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Monday 28 February 2011

Samy Vellu, Palanivel on collision course over MIED

Samy Vellu felt Palanivel (right) was dismantling his policies, said an ex-MIC leader. — file pic

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 28 — MIC president Datuk G. Palanivel is set to clash with predecessor Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu over the latter’s intention to keep heading the party’s cash-rich education arm by loading more supporters onto the board to overcome dissenting votes.

The Maju Institute of Educational Development (MIED), with assets of about RM1 billion, has been chaired by Samy Vellu since it was established in 1984 and will discuss an expansion to its ranks in a board of trustees meeting on March 7.

The Malaysian Insider understands that the senior leadership of MIC is unhappy that MIED will attempt to increase its membership without the central working committee (CWC) of the party first discussing and fine-tuning the proposal.

However, it is understood that MIED trustees can increase the membership of the institute without limit.

It currently has 34 members who have the power to elect the chairman of the 10-man board of trustees.

MIED will hold its general meeting in the middle of this year, the first since Palanivel became MIC president last December.

CWC member Tan Sri Dr KS Nijhar, who is also an MIED trustee, has asked Samy Vellu in an SMS to postpone the board of trustees’ meeting until the move has been approved by the CWC.

The text message, which was copied to all MIED members, has sparked talk of a Samy Vellu-Palanivel power struggle.

The SMS called for the board of trustees meeting to be postponed until the CWC had decided on the names to be recommended to the MIED.

“As we all know, MIED is an MIC-Owned-Public-Company-Limited-By-Guarantee and not owned by the Trustees.

“We are Trustees acting for MIC and as such, we should not, directly or indirectly, act in any manner that can be seen to shift control of MIED from MIC-CWC to the Members and/or to the Trustees,” the SMS read.

He also expressed fears that if MIED were allowed to go ahead, “MIC may lose its biggest asset in its history to some unscrupulous people who may have no sentiments whatsoever for MIC and its objectives.”

“As MIC’s Trustees, we are solemn-bound to act to perpetuate MIC’s ownership and control over MIED and not dissipate it and let it be hijacked away,” he added.

However, when reached by The Malaysian Insider, Nijhar refused to comment further on his text message.

“What is the need to increase MIED’s membership? There are already 10 trustees, a total that is sufficient, and that goes for the number of members as well,” a senior leader told The Malaysian Insider.

It is understood that this is the first time a trustee has objected to such a proposal.

Besides Samy Vellu, other trustees include Palanivel, Nijhar, Tan Sri Dr T. Marimuthu, Tan Sri G. Vadiveloo, Datuk S. Veerasingam, Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam, Datuk M. Saravanan, Datuk T. Rajagopalu and Datuk KS Balakrishnan.

“This development is a sign that there will be a power struggle between the former and current president seeing as Samy Vellu already feels Palanivel has been reversing his decisions one by one,” said KP Samy, a CWC member who was sacked by Samy Vellu last year.

Palanivel has reshuffled the party leadership, including reinstating S. Murugessan as secretary-general after he was removed from the post last year when he criticised Samy Vellu for expelling members who had campaigned to force the long-serving leader to end his 31 years as party president.

At the end of 2009, former deputy president Datuk S. Subramaniam had issued a warning not to move MIED out of MIC and turn it into a foundation.

He had said that MIED and the Asian Institute of Medicine, Science and Technology (AIMST) University that it controls are educational institutions that belong to MIC and should not be re-designated as independent foundations.

However, when MIED first established the university in 1996, Samy Vellu had insisted that MIC had nothing to do with MIED or the varsity as he had established them in his personal capacity.

He had said his being MIC president at the time did not mean the two assets belonged to the party.

KP Samy also added this issue first surfaced in 2009 but said he hoped that MIED remained under the control of MIC, which would have to decide on the chairman of the board of trustees and any new members.

“Nijhar’s actions are right because we don’t want to see MIED taken away from MIC and the Indian community,” he added.

Kes Aminulrasyid: Anggota polis diperintah bela diri

Hakim membuat keputusan itu selepas berpuas hati pihak pendakwaan berjaya membuktikan kes 'prima facie' terhadap tertuduh.
SHAH ALAM: Mahkamah Sesyen di sini hari ini memerintahkan anggota polis, Koperal Jenain Subi membela diri atas tuduhan menyebabkan kematian Aminulrasyid Amzah, 15, pada April tahun lepas.
Hakim Latifah Mohd Tahar berkata beliau membuat keputusan itu selepas berpuas hati pihak pendakwaan berjaya membuktikan kes ‘prima facie’ terhadap tertuduh.

Jenain, 48, didakwa menyebabkan kematian Aminulrasyid antara 1.10 pagi dan 2 pagi 26 April tahun lepas di Jalan Tarian 11/2, Seksyen 11 di sini.
Pertuduhan mengikut Seksyen 304(a) Kanun Keseksaaan yang membawa hukuman penjara sehingga 30 tahun dan boleh dikenakan denda, jika sabit kesalahan.
Seramai 39 saksi pendakwaan memberi keterangan sepanjang perbicaraan yang bermula pada 12 Okt tahun lepas.
- Bernama

HINDRAF niat jahat

Tuduh BN rejim zalim, autokratik; Burukkan imej Malaysia menerusi media antarabangsa

(Berita Harian) - TEMERLOH: Datuk Seri Najib Razak yakin pertubuhan haram, Barisan Bertindak Hak-Hak Hindu (HINDRAF) mempunyai niat jahat untuk memburukkan imej Malaysia menerusi media antarabangsa bagi menunjukkan kononnya kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) sebuah rejim yang autokratik dan zalim.

Perdana Menteri berkata, kumpulan itu amat berharap polis akan menggunakan kekerasan terhadap penunjuk perasaan dalam demonstrasi dianjurkan mereka di sekitar ibu negara semalam, supaya mereka boleh mengeksploitasi kejadian itu menerusi media antarabangsa.
“Mereka nak tunjukkan kita rejim yang autokratik dan zalim... itu niat sebenarnya, malah sasaran mereka adalah untuk menimbulkan gambaran buruk melalui media antarabangsa,” katanya pada sidang media selepas menghadiri Majlis Mesra Bersama Warga FELDA di Jengka 25 di sini, semalam.

Perdana Menteri mengulas penahanan pengasas HINDRAF, P Uthayakumar, pagi semalam bersama 108 yang lain kerana cuba menyertai perhimpunan Solidariti Membantah Perkauman UMNO dan membantah penggunaan novel Interlok di sekolah di beberapa lokasi di ibu negara.

Uthayakumar ditahan ketika keluar dari rumahnya di Pantai Hill Park, jam 7 pagi.

Najib berkata, mana-mana pihak yang mempunyai sebarang kemusykilan boleh menghantar memorandum kepadanya atau pemimpin lain di Putrajaya tanpa perlu mengadakan demonstrasi.

“Mengenai masalah kaum India, kita sedang mengatasinya, malah banyak masalah kaum India sudah diselesaikan dan ini dibuktikan pada pilihan raya kecil Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Tenang, apabila sokongan mereka pada calon BN meningkat dengan ketara,” katanya. Ditanya sama ada beliau bersedia berjumpa pemimpin HINDRAF, Najib berkata, beliau tidak ada halangan untuk berbuat demikian dengan syarat mereka mematuhi undang-undang.

Sementara itu, Ketua Polis Kuala Lumpur, Datuk Zulkifli Abdullah pada sidang medianya di Kuala Lumpur, mengesahkan 109 ahli dan pemimpin HINDRAF dan Parti Hak Asasi Manusia (HRP), termasuk lapan wanita dan dua wartawan ditahan di beberapa lokasi ibu kota kerana ingkar arahan polis menyertai perhimpunan haram dan mengganggu polis menjalankan tugas.

Turut ditahan beberapa pemimpin kanan HRP, iaitu Ketua HRP Kedah, Ramu Ramasamy; Ketua HRP Pulau Pinang, Kalai Selvam dan Ketua Penerangan HRP, S Jayanthas.

Dalam perhimpunan sama, polis turut merampas sepanduk dan kemeja-T mengandungi ayat berbentuk provokasi yang boleh memecahbelahkan perpaduan kaum di negara ini.

Semua penyokong HRP ditahan mengikut Seksyen 27 (5) Akta Polis, manakala lapan pemimpinnya disiasat mengikut Seksyen 85 (1) Akta Pertubuhan 1966. Sementara itu, semua pengikut Hindraf termasuk Uthayakumar sudah dibebaskan kira-kira jam 9.45 malam tadi selepas polis selesai mengambil keterangan mereka.

Bagaimanapun, 14 lelaki yang juga penyokong pertubuhan haram itu ditahan jam 8 malam kerana mengingkari arahan polis supaya bersurai selepas mereka berhimpun di depan Balai Polis Jinjang iaitu tempat Uthayakumar ditahan dan sehingga jam 12.30 malam tadi, semua masih belum dibebaskan.

Malaysia Juga Ada Leila Trabelsi, Suzanne

Dari KeadilanDaily

Jika Tunisia mahupun Mesir ada Leila Trabelsi dan Suzanne yang dibenci hingga menjadi antara faktor mencetus kebangkitan rakyat, Malaysia juga memiliki persamaan kerana pentadbiran negara dikuasai isteri pemerintah, kata Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, malam tadi.

“Di Tunisia, rakyatnya lebih menyampah isteri Ben Ali kerana semua perkara akan terdapat nama Leila Trabelsi. Satu Ben Ali, tiga kali Leila.

“Rakyatnya menggelar Leila sebagai ‘Leila Majnun’ (Leila gila) kerana dia gila rupa, gila harta, tidak termasuk fesyen rambutnya lagi,” katanya Anwar yang disambut ketawa tetamu sekali gus menggamatkan suasana majlis.

Ketua Umum KEADILAN itu berkata demikian pada majlis makan malam anjuran Ranting Taman Jati dengan kerjasama Cabang Tambun yang dihadiri hampir 1,000 orang.

Anwar berkata, masalah sama turut melanda Mesir kerana isteri Mubarak, Suzanne juga mempunyai tabiat seperti Leila.

“Suzanne dulu bekas jurusolek. Apabila berkahwin dengan Mubarak, dia yang mengkayakan anak-anak mereka sehingga semuanya bergelar jutawan.

“Mereka kaya kerana ‘merompak’ duit rakyat dan rasuah berleluasa di negara itu. Ditambah pula stesen televisyen dan medianya pula menghebohkan kekayaan itu.

Selepas diguling rakyat, Anwar berkata, Leila dan Suzanne masing-masing membawa keluar duit masing-masing 20 hingga 40 bilion dolar US “Terlalu banyak duit yang dibawa lari mereka selepas suaminya digulingkan rakyat,” katanya.

Walaupun negara Timur Tengah itu jauh berbeza dari segi budaya, ekonomi dan politik, Anwar berkata, Malaysia turut mempunyai persamaan dengan Tunisia yang masing-masing ‘dikuasai’ isteri pemerintah.

Sehubungan itu, beliau menasihati Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak supaya tidak angkuh dengan mengatakan Malaysia tidak mungkin menjadi Mesir dan Tunisia.

Beliau mengingatkan Najib, kenyataan sama pernah diungkap pemerintah kuku besi, Hosni Mubarak dan Zine El Abidine Ben Ali sebelum mereka digulingkan rakyat mereka.

“Mubarak pernah melaungkan ‘Ini Mesir’. Terbaru, Muammar Gaddafi turut angkuh mengatakan ‘Ini Libya’. Apa yang berlaku? Gaddafi sekarang di ambang kejatuhannya.

“Najib juga mengeluarkan kata-kata sama apabila membandingkan Malaysia dengan Mesir dan Tunisia. ‘Ini Malaysia, bukan Mesir’,” katanya mengajuk kata-kata Najib.

HRP/ HINDRAF Press Conference (28/02/2011)

No.6, Jalan Abdullah, Off Jalan Bangsar, 59000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: 03-2282 5241 Fax: 03-2282 5245
Website: Email:
Your Reference :
In Reply :
Date : 28/2/2011
HRP/ HINDRAF Press Conference (28/02/2011)
1) Hindraf 14 more arrested including one juvenile- MIA from police custody since at 2.30a.m last night.
2) Police brutality and one more notch down for human rights and civil liberties in Malay-sia because a citizen can now be arrested even before and/ or because “he intends” to attend a Peaceful Rally.
3) Police unprecedentedly abusing Section 105 of the Criminal Procedure Code for this purpose. Press Conference by P.Uthayakumar.
Date : 28/02/2011 ( Monday )
Time : 12.30 p.m
Venue: Human Rights Party HQ, No 6, Jalan Abdullah, Off Jalan Bangsar.
Contact Num: 03-22825622, 03-22825241 – HRP HQ


by Eyes Wide Open
HartalMSM has received some comments from people who find nothing wrong about the Interlok book being used as required reading in schools. Their reasoning usually goes along the lines of “The things mentioned in the book really happened among Indians and Chinese immigrants what, so what’s the big deal?”
Honestly, I felt the same way until my respected HMSM colleagues decided to pick up the cause. What I discovered left my eyes opened wide.
This issue of Interlok goes way beyond HINDRAF’s anger over the word “pariah”. It even goes beyond the negative stereotyping of Chinese and Indian immigrants. And it is absolutely NOT about the present generation of Chinese and Indians being “too sensitive”.
So what IS the real issue then?
It’s the dangerous indoctrination of our children with BTN-style racial prejudice.
Some people might say “Aiya…really meh? Sure or not?”
So far, HartalMSM has been exposing the themes of the book. But now, let’s look at what will be actually taught to our children in school.
Below are some excerpts from the Cemerlang Bahasa Malaysia website (written by BM teacher who is obviously very passionate about his job). It contains very comprehensive synopsis and lessons to be taught from the novel.
Novel Interlok bertemakan integrasi tiga kaum utama di Malaysia, iaitu Melayu, Cina, dan India yang terpaksa melalui pelbagai cabaran untuk hidup bersama-sama dalam sebuah negara yang bebas dan bermaruah.
- So far, so good. But then it all goes downhill from there.
4. Persoalan semangat patriotisme yang kuat dalam kalangan masyarakat imigran
Kim Lock dan Maniam masing-masing berusaha dengan cara sendiri untuk membina sekolah di kawasan tempat tinggal mereka bagi memastikan anak-anak mereka tidak lupa akan asal-usul bahasa ibunda mereka.
5. Persoalan kesedaran politik masyarakat berbilang kaum
Lazim dan rakan-rakannya membentuk kumpulan menentang Malayan Union demi menjaga maruah orang Melayu. Kim Lock juga menyertai persatuan untuk menjaga kepentingan kaum Cina, manakala Ramanjuga berusaha untuk menyatukan kaum India di negara yang baru merdeka itu.
- So the Malays, Chinese and Indians are portrayed as only loyal to their own countries and their own race. And they need to be organised along ethnic lines to champion their own ethnic causes. Is this all starting to sound a little too familiar yet?
5. Watak Pak Musa
Seorang yang tidak berpandangan jauh / tidak mementingkan pendidikan anak-anak. 
Seorang yang pandai menyimpan rahsia 
Seorang yang suka berhutang 
Seorang yang suka menolong orang
- The Malay characters are characterised very simply as can be seen above. Pak Musa is analysed in 4 points. Seman (main character in the novel) has 9 points. Characterisation of the Indian characters are similarly shallow, with the main Maniam character summarised in 7 points.
Contrast with the Chinese characters: Kim Lock (supporting character) has 7 points (equal to the main Indian character and almost on par with the main Malay character). And Cing Huat (main Chinese character) has awhopping 17 POINTS. Among the characteristics of Cing Huat that students will learn are:
3. Watak Cing Huat
Watak yang penting kerana beberapa peristiwa penting yang menimpa watak utama, iaitu Seman berpunca daripada tindakannya. 
Seorang yang mementingkan pelajaran 
Seorang yang suka menderma 
Cing Huat sangat setuju jika didirikan sekolah untuk anak-anak kaum Cina agar mereka tidak melupakan asal-usul mereka. 
Seorang yang mementingkan keuntungan / mementingkan diri 
Cing Huat sanggup meminjamkan wang kepada Pak Musa dengan cagaran tanah. Jika gagal membayar hutang tersebut, tanah Pak Musa akan dirampas oleh Cing Huat atau Cina Panjang. 
Bersikap Prejudis 
Cing Huat tidak membenarkan anaknya Yew Seng berkawan dengan orang Melayu, khususnya Lazim kerana pada sangkaannya mereka akan menjadi malas seperti orang Melayu. 
Melebih-lebihkan anak lelaki 
Cara berfikir Cing Huat masih terpengaruh dengan ayahnya yang tidak menghargai kelahiran anak perempuan. Akhirnya Cing Huat sedar akan kesilapannya apabila dia sanggup bekerjasama dengan orang Melayu dan India.
- So the BTN’s propaganda themes of the Chinese robbing and cheating the Malay of their wealth, the Chinese are not loyal to Malaya, the Chinese are only loyal to China, the Chinese stubbornly demand to be separate from the Malays, the Chinese hate the Malays, the Chinese look down on the Malays, yada yada yada are repated ad nauseam in the novel and being lectured to hundreds of thousands of SPM students – EVERY YEAR!.
And could this obssession with demonising the Chinese have anything to do with the fact that Abdullah Hussain was at one time a government servant for both the Japanese and Indonesian governments – both famous for rabid anti-Chinese sentiments? Too much of an assumption? Well…
And then there may be some who might say: “The Chinese last time really like that ma. The book is about integration, take it positively that the moral of the story must be good la!”
If only.
7. Nilai Cinta akan tanah air
Cing Huat berusaha dengan cara sendiri untuk membina sekolah di kawasan tempat tinggal mereka bagimemastikan anak-anak kaum Cina tidak lupa akan asal-usul dan bahasa ibunda mereka.
Kaum India yang diwakili oleh Cikgu Raman juga mendirikan sekolah Tamil agar anak-anak India tidak lupa akan asal-usulnya.
8. Nilai prihatin
Cing Huat berusaha dengan cara sendiri untuk membina sekolah di kawasan tempat tinggal mereka bagimemastikan anak-anak kaum Cina tidak lupa akan asal-usul dan bahasa ibunda mereka.
- For a novel that is supposed to teach racial unity, it is surprising that our young minds are taught again and again that Chinese and Indians really, really love their “tanah air” – China and India.
And here is the final slap in the non-Malay face. The lessons to be taken from the novel are:
5. Kita hendaklah gigih berusaha untuk mencapai kejayaan dalam hidup.
Di Tanah Melayu, orang Cina dan India berhijrah dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain untuk memperbaiki kehidupan mereka. Contohnya, hasil kegigihannya, Kim Lock berjaya membuka kedai yang menjual pelbagai barangan.
6. Kita tidak seharusnya mudah putus asa terhadap sebarang kegagalan.
Gagal di satu-satu tempat, tidak mematikan semangat Kim Lock, sebaliknya dia berpindah dari satu tempat ke satu tempat sehinggalah dia bertapak kukuh di Simpang Empat sebagai pekedai runcit dan menjual pelbagai barangan lain.
- This falls neatly in line with the BTN propaganda that the Chinese & Indians came to Tanah Melayu to suck its wealth and escape the shithole of a homeland they had. The Chinese especially is emphasised as having completely taken over the Malays’ wealth through their incessant, ruthless cheating and lying, so “apa lagi Cina mau” right?
7. Kita hendaklah mencintai tanah air sendiri.
Cing Huat berusaha dengan cara sendiri untuk membina sekolah di kawasan tempat tinggal mereka bagimemastikan anak-anak kaum Cina tidak lupa akan asal-usul dan bahasa ibunda mereka.
Kaum India yang diwakili oleh Cikgu Raman juga mendirikan sekolah Tamil agar anak-anak India tidak lupa akan asal-usulnya.
8. Kita hendaklah menderma kepada orang yang memerlukan sekiranya kita mampu.
Cing Huat berusaha dengan cara sendiri untuk membina sekolah di kawasan tempat tinggal mereka bagimemastikan anak-anak kaum Cina tidak lupa akan asal-usul dan bahasa ibunda mereka.
Again and again and again, the message is reinforced that the Chinese and Indians are separate and not really a part of Tanah Melayu. Instead their loyalty is to their homelands – China and India. The evidence of this are the vernacular schools that the immigrants established that teach the Chinese and Indian students to love China and India. (Remember that this is not any speculation on HartalMSM’s part, but it is a lesson breakdown done by an accomplished BM teacher!)
Imagine what the Malay students will think of their Chinese & Indian fellow students who studied at vernacular primary schools? Then imagine 4 years of public uni where the same message is reinforced by the BTN. Then imagine those going into govt service where re-auditing the BTN courses is a compulsory criteria for promotion.
The westernised liberal adults need to realise that the target market of this book are not the affluent, western-educated liberal adults who hold on to “live and let live” attitudes. The target market is the hundreds of thousands of young Malay kids who will form UMNO’s vote bank in GE14.
So the powers-that-be really couldn’t care less what the non-Malays think. In fact, if more non-Malays have this “live and let live” attitude and convinces others to be the same, it helps their cause incredibly!
So forget about voting to show your displeasure when GE13 comes – you may just find that in GE14 your one vote has been tsunami-ed by the 500,000 other pro-BTN votes because you didn’t think that Interlok was an issue to be taken seriously today.

Interlok Arrests: Najib Should Walk the Talk

A protester was pushed down, his face rubbed against the road, kicked and then arrested.
I am not writing about what happened in Libya. This scene took place in Kuala Lumpur, a couple of minutes away from KLCC, Malaysia’s symbol of growth and prosperity.
Ahead of time, the police had locked-down Kuala Lumpur to prevent members of Human Rights Party  and supporters from gathering to stage a protest, calling for the ban of Interlok.
Friends who were on location around the KLCC said that the police verbally abused the protesters including media workers.
Indians sighted around the Shangri-La Hotel and KLCC area were stopped, interrogated and even had their identity cards scrutinized.
Journalists were asked to show their media passes and shouted at for filming the violent arrests.
A few days back Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak slammed Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi for unleashing violence on his people who were opposed to his rule.
“We believe he should not use violence. What is important for us is to take into account the aspirations of people…The system should be legitimate, it has to be based on support of people” –
These are Najib’s words.
His deputy, Muhyiddin Yassin, called on Gaddafi to allow the people to demonstrate peacefully.
Therefore, what happened on the streets of Kuala Lumpur today clearly shows that the UMNO-led Barisan Nasional government practices double standards.
Interlok contains racial slurs against the Indians.
It is a slap on the face of Malaysian Indians and clearly a play of racial politics, crafted to please the ultra-Malays.
It’s me or chaos – this the mantra of Gaddafi. Toe the government line or face abuse is the slogan of Barisan Nasional and particularly UMNO leaders.
And if Ghaddafi says that the Al-Qaeda instigated his people to take to the streets, UMNO says that issues raised against Interlok were carved out by the opposition.
This is a joke.
In Northern Africa and the Middle-East, we are seeing an uprising as people stand up to re-claim their rights.
Here, Malaysian Indians are fighting to retain their dignity against a piece of literature which is derogatory. And if UMNO cares about democracy, the leaders would allow for legitimate dissent instead of trying to keep a lid on it.
As I write this, the whereabouts of the 109 protestors who have been arrested are unknown.
This further caricatures the abuse of power by the police force. And bins Najib’s 1Malaysia policy which zeroes in on national integration through racial unity.
Opposition politicians and non-governmental organizations have repeated calls for the setting-up of an Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC).
The recent high-handed behaviour of the police at peaceful protests signals the crucial need for an independent body to act as a check and balance on the force.
I, therefore, call on the government to immediately set-up the IPCMC and release all those detained at the protest.
Charles Santiago
Member of Parliament, Klang.

P.Uthayakumar finally released

Security forces in Libyan city switch sides as Gadhafi clings on

Zawiya, Libya (CNN) -- Libya's embattled leader, Col. Moammar Gadhafi, seemed increasingly cornered Sunday as security forces defected to the opposition in a town a short drive from the capital, and the United Nations Security Council voted for tough restrictions on and possible war crimes charges against the Libyan regime.

Former security forces said they had switched sides and joined the opposition in Zawiya, a town about 55 kilometers (35 miles) from the capital, Tripoli. Some buildings in Zawiya showed signs of damage, including a freshly burnt-out police station.

CNN's Nic Robertson saw armed civilians taking defensive positions on rooftops to prepare for a possible effort by Gadhafi loyalists to retake the town.

About 150 people rallied outside the town in support of Gadhafi later on Sunday, in what appeared to be a hastily organized demonstration.

CNN later saw a second small pro-government rally that may have been organized for the benefit of international journalists. CNN was also taken to an anti-Gadhafi rally where at least some people were armed.

Several Libyan cities are now in the control of the opposition, after weeks of protests inspired by demonstrations that toppled leaders who had been in power for decades in Tunisia and Egypt.

Meanwhile, Gadhafi's nurse went home to Ukraine. Galyna Kolotnytska gained notoriety in November after Wikileaks released a cable from the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli describing Gadhafi's almost obsessive reliance on the woman, described as a "voluptuous blonde." Kolotnytska's daughter told CNN Sunday that her mother was not commenting.

British Foreign Secretary William Hague said Sunday Gadhafi "must go," echoing a call by President Barack Obama a day earlier. "We have here a country descending into civil war with atrocious scenes of killing of protesters and government actually making war on its own people, so of course it is time for Col. Gadhafi to go," Hague said, adding that he has revoked the diplomatic immunity in the United Kingdom of Gadhafi and his family.

Tunisians on the border with Libya waved old Libyan flags from before the Gadhafi era in support of the opposition, as tens of thousands surged towards the country that triggered the series of Arab world revolts.

About 100,000 people have fled violence in Libya in the past week, reports suggest.

The Tunisian army, charities and ordinary Tunisians are trying to help Libyans on the border, CNN saw.

Refugees said Tunisians were offering them food, water and even the use of phones as they wait to see how events in their country will unfold.

The Tunisian government reported Saturday that 40,000 people had crossed its borders since February 20, while Egypt reported 55,000 had crossed over since February 19, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees said Sunday. The evacuees include Tunisians, Egyptians, Libyans and many from Asian countries.

About 10,000 fled from Libya to Tunisia on Saturday, the Red Crescent said.

"Very large numbers of people amassed in the no man's land between Libya and Tunisia in extremely cold conditions," Red Crescent spokesman Joe Lowry told CNN Sunday. "People stood in the queue for six hours with no food, water, or access to sanitation." The Red Crescent is affiliated with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

At least four people were carried away in stretchers due to crush injuries, and several lost consciousness as a result of the chaos.

"It was very worrying to see women passing their babies in cots over the crowd to keep them from harm," Lowry said.

There were also chaotic scenes in Tripoli as people rushed to banks to claim a government handout of 500 dinars (just over $400) per family. There were also long lines in Zawiya.

Pharmacies in Tripoli were running out of blood pressure and diabetes medicines, a source in the capital told CNN.

Gadhafi has showed no sign of relinquishing power. On Sunday, the world waited to see whether the threat of sanctions will have any effect on a country where the death toll has reportedly topped 1,000.

But Gadhafi's son, Saif, told CNN Saturday he was confident the regime could survive the unrest and ultimately reunite Libya.

Saif al-Islam Gadhafi -- a prominent member of the government -- added that he wanted this reunification to be accomplished without violence.

On Saturday night, the United Nations Security Council voted 15-0 on a draft resolution that includes an arms embargo, asset freeze and travel bans for Gadhafi and several of his family members and associates. The draft resolution also refers the situation unfolding in Libya to the International Criminal Court, and Gadhafi and others could face an investigation for potential war crimes.

"This resolution will be a signal (to) put an end to the fascist regime that is still in existence," said Abdurrahman Mohamed Shalgham, Libyan ambassador to the United Nations. Earlier Saturday, he renounced support for Gadhafi, calling him "a leader who loves nobody but himself."

But Fouad Ajami, a professor at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, told CNN Friday that Gadhafi survived sanctions before, in the aftermath of the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.

"The sanctions never worked," he said. "Anyone with money ... can break these sanctions."

Military and security forces loyal to Gadhafi have killed more than 1,000 people, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has estimated.

Hours before the Security Council's vote Saturday, Libya's budding opposition picked a former top official as its interim leader.

Libya's deputy ambassador to the world body, Ibrahim Dabbashi, indicated that he and fellow diplomats "support ... in principle" a caretaker administration under the direction of former Justice Minister Mustafa Abdul Jalil.

City councils in areas no longer loyal to Gadhafi chose Jalil to head an interim government that would represent all of Libya and ultimately be based in Tripoli, according to Amal Bogagies, a member of the coalition of the February 17 Uprising, and a separate Libyan opposition source. Both are based in Benghazi, the eastern city that is under the control of the opposition.

Jalil was in Gadhafi's government through Monday, when he quit to protest the "bloody situation" and "use of excessive force" against unarmed protesters, according to Libyan newspaper Quryna.

Days later, he told a Swedish newspaper he had evidence that Gadhafi ordered the 1988 bombing of a jet over Lockerbie, Scotland, that killed 270 people.

Protests began February 15 in Benghazi, Libya's second largest city. At least several other cities are now thought to be under opposition control, according to eyewitnesses. There have been numerous reports of widespread violence -- some of it perpetrated by foreign mercenaries and security forces loyal to Gadhafi, and some by protesters.

While CNN has staff in some cities, the network could not independently confirm reports for many areas in Libya. But CNN has compiled information through telephone interviews with witnesses.

Operations at several embassies -- including those of Great Britain and the United States -- in Tripoli have been effectively shuttered for the safety of their personnel. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he planned to speak with Obama in Washington on Monday.

For now, Libyans themselves are left to wait to see what happens next.

"We wait and see what tomorrow will bring," a Tripoli man said Sunday. "We pray for a quick ending to this nightmare, with minimum bloodshed. No one is naive, however, to believe that Gadhafi is going to go easily."

CNN's Ivan Watson, Eve Bower, Ben Wedeman, Salma Abdelaziz, Talia Kayali, Richard Roth, Jack Maddox and Whitney Hurst contributed to this report.

Uthaya, 108 others arrested to quash HRP rally

Indian Uprising

Hindraf protesters play cat-and-mouse game

KUALA LUMPUR: Hindraf protesters today played a cat-and-mouse game with the police as they attempted to assemble sporadically at various spots around the city.

Their attempts were thwarted after police arrested 109 people, including Human Rights Party (HRP) pro tem secretary-general P Uthayakumar, HRP president and Hindraf coordinator W Sambulingan, Hindraf and HRP national adviser N Ganesan, information chief S Jayathas, Selangor chief K Selvam, Perak head P Ramesh and Kedah HRP chairman R Ramu.

However, police have released all of them in the late night.

City police chief Deputy Commissioner of Police Zulkifli Abdullah told FMT that they have been released in staggered stages.

He also denied that the number of supporters arrested was between 120 and 380 as claimed by Hindraf. “Do you believe our figures or theirs (Hindraf’s)?” he asked.

Meanwhile, despite the setback, Hindraf has claimed the protest was a “victory”.

“We are proud about our arrests. We don’t feel guilty. We just want justice, for the Interlok novel to be banned and racism to be stopped,” Sambulingam said, adding that he was assaulted by the police.
“We are innocent civilians without arms and we are gathering peacefully. Why do the police need to show their might?” he asked, adding that he was punched, pushed to the ground, kicked and stepped
on before he was hauled in.

The protesters were supposed to have gathered at Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) at 9am this
morning and march to the Dang Wangi police headquarters to lodge a police report against the government for Umno racism.

The demonstrators were also targeting the controversial Interlok novel for its derogatory remarks about the Indian community.

Earlier, reporters ran helter-skelter to capture the moments of drama as Indians, suspected to be protesters, were detained around the heavily guarded KLCC vicinity.

No one knew the actual number of Indians participating in the rally, but police said they were did not reach 500, contrary to the organisers estimation of over 2,000.

Many were arrested at the bus, taxi and railway stations before they could begin to organise themselves.

Roads sealed
Roads leading to KLCC were all sealed and roadblocks were erected in Jalan Ampang, Jalan Kepong, Jalan Cheras, Jalan Tun Razak and Jalan Duta-Sungai Buloh Highway.

One of the protesters, Chandran, 45, from Klang, told reporters at the KLCC that several supporters have arrived but were unable to gather.

“Why is it so difficult to move around? We just want to be the voice of the Indian community,” he said, before being hauled away.

Uthayakumar himself was picked up at his residence at Pantai Hill Park Condominium at about 7.50am while the others were picked up later.

Malaysia Makkal Sakti Party (MMSP) president Kannan Ramasamy and several MMSP members were also detained.

However, a group of 30 people managed to assemble in front of the Australian High Commission at 10.15 am to protest against Interlok.

They were led by PKR members MS Arjunan (former Chenderiang PKR candidate), S Murali (Puchong division) and A Ponnusamy (Pahang deputy chief).

The protest march that did not take place in KLCC eventually took shape at Sri Kortumalai Pillaiyar temple, near Jalan Pudu, where about 300 gathered there at about 10.30am.

“To hell with (Deputy Federal Territories and Wellbeing Minister) M Saravanan,” said one protester, S Ramachandran, 36, who was referring to the MIC vice-president’s press statement in a Tamil daily asking police to arrest the protesters.

Among others, the protesters chanted slogans “Hapuskan Interlok” and “Jangan hina kaum India”.

‘Hounded like dogs’

Meanwhile, before Ganesan was arrested, he lambasted the authorities for cracking down on a peaceful protest. “We are hounded like dogs. We are not a threat to national security. Umno is the threat,” he said.

Ganesan also listed four demands: release all those detained, ban the Interlok novel, rescind the ban on Hindraf and abolish all racist policies.

There was also a small argument among the protesters at the temple as the organisers did not allow other protesters to put up their banners.

The protesters then marched to the Kuala Lumpur police headquarters off Jalan Hang Tuah.
A stand-off took place as the Federal Reserve Unit was ready to charge but spokesman A Thiruvenggadam negotiated with the city police deputy chief Amar Singh, who allowed them to sit down at the parking area.

The crowd then left for Jinjang to show support for Hindraf Makkal Sakti leaders detained there.

‘No respect for law’

Meanwhile, Zulkifli expressed disappointment over the conduct of the protesters.
“I am disappointed that they have been stubborn and have acted in this manner despite our advice to them to call off the protest,” said Zulkifli.

“This shows that they do not respect the law,” he added.

Zulkifli also said that police were aided by 13 Indian NGOs which helped dissuade many Indians from participating in the rally.

While under detention, the protesters were being investigated under Section 27(5) of the Police Act for illegal assembly and the leaders under Section 45(1) of the Societies Act 1966 for inciting people to become a member of an unlawful society. A reporter and a citizen journalist were investigated under Section 186 of the Penal Code for obstructing police.

Meanwhile, Hindraf legal adviser M Manoharan claimed that Jayathas was badly injured and unconscious when he last saw him.

“Jayathas and I were driving past the British Consulate and the police came and arrested him when he was speaking to some disabled protesters. There was a scuffle and I saw Jayathas falling to the
ground and assaulted,” he said.

Manoharan said he also witnessed Uthayakumar’s arrest, adding that police had no grounds to arrest him.

Report by: K Pragalath, Teoh El Sen and B Nantha Kumar

IMalaysia story mory

Malays are Malays and they love entertainment. Malays cannot appreciate good humour because the brain cannot decipher, thus, their penchant for cheap and dirty jokes.
By I amYB
Dear people, last week, my Indian friend attended a 1Malaysia talk in the Min of Agriculture. The speaker was Datuk Hj. Shahalan, the SUP of the PM's office. The audience was composed of mostly Malays and a few non-Malays, which is typical of the Malaysia government agencies.

Malays are Malays and they love entertainment. Malays cannot appreciate good humour because the brain cannot decipher, thus, their penchant for cheap and dirty jokes. On that day, this Datuk was the star. He had the mostly Malay audience in stitches with his cheap jokes. 

Well, maybe not all the Malays enjoyed the talk but it is difficult to identify the minority on face value. My Indian friend left feeling annoyed and humiliated!

The talk was on 1Malaysia but this Datuk had to insert some family secrets, a marriage engagement plan. He told that the wife was annoyed that the soon-to-be in law was dark and fat! Imagine that! Nice introduction. I mean this attitude is typical of the backward Malaysian Malay mentality. Sadly until today, this stigma is still thick in their mentality.

To the typical Malaysian Malay standard, an ideal should have these criteria; Filthy rich, Rich or fairly rich, fair-skinned, good looking/pretty, slim and scarfed for the women (lately). They're not interested in inner beauty. 

He also had his series of condemnations:

On Robert Kuok, the china man who is out to kill the citizen through sugar. He advised the audience to reduce sugar intake to hinder from diabetes and all sugar related diseases.

He also mentioned on Ananda Krishnan and Maxis. He advised against using Maxis services, since the owner is Indian.

Another is his resentment towards Astro and the Indian ownership too. 

So is Airasia and Tony Fernandez....... paused!! Sorry, I paused because my friend wants to charge the battery. This 1Malaysia thing is using too much energy.

MCA Will Not Lobby For More Seats

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 27 (Bernama) - The MCA will not lobby for more seats at the next general election but will ensure that candidates have potential to ensure a Barisan Nasional win.

Its president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said quota of seats would not become an issue as it was more important for BN component parties to work hard for victory.

He was commenting a statement by Gerakan president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon that distribution of seats for Kepong parliamentary constituency was incorrect.

Speaking to reporters at a Chinese New Year function in Jinjang Sunday night, Chua said he appreciate the trust given by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak should he let MCA contest Kepong seat.

Kepong became an issue after Kepong Umno division chief Datuk Rizuan Hamid said the seat should be given to MCA as it had better chance of winning than Gerakan.

Kepong parliamentary seat is currently held by DAP vice-chairman Dr Tan Seng Giaw.

'Anti-racism' rally: Over 100 arrested

By Anil Netto,

Over a hundred demonstrators unhappy over the controversial Interlok book have been arrested and detained all over Kuala Lumpur ahead of and during a Hindraf/Human Rights Party rally to protest at what they perceive to be racism.

According to a tweet by a Hasbeemasputra, six were held in IPD Sentul, 120 at PULAPOL (they are now believed to have been released), and an unknown number in Dang Wangi and IPK KL.

Among those arrested or detained were Human Rights Party leader P Uthayakumar, who is being held at Jinjang police station, where a crowd of about 300 has gathered. Other Hindraf supporters are believed to have gathered at IPD Sentul.

“Allow legitimate protests, stop the repression. Release all detained,” said opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim in a tweet.

An interesting detail has emerged: a Pakatan MP told me he heard that Hindraf/Human Rights Party sources had told certain Pakatan leaders and their supporters not to get involved in or to hijack or take advantage of today’s event, as this is something the latter has organised. Thus, Pakatan representation or involvement in today’s rally is minimal, if at all.