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Monday 3 October 2011

March ISA repeal a ‘cop out’, say Pakatan MPs

Nurul Izzah said there was no excuse for delaying the ISA repeal. — File pic
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 3 — Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s March deadline to abolish the Internal Security Act (ISA) is a “cop out” given the likelihood that he will call snap polls soon after Budget 2012 is passed, say opposition lawmakers. PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar said the prime minister’s decision to defer scrapping the law when elections could be called as early as January showed that he was insincere about the reforms he announced just over two weeks ago.
“I did harbour some hope at the beginning... but again, he hasn’t been forthcoming in the delivery of his promises,” she told The Malaysian Insider, saying that this amounted to a “cop out”.
The Lembah Pantai MP said there was no excuse for delaying the ISA repeal given that Najib himself made the decision, chiding the prime minister for not already having a draft to present to Parliament.
She urged the Najib to look up previous proposals — including the Emergency Revocation Bill that Pakatan Rakyat (PR) tried to table in April — to speed up the law reform process.
“If the Attorney-General cannot do the job, I would invite the prime minister to take whatever is there and just get the job done,” Nurul Izzah said.
Liew said the public wanted action, not words.
DAP international secretary Liew Chin Tong said it would be “extremely unwise” of Najib to call a general election before he repeals the ISA as that would damage what remains of his credibility. He stressed that the public was keen on actions, not words, and warned Najib he ran the risk of repeating former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s mistakes if he did not deliver quickly.
Abdullah, led Barisan Nasional (BN) to its worst-ever rout in Election 2008 — it was the first time since 1969 that the ruling coalition had failed to secure a two-thirds parliamentary majority — after the public turned on him for failing to deliver on promised reforms.
“If he wants to call elections, he’d better push through the ISA (repeal) in this Parliament session. Otherwise people are going to take a very cynical view,” Liew said.
Bar Council president Lim Chee Wee said he would like to see reforms take place before Najib seeks a fresh mandate but pointed out there was no need for any replacement to the ISA.
“Malaysia doesn’t need any detention-without-trial laws because it has already effectively strengthened its legislative provisions to take into account, and deal with, the threat of terrorism,” he said.
Lim said he would like to see reforms take place before Najib seeks a fresh mandate.
Lim said it was therefore disappointing that the government was contemplating two new laws to deal with terrorism and subversion but stressed that the Bar should be consulted on any replacement legislation. The prime minister said over the weekend that the ISA would be scrapped in March and that his reform timetable would instead begin with the repeal of the Banishment and Restricted Residence Act when Parliament reconvenes on Monday.
“Next week I will begin the process but ISA will be done in March as we need to draft two new laws,” Najib had said after chairing an Umno supreme council meeting.
He also said amendments to the Police Act to allow for freedom of assembly other than street protests will likely be tabled in next month.
Najib announced a raft of reforms, including the lifting of three states of emergency, in his Malaysia Day address and vowed to grant Malaysians greater freedoms.
Along with the parliamentary select committee on electoral reforms, the repeal of the ISA appears to be a key concession by Najib to win back middle Malaysia before snap polls expected early next year.

Najib’s reform package underway

The government is proposing to repeal the Restricted Residence Act and the Banishment Act, and to form the PSC on poll reforms.
KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak moved to repeal the Restricted Residence Act and the Banishment Act today, fulfilling his vows to implement quick political reforms to improve civil liberties. At the same time, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nazri Aziz also tabled a motion to form the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) on poll reforms.
Najib promised the formation of the PSC after his government received widespread condemnation for its strong-arm response to the July 9 rally that called for Putrajaya to clean up Malaysia’s electoral system.
The rally, where close to 1,000 protesters were arrested while scores were injured, was organised by poll reform group Bersih 2.0.

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Putrajaya withdraws Kg Baru Development Bill

The Bill was withdrawn following protests from the residents. In its place, a new Bill that will give the landowners more say will be proposed.
KUALA LUMPUR: The Najib administration today withdrew the Kampung Baru Development Bill after months of protest by landowners which had threatened to shake the Malay vote.

The withdrawal came amid talks of nearing elections. Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is expected to call the 13th general election within the next six months.

Federal Territories and Urban Well-being Minister Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin opened this session of Parliament by pulling out the proposed law which would give Putrajaya full authority and immunity from legal proceedings with regards to developing the 111-year-old settlement.

However, the senator told a press conference later that a new law will be tabled later. Raja Nong Chik claimed the new Bill will give landowners “more say”.

“The new law means residents will have six representatives in the proposed Kampung Baru Development Corporation including the position of a deputy chairman to oversee the development plans.

“We do not want to deny the voice of the landowners and heirs,” Raja Nong Chik said.

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Kuasa di tangan orang hina

Melihat perkembangan politik semasa umpama membaca kisah dalam epik Mahabharata.

Perhatikan “percaturan” parti-parti politik masa kini dan kita mungkin segera teringat akan epik Mahabharata yang ditulis dalam Bahasa Sanskrit oleh Vyasa antara kurun ke-5 Sebelum Masehi dan kurun ke-2 Masehi.

Epik berkenaan yang diakui sebagai teks puisi terpanjang di dunia mengisahkan perang saudara antara golongan Kauruva (pakatan seratus orang) dan golongan Pandava (pakatan lima orang) berikutan tindakan Kauruva “merampas” kerajaan daripada Pandava secara tipu muslihat.

Antara lain, dikisahkan dalam Mahabharata bahawa pada suatu ketika, Arjuna (ketua Pandava) pergi ke Himalaya untuk mendapatkan senjata sakti. Maka tinggallah Sahadeva, Yudhisthira, Bhima dan Nakula bersama-sama Draupadi di hutan Kamyaka.

“Hutan ini sudah hilang seri tanpa kehadiran suamiku,” sering Draupadi mengeluh.

Akhirnya, kelima-lima mereka memutuskan untuk mengembara ke tempat lain supaya tidak terlalu merindui Arjuna yang telah ke Himalaya untuk bertemu Dewa Indra.

Setelah melalui beberapa tempat, kumpulan itu sampai di hutan Narayanasrama. Pandava (tanpa Arjuna) dan Draupadi memutuskan untuk tinggal di hutan berkenaan buat beberapa lama. Tujuan utama adalah untuk melupakan rindu terhadap Arjuna.

Suatu hari, angin dari arah utara mengugurkan sekuntum bunga yang harum tidak jauh dari tempat Draupadi berdiri. Lalu diambil dan diteliti wanita itu akan bunga berkenaan. Ternyata cantik dan harum.

“Wah! Ke mari semua,” laung Draupadi ke arah Sahadeva, Yudhisthira, Bhima dan Nakula. “Lihat bunga yang cantik ini; harum baunya.”

“Ya, memang cantik,” kata Yudhishthira.

“Kita perlu dapatkan benih pokok bunga ini. Saya akan tanam di tempat tinggal kita di hutan Kamyaka. Biarlah pokok ini berbunga lebat sewaktu menyambut kepulangan suamiku dari Himalaya nanti,” tambah Draupadi.

Mendengarkan kata-kata itu, Bhima yang bertubuh sasa memutuskan untuk berusaha mendapatkan bunga berkenaan. Dia memutuskan untuk pergi bersendirian kerana dia pasti bahawa ia hanya kerja mudah.

Maka Bhima pun berjalan menuju ke arah utara iaitu arah dari mana angin bertiup. Dapat dihidunya bau harum bunga yang ajaib dan indah itu.

Disebabkan khusyuk menghidu bau harum serta keinginan memenuhi permintaan Draupadi, Bhima langsung terlupa tentang binatang buas yang hidup di hutam tersebut. Mujurlah tiada yang menyerangnya.

Tidak lama kemudian, Bhima tiba di suatu kawasan yang dipenuhi pelbagai tumbuhan di kaki gunung. Dia terus berjalan sambil mencari-cari pokok yang mengeluarkan bunga kesukaan Draupadi.

Lotong tua

Tanpa diduga, Bhima terlanggar sesuatu dan hampir terjatuh. Sambil mengimbangi badannya, dia meneliti apa yang dilanggarnya tadi.

“Ah! Apa bendanya ini?” fikir Bhima apabila terpandang objek yang menghalangnya.

Rupa-rupanya benda yang hampir dilanggar oleh Bhima tadi bukannya tunggul kayu tetapi seekor lotong tua. Ia tersedar daripada tidur akibat dilanggar Bhima sebentar tadi.

Bhima terasa jijik melihat binatang itu. Dia juga marah kerana lotong itu menghalang perjalanannya. Lalu Bhima cuba menakut-nakutkan lotong itu dengan meninggikan suaranya.

“Aduh; kasihanilah aku. Aku hanya seekor lotong tua yang tidak bermaya. Mengapa kau melanggar serta hampir memijak aku? Untuk apa kau menengking? Tidakkah kau kasihan melihat aku?” tanya lotong berkenaan.

Bhima tercabar mendengar kata-kata itu. Pada sangkaannya, lotong tua itu akan terkejut mendengar suaranya dan terus berlari meninggalkan tempat itu. Sebaliknya, ia bertanya soalan pula kepada Bhima.

“Aku adalah Bhima daripada keturunan Kuru. Aku seorang satria. Berani kau bertanya begitu pada aku!” balas Bhima pula sambil mengawal perasaan marah dan rasa terhina.

“Baguslah jika kau seorang satria daripada keturunan Kuru. Tapi mengapa pula kau cuba menakutkan aku? Tidakkah kau kasihan pada lotong tua yang tidak bermaya ini?” Tanya binatang itu lagi.

“Ah, sudah! Aku anak kepada Dewa Angin iaitu Vayu. Suaraku sahaja sudah mampu menggegarkan seluruh dunia. Tapi kau pula berani bertanya soalan kepada aku,” balas Bhima dengan megah. “Kau hanyalah binatang tua yang harus takut pada aku. Kau harus lari apabila aku tengking.”

Lotong tua itu tersenyum sinis. Matanya separuh terpejam. Ia masih terbaring melintang jalan yang sedang dilalui oleh Bhima dalam perjalanan mencari bunga yang diidam oleh Draupadi.

“Nampaknya kau tidak tahu sopan-santun. Mata kau rabun akibat kuasa. Kau terlalu sombong kerana memiliki kekuatan dan kemampuan luar biasa,” jawab lotong berkenaan. “Sepatutnya, kau belajar untuk menghormati semua pihak – termasuk golongan yang tidak bermaya seperti aku.”

“Sudahlah! Aku tidak ada masa untuk mendengar ceramah kau. Sepatutnya aku pijak sahaja kau sebentar tadi supaya kau mati. Tidak mengapa; aku maafkan kau. Nyah kau dari sini sebelum aku mengubah pendirian aku.”

Lotong tua berkenaan menggerak-gerakkan ekornya. Ia cuba menggerakkan badannya tetapi tidak berupaya.

“Aduh! Aku benar-benar tidak bermaya. Mengapa tidak kau cari jalan lain?”

“Apa? Berani kau memberi arahan kepada aku, anak Dewa Angin daripada keturunan Kuru! Kau memang mengundang maut.”

“Bersabarlah. Kau sepatutnya menghormati semua insan. Atau sekurang-kurangnya mengasihani insan tidak bermaya seperti aku. … Apa kata kau alihkan ekor aku ke tepi dan teruskan perjalanan?” Lotong itu mencadangkan.

Cadangan itu benar-benar membuatkan Bhima tercabar. Sambil mengetap bibir, dia menghampiri lotong itu dan memegang ekornya.

“Aku akan baling lotong ini supaya sampai ke Lautan Hindi!” Bhima berfikir.

Bagaimanapun, pemuda itu terkejut kerana dia tidak mampu mengangkat ekor lotong berkenaan. Bhima mencuba lagi tetapi tidak berhasil. Dia cuba mengawal perasaan hairan dan rasa tercabar.

“Binatang apakah ini? Mengapa terlalu sukar untuk mengangkat ekornya?” Bhima tertanya-tanya sendirian.

Walau sekuat mana pun dia mencuba, Bhima masih tidak dapat mengangkat ekor lotong berkenaan. Malah, untuk menggerakkannya pun tidak. Makin dia mencuba, makin sukar dirasakan. Lotong tua itu pula terus terbaring tidak bermaya.

“Siapakah kau, wahai lotong?” tanya Bhima akhirnya setelah menyedari ada sesuatu yang tidak kena pada kuasa luar biasa yang dimiliki binatang itu. “Adakah kau sebenarnya keturunan dewa?”

Kuasa bukan segala-galanya

Mendengar kata-kata Bhima, lotong berkenaan membuka mata dan merenung pemuda berkenaan. Bhima
pula berdiri dengan kepala tertunduk; mengaku kalah.

“Akulah Hanuman.”

Bhima terkejut mendengar kata-kata itu. Terus dia melutut dan menyembah di hadapan lotong berkenaan. Tidak disangkanya binatang yang dihina dan cuba dipermainkannya adalah Hanuman.

“Maafkan aku,” pinta Bhima dengan penuh penyesalan.

“Tidak mengapa. Aku sengaja menghalang perjalanan kau kerana tempat yang kau tuju tidak selamat. Dan aku juga mahu kau sedar bahawa kuasa yang kau miliki bukanlah segala-galanya. Masih ada pihak yang lebih berkuasa.”

Hanuman menghulurkan benih bunga Saugandhika yang dicari oleh Bhima sambil menasihatkan:

“Jangan sangka pihak yang hina dan tidak bermaya boleh diperlakukan sesuka hati. Kalau golongan terhina itu mula menampakkan kuasa sebenar, kau pasti tewas.”

Maka pulanglah Bhima yang perkasa dengan benih di tapak tangan serta pengajaran dalam hati dan minda.

Saya pernah berkongsi kisah ini pada 2003. Kini, lapan tahun kemudian, melihat akan kecelaruan politik negara, ternyata kisah ini wajar diceritakan semula bagi kali yang entah keberapa!

Uthaya Sankar SB adalah presiden Kumpulan Sasterawan Kavyan yang mengendalikan pelbagai aktiviti bahasa, sastera, seni dan budaya dalam usaha memartabatkan Bahasa Malaysia.

Repeal begins

The New Straits Times
by Eileen Ng

First reading to abolish Banishment and Restricted Residence Acts today

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak will table a motion to repeal the Banishment and Restricted Residence Acts for the first reading in Parliament today.

He said the second reading of the same laws would be tabled next Wednesday.

Addressing MCA’s 58th general assembly yesterday, the prime minister and Barisan Nasional chairman said tabling the motion to abolish both acts in the first week of the Dewan Rakyat meeting signified that the government was serious about political reforms.

Present at the function were MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek, his deputy, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai, leaders of other BN component parties and some 1,800 MCA members.

Najib had announced a series of historic reforms, which included repealing the Internal Security Act and replacing it with two new laws specifically to address terrorism and threats to national security, in his Sept 15 Malaysia Day message.

Yesterday, Najib said there ought to be a right kind of balance between human rights, civil liberties, public order and harmony.

“There must be this right balance.

We are going to have this right balance.

We can’t simply arrest or banish people. But if you destroy public order and security, there will still be laws to address this. This is our responsibility as leaders.” He said the government was not against peaceful demonstrations but any street demonstration could carry the risk of getting out of hand, as was evident during the recent London riots.

“It happened in London, supposedly the cradle of modern civil society.

You think it can’t happen in Malaysia? It’s my job, the government’s job, to ensure it does not happen here.” He said the government could provide stadiums and open spaces for those who wanted to show their dissent, where they could talk “until the cows come home”.

“This is the concept of balance. We must have the right balance, if not, the country will be in chaos.

“We are rational, sane. So we must have laws to protect the people,” he said, reiterating his pledge that no one would be arrested because of their political ideologies.

He warned that the full brunt of the law would be brought to bear on those who were out to cause chaos and disrupt public order and secur ity.

“So, if you use violent means to overthrow the government, or set fires to shops or incite racial or religious tension, then yes, that’s against the law.We are committed to Vision 2020, so we cannot afford to have any distractions.” The order paper for the Dewan Rakyat meeting today contains the first tabling of the motion to repeal the two acts.

The Banishment Act 1959 allows for non-citizens to be expelled and detained while the Restricted Residence Act 1933 provides for confinement or exclusion to a restricted area by an administrative order by the home minister and not pursuant to a judicial order by a court of law after a trial.

A person subjected to a restricted residence order under the act would, therefore, not have an opportunity to defend himself in any legal proceedings before the order was made.

PM Arrives In Parliament To Answer Questions

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 3 (Bernama) -- Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak arrived in Parliament for the third meeting of the fourth Dewan Rakyat session which started today.

Najib, as the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance is scheduled to answer four questions today.

Among questions Najib is expected to answer is a question from Datuk Alexander Nanta Linggi (BN-Kapit) who wanted to know the government's strategy and initiatives taken to unite the people.

Also listed is a question by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (PKR-Permatang Pauh) who wants to know why the Election Commission (EC) would not take action within its jurisdiction to rectify weaknesses in the election process as demanded by Bersih 2.0, without having to wait for a Parliament Select Committee's recommendations.

Another question on the list is from Dr Tan Seng Giaw (DAP-Kepong) who has sought clarification from the government as to what steps have been taken by the government to strengthen Malaysia's economic status against the backdrop of a global economic down trend.

Apart from the questions, Najib will table for first reading, the motions to repeal the Restricted Residence Act 1993 and Banishment Act 1959.

The Prime minister had said the move to repeal the acts showed the seriousness of the government to bring about a transformation in the interest of the nation's progress.

"Tomorrow, I myself will table for first reading the motions to repeal the Restricted Residence Act 1993 and Banishment Act 1959, and the second reading will be on Wednesday the following week.

Meanwhile, Minister of Federal Territories and Urban Well-being Datuk Raja Nong Chik Zainal Abidin has informed the Dewan that the Kampung Baru Development Corporation Bill that was scheduled for first reading has been withdrawn but did not give any reasons for the move.

Sri Lankan housemaids in Saudi appeal for help

Muslims in Sri Lanka protesting against alleged torture by Saudi employersThere are numerous reports of abuse and torture of housemaids in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia in particular
"Please, sir... help us to go back to Sri Lanka," one woman after another cries and pleads over the phone from a detention centre in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 

I cannot see these women but I hear them fighting to reach the mobile phone that belongs to the inmate that I am on the phone with.

Thangavelu Sarojini, a young Tamil woman, says she was tortured by her employer.

"I still have wounds and scars in my hands, neck, legs. They beat me, pinched me and burnt me," she says from the Olaya detention camp where hundreds of migrant women from south and southeast Asia are held.

Their crime, they say, was running away from employers to escape physical, sexual or psychological abuse. They are all now classified as illegal immigrants under Saudi law.

"I was not paid for one-and-a-half years, they tried to kill me, then I fled to the embassy," Sarojini tells me.

Hundreds of thousands of Sri Lankan women arrive in the Middle East every year and they are a major foreign revenue earner for the island. But many claim to be ill-treated, tortured, or not paid for the work.
In one notorious case in August 2010, 24 nails were removed from the body of LP Ariyawathie, a 49-year-old Sri Lankan domestic worker in Saudi. Saudi authorities have pledged to investigate her case but there has been no reported progress in the investigation.

'Imprisoned and unpaid'
But it is not only physical abuse that forced these hapless women to flee their employers.

LP Ariyawathie at a hospital in Sri Lanka About 24 nails were removed from LP Ariyawathie's body after arriving in Sri Lanka in August 2010
Kusuma Nandani, a mother-of-two who has not returned to Sri Lanka since 1993, says she was not paid by her employer for at least 15 years.

She says that she suffered stress and depression because her employers did not allow her to keep in touch with her husband, son and daughter in Sri Lanka.

As Kusuma Nandani cannot read or write, she was was only able to write a few letters - and then only with the help of other Sri Lankans.

One day, she was told by the employer that she would not be paid anymore after she forgot to hand over pocket money to the children before dropping them off at school.

From then, she says she was imprisoned by her employers for more than a decade. Rescued by the Sri Lankan embassy officials in Riyadh in 2009 after a tip-off, she has been a detainee at the camp since then.

Her daughter says she is puzzled as to why the Sri Lankan embassy authorities have not been able to send her mother home even though Kusuma was granted an exit visa some time ago.

Start Quote
I have no one in Sri Lanka. My parents are gone, my husband is trying to divorce me, I have only daughter who doesn't know who to approach to get help”
Mala Senananayake A Sri Lankan housemaid in a Saudi detention camp
WG Mala Mangalika is another maid who fled alleged ill-treatment. She says she was told to work without pay for more than a year because her employer paid a Sri Lankan agency nearly 7,000 riyal ($1,866). 

Now she is facing a lawsuit filed by the employer.

"The employer says he has paid to the agency for four years so he would not allow me to go back," says Mala Mangalika.

Detention centre inmates say that although Sri Lankan officials helped when they first arrived at the embassy, they are concerned about the delay in sending them back home.

Apart from those in the camp, hundreds more abused maids are currently staying in an embassy hostel.
Their plight is worsened because they become illegal immigrants as soon as they leave their employers, the legal "sponsor" for their work permits.

A Sri Lankan domestic worker shows her arm which she says was harmed by her employers (photo credit:Dushiyanthini Kanagasabapathipillai/Human Rights Watch) Migrant domestic workers, mainly from South Asia, regularly complain of abuse by employers
Human Rights Watch (HRW) has long been campaigning for more protection for domestic workers in the Middle East and has called for migrant domestic workers to be included into local labour laws so that they are better protected.

Reform needed "My legs are still swollen and blackened after I fell from upstairs," Mala Senananayake weeps as she grabs the phone from others in the queue in Olaya camp, in Saudi Arabia.

"I have no one in Sri Lanka. My parents are gone, my husband is trying to divorce me, I have only daughter who doesn't know who to approach to get help."
"Please sir, please help me to go back to Sri Lanka," she repeatedly begs me.

The labour officer at the Sri Lankan embassy in Riyadh told the BBC that the files of the detainees at Olaya camp have been transferred to the Sri Lanka Foreign Employment Bureau (SLFEB) in Colombo.
But SLFEB head Kingsley Ranawaka did not answer repeated telephone calls to get a response.

In an open letter to the governments of Saudi Arabia, Indonesia and Sri Lanka, HRW urged them to "ensure a timely and comprehensive response" to alleged abuse and implement "systemic reforms to prevent such abuses in future".

It has urged Saudi Arabia to "prosecute alleged perpetrators, allow victims to return to their home countries before the trial and seek both criminal penalties and financial compensation".

It also wants the cancellation of the Kafala system that requires the consent of the employer to repatriate migrant workers.

The BBC has had no response from the media office of the embassy of Saudi Arabia in London.

MCA chief calls on Tee Keat to resign

Dr M: Early polls could break Umno

Dr Mahathir continues to counsel Umno and BN against heading to the ballot prematurely. — File pic

JITRA, Oct 2 — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said today factionalism and internal sabotage continues to plague the ruling coalition’s lynchpin, Umno, and warned that having national polls too soon may cost the party dearly.

This is the second time in recent months the former prime minister of 22 years has advised Barisan Nasional (BN) to hold off holding an early general election — previously predicted to take place during the November school holidays — by saying the time was not ripe.

The country’s fourth PM told reporters in Kota Kinabalu on May 7 the government has plenty of time to carry out its plans and choose suitable candidates to field for the 13th general election, adding it could stretch this until 2012.

The current mandate expires only in 2013 but political parties have been in election mode since the Sarawak state poll last April.

“If the general election is held now, Umno may lose big because the support and spirit has faded,” Dr Mahathir was reported as saying today by Bernama Online.

“Umno still has factions and the split is still critical. If there is awareness, a sense of gratitude and unity, BN can win,” the state news agency quoted him further.

Still-influential at 86, the politician urged his Umno colleagues to return to the party’s original fight to protect religion, race and country by casting aside self-interest to win the general election.

He advised Umno members to overcome their disappointment at not being picked for the general election, saying they still stood to gain in other ways.

BN lost its customary two-thirds parliamentary majority and four states, including wealthy Selangor and Penang, in Election 2008.

The result was blamed on splits within the dominant Malay-Muslim community over a perceived erosion of their rights to largesse, and widespread unhappiness from the ethnic Chinese and Indian groups over nearly half a century of racially-biased economic policies.

Datuk Seri Najib Razak, who took over as the country’s sixth prime minister from Dr Mahathir’s anointed successor, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, has been pushing for economic, governmental and political reforms since taking office in April 2009.

However, the 58-year-old Umno president and BN chief has been forced to delay, if not call off, some of his ideas due to resistance from within his party and earned a reputation for backtracking on decisions.

A harsh police clampdown on electoral reforms movement Bersih 2.0 ahead of and during its July 9 rally has also tarnished Najib’s image as a moderate Muslim leader in the eyes of global media.

Najib has been working hard to rebuild his public image and hired foreign experts in a bid to win back eroding public support.

MCA bukan lagi pilihan orang Cina

“Mereka kata pemimpin DAP Pulau Pinang lebih bagus dari menteri MCA,” katanya.

KUALA LUMPUR: Ramai perwakilan MCA tidak yakin MCA akan menang besar dalam pilihan raya umuk akan datang.

Mereka mendakwa MCA bukan lagi parti tunggal kaum Cina kerana DAP lebih menonjol dan lebih ke depan dalam isu masyarakat Cina.

Weng Suen Tan berkata, dalam banyak perkara DAP lebih ikhlas membantu masyarakat bawahan orang Cina yang miskin dan tinggal di kampung.

“Kita tengok masyarakat Cina Pulau Pinang gembira dengan kerajaan negeri DAP Pulau Pinang.

“Mereka kata pemimpin DAP Pulau Pinang lebih bagus dari menteri MCA,” katanya.

Perwakilan Melaka, Kian Peng berkata, ramai pengundi Cina hilang keyakinan kepada MCA.

Katanya, MCA belum dapat menunjukkan parti itu benar-benar berjiwa rakyat.

“MCA selalu mengungkitkan mereka hanya mereka parti orang Cina yang terbaik.

“Tapi rakyat tidak suka dengan ungkapan seperti ini.

“Tidak semua orang Cina menyokong MCA kerana MCA juga berpecah. Ramai yang tidak boleh menerima kepimpinan Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek,” katanya.

Karpal will speak for Mano to set aside suspension

GEORGE TOWN: M Manoharan will get a big helping from none other than his mentor Karpal Singh when his appeal against his six-month suspension is heard during next Friday party central executive committee meeting.

“I will speak for him to set aside the suspension.
“He may have committed a serious mistake.

“But he has been a loyal party member,” said Karpal on Kota Alam Shah assemblyman Manoharan.

Manoharan has worked for 15 years as legal assistant for the DAP national chairman.

Karpal recalled that Manoharan and his family have suffered a lot when the assemblyman was detained under the draconian Internal Security Act in 2007 for his involvement with civil rights movement Hindraf.

Manoharan indeed won Kota Alam Shah in Selangor in last general election while he was still in Kamunting detention centre.

Karpal said Manoharan was in a way influential factor in wooing the Indian votes to DAP in 2008 election.

“We shall not forget about his contributions and sacrifices for the party,” he said.

On Sept 16, Manoharan posted on his Facebook account that the Jalur Gemilang should be modified as its current design resembled that of the Barisan Nasional flag.

He said it did not reflect Malaysia and went on to say that he had distributed the DAP flags instead of the national flag on Malaysia Day as he did not have the “heart” to wave the national flag.

He was suspended by the DAP disciplinary committee for six months over his statement, although he had apologised and retract it.

DAP disciplinary head Tan Kok Wai said Manoharan’s comments were unbecoming of an elected representative from the party.

Manoharan has appealed to overturn the decision.

Don’t blame political rivalry 

Critics have said that rival internal forces were behind Manoharan’s instant suspension to deny him candidature in the next election.

But Karpal believes political rivalry was not the cause.

“The party would not be influenced by it.
“Manoharan’s appeal will be given fair and just consideration,” he assured.

On Lim Guan Eng’s Johor controversy, Karpal said the DAP secretary-general was not subjected to any internal disciplinary action because there had been no evidence yet to prove he had uttered such disparaging remarks.

He said Penang Chief Minister Lim had stated that he was still looking for evidence to prove that he had condemned Johor as a crime prone state.

Karpal denied the party was practising double standards in dishing out punishment on members’ misconduct.

He insisted that even top party leaders, including Lim, would be subjected to disciplinary action if he was found guilty of any wrongdoings.

Last night Lim told PAS 60th anniversary forum that he apologised to the Sultan of Johor because he did not want he or his party to be seen as against the ruler and people.

But he neither confirmed nor denied that he had condemned Johor during a private luncheon organised by the Foreign Correspondents Association of Singapore on Aug 12.

He said he would sue media groups responsible in creating the fiasco, as he has already sent legal notice against Bernama pertaining to it.

Oh yeah?

If God exists within time, which is His creation, then this means He is subjected to His creation, which is time. If God is not subjected to His creation, which is time, then God certainly has to exist outside time. That means time does not exist for God. It only exists for us. That is why we live and we die. We have a beginning and we have an end. There is no beginning and no end for God. God does not die.
Raja Petra Kamarudin

written by Somali, October 02, 2011 09:46:26
You writing with full prejudice of Hudud Law and I wonder if you're a real Muslim who lack of knowledge of that kind of law. I'm not a PAS follower but to be frank Hudud Law is a God Law and you have responsibility to understand the law even though you're not practising them. Innalililah to Zainah & RPK

written by apai70, October 02, 2011 10:13:07
Astaghfirullah, If your are a true Muslim I believe u should repent coz what u have written indicates your ignorance. Masyaallah.

written by Burhan Deen, October 02, 2011 12:26:25
You have reserved your ticket to hell, who do you think you are. You claim to be a Muslim but you are munafik of the worst degree

The three comments above appeared below the article ‘No hudud please, we’re Malaysians’, which was written by Zainah Anwar and published in The Star. I picked them up to talk about them today because, first of all, one of the comments also mentioned me and, secondly, because they appear to be comments by people ‘knowledgeable’ about theism and about what God wants.
Okay, so let’s talk about theism then!
God is eternal. God is omnipotent. God is omniscient. The theists (which would include Muslims) believe that these are but just some of the attributes of God.
This means God has no beginning and no end. God is not controlled by His power, but has complete control over it. God knows all things, which can be known, past, present, and future.
These are amongst the many attributes of God, which all theists whether they are Jews, Christians or Muslims agree on (who says that the Jews, Christians and Muslims can’t come to an agreement?).
Theists also believe that in the beginning God created the entire universe, with us humans in it. And theists believe that all this will come to an end one day -- the end of time or akhirat (akhir meaning the end).
Going by this belief, that means God also created time. Time exists because God created the beginning and the end. If there were no beginning and no end then time would not exist.
Now, God is not subjected to His creations. In fact, the reverse is true. His creations are subject to God. God has absolute power and control over His creations. And this would, of course, mean time as well.
Going by this belief it would make sense since God is eternal. There is a beginning and an end for the entire universe. But there is no beginning and no end for God. We live and we die. God does not live and die. God is eternal.
Okay, so if God is eternal and there is no beginning and no end for God, and if God is not subjected to His creation, in this case time, where does God exist then? Does God exist within or outside time?
If God exists within time, which is His creation, then this means He is subjected to His creation, which is time. If God is not subjected to His creation, which is time, then God certainly has to exist outside time. That means time does not exist for God. It only exists for us. That is why we live and we die. We have a beginning and we have an end. There is no beginning and no end for God. God does not die. God is eternal.
In that case, since time does not really exist, where do we humans exist then? We existed in the past (yesterday). We exist in the present (today). And we may exist in the future if we do not die tonight (tomorrow). But God did not exist yesterday (because there is no time for God). God will not exist tomorrow (for the same reason). God only exists today (ever present).
This means that yesterday and tomorrow do not exist. What exists is only today. In fact, even today does not exist because today would be 24 hours and 24 hours is also time. So even today does not exist. What does exist is just one single point in time.
If there is no such thing as time but we feel we are living in time (we have a beginning and we have an end) that means what we feel is merely an illusion. Time does not exist so therefore we also do not exist in time. We exist in just one point in time, not throughout time.
Can Somali, apai70 and Burhan Deen, the all-knowing who know exactly what God wants, then please explain our existence? We think we exist in time but time does not exist. We think we were born some time in the past and will die some time in the future and will travel through time from beginning to end but there is no past and no future. So, if time does not exist, then please explain where we are now.
Once Somali, apai70 and Burhan Deen explain this to us we can then go on to the next level, discuss what God wants.
Over to you Somali, apai70 and Burhan Deen.

Kenyataan DSAI Membidas Pembantaian Orang Utan di Kalimantan

Adalah difahamkan keberadaan orang utan di Kalimantan Timur diancam perusahaan kelapa sawit. Menurut beberapa sumber antaranya dari organisasi seumpama Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam dan Centre for Orang Utan Protection, puluhan bukti orang utan ditemui mati sekitar kawasan yang diusahakan PT Khaleeda, usahasama Metro Kajang Holdings Berhad (Malaysia) dan PT Anugerah Urea Sakti.

Menurut organisasi- organisasi tersebut sungguhpun terdapat bukti yang meyakinkan kebanyakan orang utan itu dibunuh secara terancang, berkemungkinannya oleh perusahaan-perusahaan kelapa sawit, pihak berkuasa di kawasan berkenaan masih belum berjaya menahan mana-mana individu atau menetapkan pihak yang bersalah. Ini menyebabkan spesis orang utan di sekitar kawasan tersebut masih terdedah kepada bahaya kepunahan akibat dari ketamakan pihak-pihak tertentu.

Saya tuntas mengecam perbuatan yang tidak bertanggungjawab membunuh spesis orang utan itu dan ianya mestilah dihentikan segera. Perbuatan jelik itu sekiranya benar ternyata mencalar nama baik pembangunan yang sebenarnya berniat membantu penduduk serta kawasan sekitar. Saya juga berharap pihak yang terbukti bersalah agar segera dihadapkan ke muka pengadilan manakala Kerajaan Malaysia perlulah mengambil tindakan segera serta menuntut penjelasan jika benar ada syarikat dari Malaysia terlibat membunuh orang utan.


A vote for Najib is a vote for… — Tan Teck Huat

OCT 2 — ... Utusan Malaysia, The Star, News Sraits Times and other propaganda papers.

Today I made the colossal mistake of reading that MCA-owned ragsheet, The Star.

Under the pretence of caring about the future of Malaysia, they went on and on about hudud laws, trying to frighten Malaysians about PAS and Pakatan Rakyat.

But there was nothing in the paper about the theft of native land in Sarawak, about corruption in the country and abuse of power by Barisan Nasional politicians, including those from the MCA.

It is the same with Utusan Malaysia.

First they accused Lim Guan Eng of defaming Johor in an interview with a radio station in Australia.

When he showed them the transcript of the interview, they accused him of disparaging Johor during a talk in Singapore.

Lim apologised but Utusan and the slavish mainstream media never said sorry for going on a witch-hunt against him and getting it wrong about the interview in Australia.

And Utusan has the cheek to question the credibility of the DAP politician.

This, from a newsletter that has long forgotten the difference between facts and fiction.

The Star and NST are not too far behind.

The thing is this: These publications exist to further the interests of the political parties that own them.

They have no intention of making Malaysia a better country.

Their raison d’être is for their political masters to remain in power so that they can also milk the gravy train.


I find it amusing that there is a debate ensuing on whether MCA is relevant.

I think MCA, Gerakan and MIC are the equivalent of fixers or middlemen.

By themselves, they are powerless. But they make a living by leveraging on their connections to get things done.

So on his own, Dr Chua Soi Lek is just another Chinese politician.

He is sometimes useful when Nazri Aziz or Hishammuddin Hussein give him the time of day.

He and his party are not respected by Umno or the civil service.

If they disappear from the landscape, my life and yours will not be affected very much.

Truth be told, even in 2004, they did well in the polls only because there was such a strong feel good factor about Abdullah Badawi.

The only people who will be sad to see the back of MCA are the MCA office bearers and the people at The Star.

‘Register voters automatically at 21’

The Star

SUBANG JAYA: Malaysians who turn 21 should be automatically registered as voters, said former Election Commission (EC) chairman Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman.

He said this would solve the issue of inadequate number of voters at the ballot.

“There are 16 million eligible Malaysians but only 12.5 million are registered as voters. Even with that figure, only 80% turned out on election day to vote,” he said.

Abdul Rashid, who had overseen six general elections and state elections, agreed that the automatic registration exercise would not be easy to implement.

“There are registered voters who had moved elsewhere and did not bother to change their addresses,” he said, adding that the EC cannot change the voters' address without consent.

On the Malaysian election system, Abdul Rashid said it was fair contrary to what the detractors say.

“I would say that our elections are free and fair, as far as our laws are concerned,” he said at a forum titled “MPs in Conversation: Parliamentary Elections & Funding” at Sunway University here on Thursday.

The other speakers were Rasah MP and DAP Socialist Youth national chief Anthony Loke, and Professor Dr Edmund Terence Gomez from the faculty of economics and administration of Universiti Malaya.

Ayuh bersama Md Sabu 6 Oktober di Rembau

parti keadilan rakyat rembau memandang serius politik ganas yang dimainkan oleh Umno. Dalam isu serangan dan fitnah terhadap Hj Mohammad Sabu, Timbalan Presiden PAS, sudahlah beliau diserang menggunakan media arus perdana dan penyelewengan laporan oleh Utusan Malaysia sehingga memaksa beliau melakukan saman ke atas Utusan Malaysia, tidak cukup dengan itu Umno menyerang beliau secara fizikal juga.

Bermula dengan ugutan untuk yang dihantar kepada anak beliau, membawa kepada kejadian membaling bom botol ke rumahnya hinggalah seraangan ala gangster oleh Umno ke lokasi ceramah beliau di Seremban baru ini menyebabkan sekurang - kurangnya dua orang cedera dibaling batu oleh penyerang yang datang dengan lebih 100 orang.

Ini sememang taktik jahat mereka. Untuk rekod, sebelum ini rumah che'GuBard juga sebelum ini pernah dibaling dengan bom petrol selepas beliau melancarkan buku Disebalik Mesteri Pembunuhan Altantuya di Indonesia dalam satu majlis diskusi di universiti tempatan disana. Dan sehingga kini tiada tangkapan dilakukan.

Di atas ialah antara gambar yang dirakam di malam serangan gangster lebih 100 orang yang mengganas di malam ceramah Hj Mohammad Sabu di Seremban baru - baru ini. Dengan jelas dari gambar tersebut wajah-wajah Pemuda Umno dikenal pasti.

Antara yang dikenal pasti ialah Along MT yang dikenal pasti melalui laman Facebook beliau klik sini
dan seorang lagi ialah Arafat yang juga dikenal pasti melalui laman Facebook beliau klik sini. Mereka ini dikenal pasti pimpinan pemuda Umno kerana pernah muncul membuat laporan polis atas nama pemuda Umno.

Mujur malam tersebut para hadirin yang diserang dapat dikawal dari bertindak balas. Lihat klip youtube di malam kejadian klik sini.
Apa pun bagus tindakan pemuda Umno ini ia menunjukkan sikap sebenar mereka dan menambah kebencian orang ramai terhadap mereka. Sikap politik Samseng ini makin melampau bila Perkasa NS dengan angkuh memberi amaran agar Hj Mohammad Sabu tidak masuk ke bumi N.Sembilan.

Parti Keadilan Rakyat Rembau memandang serius permbangan politik ganas yang amat membayahakan ini. Polis digesa bertindak secara profesional.

Dalam perkembangan lanjutan , Parti Keadilan rakyat Rembau berkerjasama dengan PAS Rembau akan mengadakan Ceramah Perdana Isu Semasa yang akan menampilkan Hj Mohammad Sabu, YB Taufek, che'GuBard, Dr. Rosli Yaakop dan Ust Norazman. Ceramah ini bertujuan memberi penerangan isu semasa yang dimana media perdana sedang mengelirukan rakyat.

Seluruh rakyat dijemput untuk hadir bersama dalam Majlis yang akan diadakan pada 6 Oktober 2011, jam 9.00 malam di Kg. Bintongan Rembau. (Sebarang pertanyaan sila hubungi 0123696474)

Kami percaya dan yakin dengan persiapan keselamatan dan sokongan kecekapan PDRM khususnya IPD Rembau sebarang kejadian tidak diingini akan dielakkan. Kami masih percaya Umno Rembau dibawah pimpinan Menteri Besar Negeri Sembilan masih berfikiran waras tidak seperti Umno Seremban yang bertindak diluar ketamadunan norma politik nilai.

Baik Umno atau mana - mana organisasi mewakili Umno seperti Perkasa dijemput untuk hadir dan duduk dengan baik dalam majlis ini. Jika ada perlu sebarang dialog atau pertanyaan untuk penjelasan ia boleh dilakukan dengan lebih bijaksana.

Kenyataan Media ;
Norazizi A.Aziz
PKR Rembau
1 Oktober 2011