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Monday 19 December 2011

Half-naked drunk girl leads police to booze party

Followed the swaying girl to a beachside chalet in Jeddah

A girl taking part in an illegal booze night with other women and men in Saudi Arabia nipped out of the beach chalet for a walk to get some fresh air, not realising the grave mistake she had just done.

Members of the Gulf kingdom’s feared religious police watched the drunk girl as she swayed half-naked along the beach in the western Red Sea port of Jeddah.

“They suspiciously followed as she headed back for her chalet without realising she had led them to a vice hideout,” Sabq newspaper said.

“When she was in, they came to the chalet and knocked at the door…when it was opened, they found three women and four men who were all drunk…they also found several bottles of alcohol, some drugs and sexual tools.”

The paper did not identify the seven but said they were all arrested by members of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.

Who is behind the Seremban Jaya vice dens?

Seremban OCPD Saiful Azly Kamaruddin says the police cannot divulge details as it may affect their operations.

PETALING JAYA: The police refused to reveal details on whether the illegal gaming outlets and brothels in Seremban Jaya were being run by organised crime syndicates.

“I have to be silent on this as it may tamper with our operations,” said Seremban district police chief ACP Saiful Azly Kamaruddin.

However, Saiful assured the public that the police are doing their best to check on the illegal outlets by conducting regular raids on the premises, with the help of the Seremban Municipal Council and Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB).

“TNB helps us by disconnecting power supply to these outlets,” he told FMT.

Last week, several residents from Seremban Jaya complained that the soaring numbers of illegal gaming outlets and brothels in the area were causing serious social problems.

Alleging that the vice dens were run by crime syndicates, they said the outlets seemed to be well organised as the premises are guarded by thugs and only allow selected customers in, after being screened using CCTV.

Despite regular police raids, the residents said that the vice dens continue its operations, sometimes the very next day after police operation.

On the residents’ claims, Saiful urged the public to alert the authorities when the illegal outlets resume its operations following a raid.

“Though we are aware of its existence but we need the public’s help by reporting such matter to us. Let us know and we will take action against them,” said Saiful.

‘Palani quitting MIED a pre-arranged drama’

Samy Vellu had prior knowledge of MIC chief's intention after the former had made it known that he would not relinquish his grip on MIED, claims a branch leader.

KUALA LUMPUR: MIC president G Palanivel’s resignation as a board member of Maju Institute for Education Development (MIED) last month was a pre-arranged drama, charged a branch leader.

V Thiagarajen, the Taman Mujur MIC branch chairman, said Palanivel’s intention to not seek re-election was known to MIED chairman S Samy Vellu.

Thiagarajen, better known as VT Rajen, said Palanivel made the decision after Samy Vellu, his former mentor, had made it known to the MIC chief that he would not vacate the post.

“Palanivel has been keen on the MIED chairman’s post since he took over the party in December 2010. But he now knows Samy Vellu’s iron grip on MIED would be hard to dislodge,” he said.

“Judiciously, Palanivel resigned, perhaps to avoid the embarrassment of not being able to secure the position of MIED chief.”

It is also an open secret that Samy Vellu had lobbied to be retained as MIED chairman prior to its annual general meeting about a month ago.

The MIED board of trustees are T Marimuthu, G Vadiveloo, S Veerasingam, Dr S Subramaniam, M Saravanan, T Rajagopalu and KS Balakrishnan.

Palanivel and Nijhar were also on the board before they tendered their resignation. Apart from these MIC leaders, MIED is also made up of members most of whom are in the party’s central working committee (CWC).

‘Time to reshuffle MIED via a referendum’

Most of the party’s CWC members are aligned to Samy Vellu as they were elected during his long 30-year tenure as party supremo.

To replace the chairman, Palanivel needed to obtain approval of 75 percent of them at the annual general meeting (AGM). This would have been an impossible task for the MIC chief as Samy Vellu still commands considerable support from MIED members and trustees alike.

The MIED is the party’s cash cow with assests amounting to nearly RM1 billion. It administers, among others, the Tafe College in Seremban, Negri Sembilan, and the Asian Institute of Medicine, Science and Technology in Semeling, Kedah.

It also provides loans for education purposes for needy Indian students via a revolving grant provided for by the government.

Rajen claimed that the time has come to reshuffle MIED set-up after Samy Vellu had strengthened his position by appointing new members who are beholden to him.

“MIC members should call for a referendum to decide who should hold the MIED chairman’s post,” said VT Rajen.

MIED, the MIC’s educational arm, was formed in 1984.

It held its 24th AGM on Nov 14 at the Dynasty Hotel where Palanivel and veteran party leader KS Nijhar resigned as board members.

Both claimed that they are saddled with too many responsibilities to handle.

Palanivel is also a Minister in the Prime Minister Department minister while Nijhar is chair of a public-private sector initiative, overseeing a matriculation centre.

When contacted today, Nijhar, however, denied rumours that he and Palanivel had left MIED due to Samy Vellu’s reluctance to step down.

“The rumours are not true but there is no question that I am Palanivel’s man,” he said.

‘Dr M, pusing belakang, Alif-Lam-Lam-Ha!’

Kalaulah betul dengan bersumpah mampu memberikan keadilan kepada manusia maka penjara di Malaysia akan menjadi hampir kosong.

Kadang-kala isu semasa hari ini ada yang menyebabkan saya terkenang-kenang memori silam semasa saya masih lagi di alam budak- budak kampung dahulu.

Ketika di zaman kanak-kanak dahulu, musim cuti sekolah memang masa paling menyeronokan, asal celik sahaja mata, dalam kepala terus teringat ingin bertemu rakan-rakan untuk bermain.

Sehinggakan kadang-kala akibat terlalu seronok bermain, emak kami pula terpaksa menuruti kami gara-gara terlajak bermain dan tidak menghiraukan untuk pulang di waktu makan tengahari.

Bagi mengelakkan dimarahi oleh emak dan didenda tidak dibenarkan keluar pada sebelah petangnya, maka pelbagailah alasan ‘separuh benar’ (alasan benar tetapi ditambah sesedap rasa) diberikan.

Bagaimanapun kadang-kala emak tidaklah mudah terus percaya bulat-bulat alasan-alasan separuh benar yang saya berikan itu.

Meskipun lazimnya kanak-kanak dikatakan tidak akan menipu tetapi bagi saya, perumpamaan ini bolehlah dianggap hanya separuh tepat kerana terdapat juga kanak-kanak yang menipu, terutama kanak-kanak di zaman edan ini.

Bagi saya, lebih tepat dengan andaian bahawa kanak-kanak tidaklah pandai menipu kerana penipuan mereka lebih mudah dikesan berbanding penipuan orang dewasa atau orang tua-tua.

Mengesan penipuan di alam kanak-kanak

Ketika saya masih di alam budak-budak kampung dahulu, ada dua kaedah yang sering saya dan rakan sepermainan gunakan di kalangan kami untuk mengesan adakah sesuatu tuduhan atau penafian yang dibuat seseorang itu satu penipuan atau sebaliknya.

Saya percaya tentu ada diantara para pembaca Melayu yang di zaman kanak-kanaknya juga menggunakan kaedah-kaedah yang sama seperti kami di kampung saya waktu itu.

Kaedah pertama, apabila timbul rasa ragu akan sesuatu kenyataan, si pendakwa atau tertuduh yang mahu menafikan sesuatu itu disuruh berpusing dan di belakangnya kami akan menulis ‘Alif-Lam-Lam-Ha’ dengan menggunakan jari sambil menyebut satu persatu abjad jawi tersebut.

Sekiranya tertuduh atau pihak yang mendakwa merelakan belakangnya ditulis dengan kalimah tersebut, maka kami percaya bahawa dia tidaklah menipu dan begitulah sebaliknya.

Kaedah kedua, kami akan menyuruhnya bersumpah, tetapi tidaklah sehingga bersumpah laknat dengan menjunjung Al-Quran di Masjid, cuma cukuplah dengan mengangkat tangan dan berkata “sumpah!”

Sama juga seperti kaedah pertama tadi, sekiranya si tertuduh gagal bersumpah maka kami akan menganggap beliau tidak bercakap benar.

Lazimnya kedua-dua kaedah itu berkesan buat kami budak-budak kampung yang begitu takut termakan sumpah khususnya kalau sumpahan itu ‘menjadi’ semasa hendak dikhatankan oleh Tok Mudim.

Yalah, budak-budak jantan mana yang tidak takut sekiranya Tok Mudim itu nanti secara tidak sengaja terkurang potong atau lebih mengerikan lagi kalau terlebih potong!

Bagaimanapun, itu cuma kisah saya semasa masih di alam budak-budak kampung dahulu yang banyak membuatkan saya tersenyum sendiri dan sudah tentulah berbeza dengan keadaan sekarang di mana kenangan itu sudah jauh ditinggalkan.

Berbanding ketika zaman saya masih kanak-kanak dahulu, adakah kaedah yang hampir serupa dipraktikkan terhadap orang tua-tua di zaman milenium yang serba menipu ini?

Kalau saya dizaman kanak-kanak dahulu memadai dengan menulis ’Alif-Lam-Lam-Ha’ atau bersumpah untuk membuktikan kebenaran, adakah pada hari ini juga dengan hanya bersumpah akan dapat membuktikan kebenaran.

Keadilan tidak ditegakkan dengan bersumpah

Kalaulah betul dengan bersumpah mampu memberikan keadilan kepada semua manusia maka saya percaya penjara-penjara di Malaysia akan menjadi hampir kosong kerana tentu ramai pesalah yang sanggup bersumpah untuk mengelakkan dipenjara.

Apatah lagi bagi pesalah yang melibatkan kes pembunuhan atau pun mengedar dadah yang boleh dikenakan hukuman mati, lagilah saya amat pasti, ramai pesalah yang sanggup melakukan sumpah bagi mengelakkan riwayat berakhir di tali gantung.

Malah saya pasti, dengan cara itu akan menjadikan jumlah pesalah yang dihukum gantung sampai mati di negara ini adalah sifar.

Ketika itu juga, di atas kertas, indeks jenayah dalam program NKRA yang dilaungkan oleh Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak juga akan menunjukkan statistik penurunan menjunam kadar jenayah sebab hampir tiada sesiapa yang didapati bersalah melakukan

jenayah setelah rata-rata para penjenayah berani bersumpah tidak pernah melakukan jenayah.

Bagaimanapun, berbeza dari statistik di atas kertas yang menunjukkan hampir tiada kejadian jenayah berat di negara ini, keadaan sebenarnya tentulah amat berbeza kerana para penjenayah tidak lagi perlu berasa takut-takut sekiranya tertangkap ketika melakukan jenayah.

Pada zaman edan ini, dengan bersumpah untuk membuktikan sesuatu kebenaran, sudah tidak boleh dianggap laku lagi kerana ianya cuma laku ketika saya dan rakan sepermainan masih di zaman budak-budak kampung dahulu.

Tidak kiralah samada sumpah itu di buat di Masjid Amru al-As di Bandar Baru Sentul oleh tiga saudagar kaya atau sumpah si pembancuh kopi majikan di Masjid Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur dan lebih-lebih lagi sumpah manusia berdarah bangsawan di Masjid Seberang Jaya di Permatang Pauh paling tidak terpakai.

Bagaimanapun, tiba-tiba hari ini, timbul pula seorang lagi manusia yang juga tidak mahu ketinggalan untuk menyertai KSM (Kelab Sesumpah Malaysia) dengan melakukan sumpah laknat.

Tidak cukup dengan itu, manusia itu turut ‘mempelawa’ seorang lagi rakan lamanya untuk turut bersamanya mendaftarkan diri sebagai ahli KSM itu.

Bagaimanapun ‘pelawaan’ beliau itu tidaklah sesukar mana untuk dibaca kerana tentulah beliau sudah menjangkakan bahawa rakan lamanya itu pasti menolak ‘pelawaan’ melakukan sumpah laknat.

Jadi selepas itu, manusia itu sudah mula berkira-kira, mudahlah untuknya menghentam kembali rakan lamanya dengan dakwaan menipu disebabkan adanya ‘bukti paling kukuh’ iaitu keengganan rakan lamanya untuk bersumpah laknat!

Mujurlah isu sumpah menyumpah yang berlaku hari ini berlaku pada zaman yang bukan lagi sama dengan zaman saya masih budak- budak kampung dahulu.

Kalaulah isu ini terjadi pada waktu seperti mana saya di zaman budak-budak dahulu, nescaya saya akan usahakan untuk bertemu manusia itu dan kemudian saya akan berkata, “Tun M, sila pusing belakang, ‘Alif-Lam-Lam-Ha.”

*Penulis adalah seorang penulis/wartawan bebas. Selain di FMT artikel lain beliau boleh dicapai di

Death in custody – K Letchumanan (Raub police station lock-up; 18 Dec 2007)

Four years ago, on 18 Dec 2007, 30-year old palm oil worker K Letchumanan reportedly died in police custody at the Raub police station, four days after he had been arrested.

According to a news report, police contended that the father of six children hanged himself with a blanket in his cell.  K Letchumanan’s family members claimed the police did not inform them of his arrest and only informed them about his death.  His sister, Sarasvathy Thevi, lodged a police report and requested the state police chief to investigate this matter.

Despite the requirement that all custodial deaths be investigated by inquiries conducted pursuant to Chapter XXXII of the Criminal Procedure Code, it does not appear that an inquest has been conducted into K Letchumanan’s death.

Every death in custody must be thoroughly and impartially investigated.  K Letchumanan’s death must not be relegated to a mere statistic.

Based on the statistics disclosed by the Ministry of Home Affairs, 156 persons died in police custody from the year 2000 until February 2011.

We express our heartfelt condolences to K Letchumanan’s family and friends on the anniversary of his death.

India temple elephants sent on rejuvenating holiday

Decorated elephants walk during a procession for the Jaal Yatra in Ahmedabad. A southern Indian state on December 14, 2011 ordered a vacation for elephants employed by temples as part of an official programme to ‘rejuvenate’ the weary creatures, officials said. – AFP pic
CHENNAI, Dec 18 – A southern Indian state on Wednesday ordered a vacation for elephants employed by temples as part of an official programme to “rejuvenate” the weary creatures, officials said.

State foresters herded 45 domestic pachyderms from Hindu shrines and hermitages in Tamil Nadu to the coastal state’s Mudumalai forests for a 48-day break to help them regain lost vigour, they said.

“The elephants were brought in two batches in trucks from various temples and mutts (hermitages) across the state,” said senior forest department official Ameer Haja.

They will eat a special diet of sugarcane, coconuts and banana laced with herbal medication and vitamins during their stay at the rejuvenation camp, Haja added.

Elephants form a traditional part of Hindu rituals in temples, where they bless pilgrims and devotees with their raised trunks. They are also trained to perform other physical duties at the shrines. – AFP

Set Free: Woman kept in chains by husband rescued

SUKKUR:  The police raided a house in Larkana on Thursday night and rescued a woman who was frequently kept in chains by her husband.
Mai Hakim Zadi filed an application to a circuit bench of the Sindh High Court in Larkana on Thursday morning. It stated that her son-in-law, Nisar Chandio, was torturing her daughter, Razia. The judge ordered law enforcers to raid Chandio’s house in Gharib Abad Muhalla, which is situated within the jurisdiction of the Waleed police station. SHO Izhar Lahori led a team from the women police and rescued Razia, who was not chained at the time of the raid. Mai Hakim Zadi also registered a case against Chandio, after which he was arrested.

Perkasa ‘suppresses’ ethnic minorities, says MIC

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 18 – MIC today accused Perkasa of “doing its worst” to suppress ethnic minorities in response to Perkasa’s accusations that the Barisan Nasional (BN) party was responsible for scrapping the controversial novel Interlok from the school syllabus.

The Malay rights group had yesterday predicted that Malay voters would reject MIC’s candidates in the coming polls, with secretary-general Syed Hassan Syed Ali saying the decision showed Putrajaya’s “weakness and failure to not succumb to pressure by minorities.”

He also claimed this was a part of MIC’s elaborate plan to woo Indian voters.

“In Malaysia, the BN government is doing its best to take care of the minorities but Perkasa is doing its worst to suppress the minorities like Indians, Eurasians, Kadazans, Dayaks, Orang Aslis and all the other mini-minorities.

“Perkasa is obviously living in the dinosaur age... they should send their office bearers overseas to see how even the once backward politicians have now recognised the need to protect the minorities so that they are not bullied by senseless politicians from amongst the majority,” MIC leader Datuk R Ramanan said in a statement today.

Ramanan, who is MIC deputy social and welfare bureau chairman charged that Perkasa’s viewpoint on the matter was illogical, saying that in a democractic system, the majority race is always protected.

“It is the minorities who need protection.

“Thank God in this country we have Leaders like (Datuk Seri) Najib (Razak) who cares for the rakyat.”

The government has decided to withdraw Interlok from the Form Five syllabus when the new school year starts, with MIC president Datuk G. Palanivel saying yesterday that the Cabinet had reached the decision last week.

The novel by national laureate Datuk Abdullah Hussain is part of the literature requirement in the Bahasa Malaysia syllabus for Form Five students. It was published in 1971 and is set in Penang at the turn of the 20th century during the colonisation of Malaya by the British.

Recent controversy over the novel’s use of words deemed racially sensitive and derogatory had led to the Education Ministry sanctioning amendments to its content for the current school year while it awaited a formal decision by the Cabinet.

Human Resource Minister Datuk Seri Dr. S. Subramaniam, meanwhile, told Bernama Online that Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, who is also education minister, is expected to make a formal announcement in the next few days.

Sandiwara Tun Mahathir terbongkar

Selama ini, Mahathir menyalahkan Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim kononnya beliau adalah alat kepada Bank Dunia dan Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa (IMF).

PETALING JAYA: Sandiwara mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berhubung pinjaman dari Bank Dunia pada sekitar tahun 1999 sudah terbongkar walaupun selama ini beliau menafikannya.

Selama ini, Mahathir menyalahkan Ketua Pembangkang Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim kononnya beliau adalah alat kepada Bank Dunia dan Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa (IMF).

Laman web Bank Dunia mendedahkan bahawa Malaysia membuat pinjaman sebanyak tiga kali pada tahun 1999 dan sekali pada 1998 yang berjumlah AS$400 juta dan pinjamam itu dibuat setelah Anwar dipecat dari kabinet.

Pinjaman Mac 1999 itu atas nama projek “Malaysia Education Sector Support Project”, “Malaysia Social Sector Support Project” dan

“Malaysia Year 2000 Technical Assistance Project” manakala pada 18 Jun 1998 bagi projek “Malaysia Economic Recovery and Social Sector Loan”.

Tuduhan terhadap Anwar direkayasa semenjak tahun 1998 lagi lantaran komitmen beliau dalam memastikan disiplin pengurusan kewangan negara yang berteraskan tatakelola dan pertanggungjawaban, demikian menurut satu kenyataan dari pejabat Ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh itu.

Kata kenyataan itu, Anwar bertegas menolak preskripsi ekonomi yang mahu menyelamatkan kroni dan elit politik ekonomi sedangkan rakyat perit berhadapan krisis ekonomi 1997/98.

Lantaran ketegasan beliau inilah Mahathir sebagai perdana menteri ketika itu merasakan perlu menyingkirkan beliau dari tampuk kepimpinan negara, kata kenyataan itu lagi.

Setelah lebih dari satu dekad fitnah terhadap Anwar dan keluarga beliau masih diteruskan oleh pimpinan Umno serta juak mereka.

Menurut kenyataan itu lagi, rakyat Malaysia tidak mudah lupa bagaimana Mahathir bersekongkol dengan Jack Abramoff dalam usaha beliau melobi untuk bertemu dengan Presiden Amerika Syarikat George W. Bush.

Malah menurut rekod Bank Dunia, selepas Anwar dipecat, Malaysia masih menerima bantuan Bank Dunia sedangkan di hadapan khalayak tanpa segan silu mantan Perdana Menteri itu semberono memfitnah Anwar sebagai perkakas Bank Dunia sekaligus agen Barat.

Mahathir cari alasan

Sementara itu, Naib Presiden PAS, Datuk Mahfuz Omar memberitahu Mahathir sekarang terkedu dan terdesak dan sedang cuba mencari alasan untuk mengalih pandangan rakyat dari isu beliau meminjam wang dari Bank Dunia pada tahun 1999.

“Rekod yang mengatakan beliau melakukan pinjaman didedahkan oleh laman web Bank Dunia dan sekarang Mahathir memikirkan cara terbaik untuk menutup pembohongan beliau iaitu memfitnah Anwar yang merupakan Menteri Kewangan ketika itu.

“Kenapa beliau takut dan kalau betul baik mengaku sahaja jangan melepaskan apa yang beliau lakukan kepada orang lain,” katanya kepada harakahdaily.

Tambahnya pendedahan pinjaman itu menunjukkan ianya berlaku pada tahun 1999 iaitu selepas Anwar dipecat sebagai Menteri Kewangan dan juga Timbalan Perdana Menteri.

“Dulu beliau cuba tunjukkan dirinya sebagai ‘hero’ yang tidak akan tunduk kepada Bank Dunia yang bersikap ‘kapitalis’. Tetapi sekarang segalanya terbukti bahawa Mahathir diwaktu siang beliau bermusuh dengan Bank Dunia tetapi malam menjadi teman perbualan telefon.

Mahfuz yang juga Ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena berkata, rakyat sendiri boleh melihat sikap berpura-puraan dan berbohong Mahathir hanya untuk kepentingan sendiri.

Katanya, dalam isu itu Mahathir yang sepatutnya perlu bersumpah bukan Anwar, dan seluruh rakyat sedang menunggunya.

An open letter to the Minister of Education - SM Convent Bukit Nanas

The mission schools in Malaysia are owned by the mission authorities, however the operations are now managed entirely by the federal government. This however does not preclude for a break in the terms of the pre-agreed contract and it is not merely unlawful, but extremely insensitive, offensive, and disrespectful to all parties involved that the appointment was made at the autocractic discretion of the FT Education Department, with no consultation of the members in this decision-making process.
By Dr. W. Vinita Perera DVM, MRCVS - an old girl Convent Bukit Nanas
Dear Sir,
I wish to bring to your attention the deep concern being conveyed, regarding the approach taken in the recent appointment of the new principal at SM Convent Bukit Nanas, Kuala Lumpur. Before this is turned into yet another debacle of ethnicity and creed by any quarter, I look forwards to your timely and wise intervention to resolve the matter objectively.
The points of contestation is as follows:
The FT Education Department is in gross breach of the terms stated in the revised Royal Commission on Teaching Services Report which states:“The assignment and deployment of teachers for these schools, especially the head teacher, should be done only after consultation between the personnel management authority and the boards of these schools".

Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad reaffirmed and pledged that the government would honour this again, to consult mission school authorities over the choice of school heads and teachers, at a meeting with the Heads of Churches in Kota Kinabalu in 1998.

In this case - all parties involved - The Board of Governors, Parents Teachers Association and the Old Girls Association were all in the dark about this appointment. The recommendation submitted were completely disregarded. I am sure you are aware, SM Convent Bukit Nanas is a mission school. The mission schools in Malaysia are owned by the mission authorities, however the operations are now managed entirely by the federal government. This however does not preclude for a break in the terms of the pre-agreed contract and it is not merely unlawful, but extremely insensitive, offensive, and disrespectful to all parties involved that the appointment was made at the autocractic discretion of the FT Education Department, with no consultation of the members in this decision-making process. This move is perceived as a threat and a means of undermining the community which promulgate the ethos of excellence in education behind these schools.

There is no contestation regarding the academic qualifications and experience of the nominee in question whatsoever, and I am sure many of us symphatise with the nominee for being caught in the cross fire. Having Puan Sharifah Bt. Ibrahim as one of my beloved principals during my time in Convent Bukit Nanas, I can attest that there is no ethnic or creed motivation behind this uproar. There is only the outcry of disbelief at the less than adequate handling, shortsightedness and inefficiency of the FT Education Department in seeking the input of key stakeholders, symptomatic of cutting corners. This lack of foresight has the ability to incite racial-religious tension and burgeon into something much bigger. The person involved should be held absolutely accountable and taken to task.

I look forward to your objective intervention toward a diplomatic recourse. A healthy dose of accountability by the FT Education Department with a formal apology, should reinstate our confidence in your ministry.

Simple in Virtue, Steadfast in Duty,

Dr. W. Vinita Perera DVM, MRCVS
an old girl Convent Bukit Nanas,
Colorado USA