary action against GAS. He claimed that a hall for the GAS campaign was booked under Umno's name at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) on May 30, at 2pm. His men had called PWTC to check on the event.
"I am shocked by all this. The booking was done under Umno's name. It could have been for an Umno event. I am not sure about that but I am still in disbelief over the date and the time of the booking which coincides with the launch of the GAS campaign," he told The Paper That Cares.
Meanwhile, Mugilan said he would "reveal" the truth about the allegation made by Vell Paari that Umno is behind GAS. He said Vell Paari's allegation has only made GAS more popular.
"When I first started this movement, it was not that well-known. Now, due to people like Vell Paari and T. Mohan, GAS has become a big issue. Indirectly, these people are helping destroy Samy Vellu," he said.
He also claimed that 99 per cent of the Indian community were not in favour of Samy Vellu reign.

Samy Vellu, Vell Paari under pressure to apologise

KUALA LUMPUR: MIC president Datuk Seri S.Samy Vellu is under pressure to apologise to Umno over his son, Vell Paari’s claims that the party was involved in the current MIC crisis.
Sources told The Malay Mail this morning that certain MIC leaders also want Samy Vellu to advise Vell Paari to stop accusing Umno of being the mastermind behind the party’s troubles.
The sources said these leaders demanded Vell Paari, a fresh central working committee member (CWC) be referred to the party’s disciplinary committee for causing a rift with its coalition partner.
"They also want Samy Vellu to clarify if his son was speaking on his behalf," said a source.
A senior MIC leader said: "There are already enough problems in the party and the last thing we need now is a loose cannon." He noted it was "quite unprecedented" that an ordinary CWC member was publicly spewing such serious allegations and that Samy Vellu had not responded to his son’s claims.
A defiant Vell Paari this morning stood firm in his scathing comments that Umno was behind the Gerakan Anti-Samy Vellu campaign to oust his father and dragged Umno Youth leader Khairy Jamaluddin into the mix.
He told The Paper That Cares by telephone from Perth that he was prepared to face action by the MIC for speaking up against one of its Barisan Nasional coalition partners.
Vell Paari, who is also MIC Youth adviser, denied he was his father’s mouthpiece and vowed to continue to expose those backing the campaign to oust Samy Vellu from office before the stipulated time.
Asked to elaborate on Khairy’s alleged involvement, he said the implication stemmed from sacked CWC member G. Kumar Amman’s statement in a news report that Khairy was the one who had "opened their minds".
Said Vell Paari: "This is an indication of Umno’s involvement and I would like Khairy to clarify the matter."
Kumar is one of the prime advocates of the Gerakan Anti-Samy Vellu campaign along with former CWC member K.P.Samy and former deputy youth leader V. Mugilan, who had all been expelled from the party for urging the party chief to step down.
Vell Paari further claimed that the Putra World Trade Centre hall to be used for Sunday's official launch of the Gerakan Anti-Samy Vellu (GAS) campaign was booked under Umno's name.
Bernama quoted Umno executive secretary Abd Rauf Yusoh as denying that the party had booked the hall.

Yet to be seen if Samy Vellu will keep his word  Read more: Yet to be seen if Sa
By V. Shankar Ganesh and Patrick Sennyah

(From left) V. 
Mugilan, K.P. Samy and G. Kumar Amaan have been sacked from  MIC for 
calling on party president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu  to step down from 
the post earlier than promised.
(From left) V. Mugilan, K.P. Samy and G. Kumar Amaan have been sacked from MIC for calling on party president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu to step down from the post earlier than promised.
DOUBTS remain as to whether MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu will step down by September 2011 as announced. Or will he change his mind and claim that there are no worthy successors and that he is still needed by the Indian com
Sacked MIC central working committee member K.P. Samy yesterday raised this issue at a press conference, saying he had doubts that the party chief would leave as promised.

"He once said if the chief minister of Tamil Nadu can stay on at the age of 80, why can't he?"

K.P. Samy feels that disunity and factionalism in MIC have gone beyond reconciliation and the only hope for the party would be the timely intervention of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
"Only the prime minister can save the party from self-destruction and the biggest obstacle to its unity and progress is called 'Samy Vellu'," he said, adding that he was trying to meet the prime minister to present his point of view

However, there are fears among some senior leaders in the party that running to the Barisan Nasional leadership for help may not augur well for BN as it would go against the coalition's policy of non-interference.

Already there are allegations that the Gerakan Anti-Samy Vellu (GAS) movement is somehow linked to Umno, although this has been strongly dismissed.

Sacked MIC youth deputy chief V. Mugilan is expected to launch GAS on Sunday.

When contacted, Mugilan stressed that there was no interference from any party and that the entire movement was his own idea.

He claimed that pointing fingers at a third party was a ploy by Samy Vellu and his son, Vell Paari, who was recently appointed as a CWC member, to try and discourage disgruntled members from participating in the movement.

"They are merely trying to divert attention for fear that the movement would gain momentum, and the pressure against Samy Vellu to step down earlier is mounting.

"My advice to Vell Paari is don't blame the stage if you do not know how to dance."

Vell Paari had alleged that Umno was behind the GAS movement.

"It is time for Samy Vellu to admit his mistakes and repent. The MIC is much more important than personal interests and needs."

Mugilan went on to fire salvos at Samy Vellu, claiming that he had held on to the party presidency for the last 30 years and made sure that he was the only Indian cabinet minister.

"All CWC members and the Indian community know that Samy Vellu never once spoke up for the community during his years in power.

"The only cure for MIC now is for Samy Vellu to hand the reins to his deputy to realign the party back on track."

Another sacked CWC member, G. Kumar Amaan, labelled Samy Vellu as a great actor who planned every CWC meeting and made sure no one had a chance to say anything.

"He would frighten everyone with his aggressive voice and intimidating speeches. But never mind, May 30 will be the last day for him."

Both Samy Vellu and his deputy, Datuk G. Palanivel, have opted to remain silent.


Mutiny against Samy Vellu set to grow

UPDATED @ 04:35:40 26-05-2010
May 26, 2010
Samy Vellu has seen a growing revolt over his continued leadership in recent weeks. — file pic
KUALA LUMPUR, May 26 — Several more MIC central working committee members are breaking ranks with party president Datuk S. Samy Vellu and his son, Vel Paari, and will join the rebels to ask the 74-year-old veteran to step down by Dec 31 this year.
The Malaysian Insider understands they will join the two central working committee (CWC) members — KP Samy and G. Kumar Amman — who set a precedent last week by calling for Samy Vellu to step down immediately.
Both were summarily sacked from the MIC for doing so.
Vell Paari has accused Umno of setting the dogs on his father.
Earlier, MIC Youth deputy leader V. Mugilan — who started the ball rolling — was also sacked from the party. Petaling Jaya division MIC division chairman V. Subramaniam, or Barath Maniam, was also summarily dismissed for disparaging the president when he sought to be nominated as Senator.
The new CWC members who intend to join the rebels have all asked The Malaysian Insider not to identify them as they would otherwise come under a “charm offensive” from Samy Vellu and his diehards to not side with the rebels.
“I have been offered a top post in the MIC, [and] another post as a director in a GLC to not join the rebels,” said a CWC member.
“I heard even cash is being offered by emissaries not to switch camp,” he said, adding a bidding war was underway, with posts in MIC and GLCs being touted.
“I have never felt this important.”
Another CWC member from the north was being sweet-talked into not joining the rebels’ gathering under the Gerakan Anti-Samy Vellu or GAS movement, which is holding its inaugural launch at the PWTC at 2pm on Sunday.
“They tell me I am going to inherit the party. They tell me ‘don’t be stupid and spoil my chances’ by supporting the rebels,” the CWC member said.
“I have to think hard because they are very persuasive,” he said. “They tell me if sacked, it will take me another ten years to get back into the party.”
“I am also worried that all the top MIC leaders are publicly supporting Samy Vellu but privately telling us to fight by one we are being killed,” he added.
According to an assessment by The Malaysian Insider, at least 19 of the 35 elected CWC members were ready to switch camps — provided either deputy president Datuk G. Palanivel or vice-president Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam speak up and endorse the rebels.
But they are more likely to wait and see where the wind blows before committing themselves. Likewise, the state MIC leaders are waiting, watching and assessing the situation.
Mugilan’s GAS movement will have a big say on how the mushrooming crisis plays out.
“They will only move if they think Samy Vellu is really going down... otherwise they will sit and wait,” said a former MIC vice-president. “But they would exploit the situation to get sinecures and other largesse for themselves and their families and cronies,” he said.
A lot depends on the GAS and whether it snowballs into a broad movement against Samy Vellu or dies a natural death like other anti-Samy Vellu initiatives over the past 30 years.
Sunday’s gathering at the PWTC will be a measure of things to come.
Samy Vellu and his team, including Vell Paari, are using all their power and influence to stop MIC members and others from attending the inaugural GAS gathering.
They are even toying with a rival gathering at the MIC building to keep people away.
Samy Vellu is unlikely to go down without a fight.
His Youth chief, T. Mohan, has been asked to float the idea that MIC should pull out of Barisan Nasional on the grounds of alleged Umno interference in MIC affairs.

This may appear unthinkable but not beyond Samy Vellu.
In one stroke he could kill off his enemies, label any who oppose him traitors and win short-term kudos from across the Indian community where Umno’s capital is thin.

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