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Sunday 9 February 2014

Waytha's resignation anticipated, says PSM

The imminent resignation of Persatuan Hindraf Malaysia chairperson P Waythamoorthy from his deputy minister post and his senatorship did not catch Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) by surprise.

A socialist party that is known for its championing of causes the grassroots poor, similar to the ambitions of Hindraf, PSM had already "anticipated" that Waythamoorthy would eventually resign from his posts.

For PSM secretary general S Arutchelvan (right), the partnership between BN and Hindraf was always going to be a "massive mismatch".

He was referring to the memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed before the elections which led to Waythamoorthy getting a cabinet post as a deputy minister in the Prime Minister's Department.

"Umno is a very corrupt party and they play racial politics. You (Waythamoorthy) claim to be against racism but you work with them, so I think it was a massive mismatch," Arutchelvan said on the sidelines of the party's nationwide roadshow campaign today.

"I think Waythamoorthy feels like he had been taken for a ride," he added.

Movement splintered

Waythamoorthy's move to sign the MoU with BN, after futile negotiations with Pakatan, caused divisions in the Hindraf movement, splintering the movement into two, and an open war of words commenced between his side and his brother P Uthayakumar, who did not agree with the MoU.

Uthayakumar (right) went on to contest as an Independent in the general election, while Waythamoorthy asked his supporters to pledge their votes for BN.

However, despite his cabinet post, Waythamoorthy had received brickbats from fellow BN ministers when he raised issues of death in custody and heritage destruction - issues that Hindraf has been fighting for all along.

He was even told to toe the government line by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak himself, and questions were being asked about the initial special unit that Najib had promised Waythamoorthy to deal with Indian issues.

PSM's Sungai Siput MP Dr Michael Jeyakumar said that Hindraf have not addressed the issues of the Indian poor as they had aimed to.

He sees the failure of Hindraf to deliver despite being made part of the government as proof that their race-based approach in solving issues was misplaced.

"We believe in a class based approach. You need to identify who are the allies for the Indian poor. The allies are the Chinese poor, the Malay poor and the Orang Asli poor," he said.

"If you going to demand quotas (as Hindraf has done), then the ones who will benefit are the rich in that particular race. That's the same thing that happened with New Economic Policy (NEP). It is the rich Malays who have benefited more. There are still poor Malays," he added.

For Jeyakumar, Hindraf has a "fundamental flaw" in its political analysis and resulting in its followers being "misguided" in thinking that a class-based approach could solve their problems.

Sembelih ayam: NGO mahu Majlis Fatwa beri kenyataan

Dalai Lama praised the pattern of Coexistence in Hindu majority India. While he urges China to learn this coexistence, why he is silent about the Hindu-Tamil Genocide in Sri Lanka?


Dalai Lama Asks China to Learn from India’s model of coexistence. But, why he is silent about the Hindu-Tamil Genocide in Sri Lanka, a Buddhist Country?

Upananda Brahmachari | Shillong | 7 Feb 2014:: On 3rd February in his first holy visit to North Eastern India, the Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness Dalai Lama said, China should learn from India the practice of harmonious co-existence of different people, languages and lifestyles.
Chinese intolerance against Buddhists.
“They should learn from India, which has apart from different regions, different people, different languages, different scripts and different lifestyles. Yet they all live harmoniously,” the Dalai Lama said while addressing the sixth convocation ceremony of the Martin Christian Luther University here at Shillong.

The spiritual leader, who visited Meghalaya for the first time since he made India his home, termed his adopted country as “wonderful and very nice” to live in.

He likened the country to the United Nations in its embracing a multi-cultural, multi-racial and multi-religion society, while blaming Chinese hardliners for infusing hatred against people living in Tibet. “We are not seeking separation from China. We belong to China with common interests and common economic development,” HH Dalai Lama emphasized.

“Modern India is multi-cultural, multi-linguistic and multi-racial. It is like the United Nations. I feel the greatness of India. Its people are harmless, and it is an example to the rest of the world as people are living together happily,” the Buddhist spiritual leader and the Nobel Peace laureate said.

Claiming to be a disciple of Gandhi’s principle of non-violence, the spiritual leader said he nursed a hope that India’s “concept of peaceful living” would make a better Asia and in turn make a better world.

“Over 3,000 years ago, India had the concept of Ahimsa (non-violence). Because of that it commands respect,” he said, adding that India was the living example of religious tolerance and culture.

His Holiness Dalai Lama holds the highest position in contemporary Buddhist order, he is the messenger of peace and ahimsha as propounded by lord Buddha and also the Nobel Peace laureate. HH Dalai Lama is also a living founder member of VHP established in 1964. We never put any question about his honor and wisdom to shower the peace and good to the mankind.

After reaching Bharat on 30 March 1959 at Bomdila (Arunachal Pradesh) he felt secured in his life long exile after being thwarted from his seat of Tibet by the then tyrannic Communist Govt of China.

Sri Lankan genocide against Tamil-Hindus. Barbaric. In his long experience of exile in India, His Holiness Dalai Lama definitely perceives the greatness and generosity of Bharat and her people. And HH Dalai Lama must not disagree that this coexistence, harmony, liberty and the trend of respects to others are only possible as the majority people here have granted this unique and imparallel culture as a basic tenets of Hindu faith and life-style. And for this Hindu spirituality and majority everybody can stay, grow and glow in a very Hindu environment. Any challenge or charter against this Hinduness of this land can move this country towards an Islamic fatal, Christian debacle or a Communist blaze without any option.

But, never could I remember any statement HH Dalai Lama to protect this Hinduness of this land under attack in the recent past.

The Dalai Lama went to Shillong to attend a function of a Christian College, the authority of which, i.e. the Missionaries and Evangelic groups promote huge conversion of Hindus-Buddhists in North East. Christians have made the major portion of the NE as just opposite to the Indian Culture. The NE Christian people do tolerate any Hindu or Indian-ness in that region. HH Dalai Lama did not address this important matter to request the Christian missionaries to stop their conversion agenda.

HH Dalai Lama asks China to restore peace and liberty in Tibet through a practice of Indian tradition and culture of coexistence in China.

But, is it not right to be implemented the same practice of Indian coexistence in Sri Lanka too?

Sri Lanka has its Buddha Sasana. And under this Buddha Sasana, it is told a largest genocide of Tamil-Hindus were occurred there through various operations be inhuman ruling parties in SL.

Various International bodies, UN, Amnesty, dignified Tamil bodies and Hindu Existence Forum have condemned the Hindu-Tamil Genocide in SL. But is not a concern of Buddha Sasana, as if.

While HH Dalai Lama speaks against Chaina rightly for making a peaceful coexistence of everybody in Tibet and China, He cannot be silent about Sri Lanka where the simple existence of Tamil-Hindu people are now positioned before the peace canon of Rajapakshe under a very inhumane stand against the non-Buddhist people in Sri Lanka.

HH Dalai Lama please hear the appeal of victimized Tamil-Hindu people of Sri Lanka for sending a strong message to the rulers of Sri Lanka to stop barbaric activities upon the Tamil –Hindu people in SL.

If HH Dalai Lama thinks that Hindu-Buddhist unity is a must to survive these two oldest faiths against the threats of Christianity, Islam and Communism, he must condemn the Hindu-Tamil Genocide in SL and convey the same message of coexistence of Indian pattern to Sri Lankan rulers, as he already conveyed to China.

German Woman's Public Rebuke of Islam Goes Viral

Heidi Mund
Islam continues to grow in power and influence across Europe. But at a recent concert in Germany, one Christian woman decided to stand up to it.

"The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace" by Welsh composer Karl Jenkins was supposed to be an interfaith event to bring Christianity and Islam together.

But when the Muslim imam began his call to prayer during the concert, he was interrupted by a small woman in the balcony proclaiming that "Jesus Christ alone is Lord of Germany," and shouting, "I break this curse."

She also invoked the name of Martin Luther and warned the audience that what was happening was "a lie."

The video went viral.

'Brave German Woman'

The mysterious Christian lady became known on the Internet simply as the "brave German woman."

It happened on Nov. 10, 2013, at the Memorial Church of the Reformation in the Rhineland city of Speyer, built to honor Martin Luther.

It isn't just any church. It's a monument to the Protestant Reformation and a memorial to the spiritual transformation of Germany.

It was at this spiritual landmark that a Muslim imam was invited to give the call to prayer. When the brave German woman, whose real name is Heidi Mund, heard about the event, she prayed.

"I was asking Jesus, 'Lord, shall I go there?' So, when I have to drive one and half hours, you know, I think, 'Is it worth it to go or can others go?' So, this is human laziness, yeah?" Mund recalled.

She grabbed her German flag emblazoned with the words "Jesus Christ is Lord" and headed for the concert, still not sure what she would do when she got there.

"Until the imam started with his shouting, I did not really know what to do. I was just prepared for what God wants me to do," she told CBN News.

Then the Muslim call to prayer began, and Heidi said she felt something rising up inside her.

A Holy Anger

"I would call it a holy anger," she recounted. "And then I rose with my flag and I was calling and proclaiming that Jesus Christ is Lord over Germany."

"My purpose was, I broke this curse because [Muslims] say, 'Only Allah is the Lord. He is God, the only God.' And I broke this curse in this church and I broke it over my country," she continued.

And she repeated the words of Martin Luther in 1521 after he refused to recant his faith in scripture alone: "Here I stand. I can do no other" and "Save the church of Martin Luther!"

Video shows another concert-goer trying to calm her by saying, "This is a concert for peace."

Mund can be heard responding in German, "No it's not! Allahu Akbar is what Muslims scream while murdering people! Don't be fooled! Don't be fooled! This is a lie!"

She was thrown out of the church.

"They should have thrown the imam out and not me because I am a believer in Jesus Christ, but he serves another god. This Allah is not the same god. And this is not the truth."

"This 'allahu akbar,' they use it when they kill people," she argued. "This is, for me, worship to an idol, to their god. And when a Muslim calls 'allahu akbar' in a church, that means this church is not a church anymore, it's a mosque."

Church No Place for Imams?

With Mund at the concert was Kamel, who did not give his full name for safety reasons. Before coming to Germany he lived in the Muslim world.

Kamel told CBN News that an imam has no place in a church.

"Islam is one of the reasons for persecution, Muslims have persecuted me. They don´t want me to tell others that Jesus Christ is my Savior."

Also with Mund was Marion, who has also asked that her last name not be included. She belongs to a group calling itself the White Rose, which took the same name as the World War II anti-Nazi resistance group shown in the film "Sophie Scholl: the Final Days."

"Islam is inhuman, the same as in the Nazi time. For me, personally, there is no difference. We want to show Germany and the world that we will not bow down to the slow Islamization of our country," Marion said.

Afraid of Muslims?

Mund said she knows that her first television interview could place her in danger.

"Many people ask me, 'Are you afraid of the Muslims?' And I can only say, 'No, I'm not afraid of them,'" she told CBN News. "I know my God, the living God of the Bible can protect for me for as long as he wants. When my time is over I will go to him."

An evangelist by gifting, Mund grew up an atheist in communist East Germany. But now, as a believer, her burden and her ministry is for the spiritual rebirth of Germany.

"I feel I have to protect my country and my people. I am only a little woman but I feel I have to protect them," she said.

Reviving a Dead Nation?

Some might associate Germany with the Nazis, but Germany was once a base for world missions, sending missionaries to Africa and Korea and to America.

Mund is trusting God for a miracle in what is a very wealthy and, some would say, spiritually dead nation.

"I know nothing is impossible for my God. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing," she said.

"From a human point of view I feel our country is lost. It's already lost. It's done. Because I see so many changes in the country, in every area," she continued. "But I trust God that he has a 'Plan A' and that my country is not lost and that He will reach us and He will come and change the whole situation."

Indonesia: Aceh government approves new law saying every citizen, Muslim and non-Muslim, must obey Sharia

women-acehWomen in Aceh must always wear headscarves when out in public — which must thrill Robert George and Michael Potemra. Islamic spokesmen in the West constantly insist that Sharia applies only to Muslims, and so non-Muslims need not be concerned about it. The government of Aceh seems to have missed that memo.
“Indonesia: Aceh Province Enforces Sharia for non-Muslims,” by Ludovica Iaccino for the International Business Times, February 7 (thanks to Twostellas):
The government of Indonesia’s Aceh province has approved a new law obliging every citizen to follow the sharia Islamic legal code regardless of their religion.
Councillor Abdulah Saleh told the Jakarta Post that the new behaviour law, or qanun jinayat, “does indeed oblige everyone in Aceh to follow sharia without exception.”
Saleh said that the qanun stipulated that all those found to have violated sharia would be tried under Islamic law regardless of their religion.
Non-Muslim violators of Indonesia’s national ciminal code (KUHP) will be given the option to choose between a sharia court or a regular court – but both courts will adhere to islamic legislation.
“If the violation committed by a non-Muslim is not regulated in the KUHP then the violator will automatically be tried in a sharia court, without exception” Saleh continued.
Violations of sharia that are not mentioned in the KUHP include drinking liquor, khalwat (affectionate contact between an unmarried couple), not wearing a headscarf or wearing tight pants for women.
Anyone found drinking alcohol or breaching the codes on moral behaviour, whether residents or visitors to Aceh, could face between six and nine lashes of the cane. Three violations of the dress code could lead to nine lashes.
The qanun jinayat was approved by the legislative council on 13 December and signed by Governor Zaini Abdullah. It was a revision of the controversial 2009 Qanun Jinayat that introduced the punishment of stoning to death.
According to Saleh, the application of sharia is based on the principle of justice for all, as Muslims would feel they were being treated unfairly if non-Muslim violators were not tried under the same law for the same violations.
“It would be unfair if Muslims were punished while non-Muslims were not, just because sharia violations are not stipulated in the Criminal Code,” Saleh said.
Key articles in the Qanun Jinayat
The sharia authorities will have the power to arrest suspected violators, and confiscate and conduct raids on their property, based on preliminary evidence.
Non-Muslim or military suspects will be tried in a sharia court unless the violation is covered by the Criminal Code (KUHP) or by the Military Code respectively.
Even if the sharia court acquits a defendant, he or she will be required to undergo rehabilitation.
Only one appeal may be filed with the sharia court.
Prison terms are for up to a maximum of 40 months.
Caning up to a maximum to 40 lashes.
Fines up to a maximum of 800 grams of gold.

Broken-hearted Waytha Moorthy gives up, as Barisan fails to deliver, says ex-ISA detainee

It has been a rough eight-month ride for Hindraf chairman P. Waytha Moorthy (pic) who finally threw in the towel when he announced his resignation as deputy minister in the Najib administration today.

Hindraf adviser N. Ganesan said the central committee had unanimously decided that Waytha resign, as it was felt the government had been dragging its feet in delivering the aid promised to the Indian community.

Hindraf had signed an MOU with Barisan Nasional (BN) just before the general election last year, whereby the ruling coalition had promised to resolve the chronic socio-economic problems afflicting the Indian community if BN was returned to power with Hindraf's support.

Lawyer R. Kengadharan said Waytha was a "broken man" as the Barisan Nasional government had failed to implement any of those pledges.

"He joined the prime minister's administration on the basis that the government will encourage the implementation of programmes for poor Indians and that he could oversee them," he told The Malaysian Insider.

Kengadharan, who was once Hindraf legal adviser, said Waytha’s resignation served to show that Putrajaya was not serious in resolving problems faced by Indians over the last 50 years.

"This includes education, housing and economy," he said, adding that more socio-economic problems cropped up when Indians were displaced about 20 years ago upon the conversion of rubber estates into oil palm plantations.

He said this caused the unskilled workers to be displaced when their families moved to urban centres in search of employment.

"We spoke about a month ago and he indicated his frustration," said Kengadharan who was among the five Hindraf leaders who were arrested in December 2007 under the Internal Security Act which has since been repealed.

All were freed soon after Najib was appointed prime minister in April 2009.

Kengadharan said BN could not boast that it could protect the interest of Indians following Waytha's departure.

"All their pledges before the election have proved to be hollow," he said.

He pointed out that Hindraf, which was formed in June 2007, was founded on the principle that it would represent the Indians in general.

"We made no distinction between the poor and rich," he said.

He said after their release from Kamunting, Hindraf was reduced to a mere mouthpiece for the voiceless poor.

Waytha had a public spat with his brother Uthayakumar when he signed the MoU with BN for the betterment of the Indian community, as Uthayakumar did not agree on the pledging of the support of the Indian community to BN.

"Waytha hijacked Hindraf and pledged support to BN, which is against the founding principles of Hindraf," Uthayakumar, who was one of the five who served time under the ISA, had said at the time.

"Do not vote for BN. Whether they want to vote for Pakatan Rakyat (PR) is up to them, but Hindraf will not take responsibility for Pakatan's non-delivery if they get to Putrajaya," Uthayakumar said.

Uthayakumar is currently serving a 30-month sentence in jail after he was found guilty of sedition last June.

Waytha's appointment as senator was also questioned along with four others who were made minister and deputy ministers.

However, the High Court ruled that the appointments of Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Omar and Datuk Paul Low Seng Kuan as ministers in the Prime Minister's Department, and deputy ministers Waytha, Dr Loga Balan Mohan Jaganathan and Ahmad Bashah Hani were constitutional.

In August last year, the Hindu rights activist came under fire when he alleged that five Indian criminals in Penang were shot "execution-style" by police.

Waytha was admonished by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Cabinet members Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamid and Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein to toe the line and reminded that he was a member of the government.

Waytha's resignation as deputy minister in the Prime Minister's Department will take effect Monday, according to media reports. – February 8, 2104.

Balai polis dibaling bahan letupan di PP

Kejadian di Balai Polis Bukit Tengah berlaku awal pagi tadi.

BUKIT MERTAJAM: Sebahagian kawasan pintu masuk dan pos pengawal di Balai Polis Bukit Tengah, di sini rosak selepas beberapa suspek yang tidak dikenali melontar sejumlah bahan letupan dipercayai mercun awal hari ini.

Timbalan Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Pulau Pinang ACP Nasir Salleh berkata dalam kejadian 4.50 pagi itu empat anggota polis yang sedang bertugas tidak mengalami sebarang kecederaan.

“Dua anggota berada dalam balai polis manakala dua lagi sedang buat rondaan di kawasan balai. Mereka hanya menyedari kejadian itu selepas terdengar bunyi dentuman kuat di bahagian pintu masuk balai.

“Mereka bergegas melihat kawasan kejadian dan mendapati beberapa cermin tingkap dan siling di pintu masuk balai polis itu pecah manakala pos pengawal berhampiran pagar juga rosak akibat letupan berkenaan,” katanya kepada pemberita di sini hari ini.

Katanya kerugian akibat kejadian itu dianggarkan antara RM10,000 hingga RM15,000.

“Berdasarkan siasatan awal, beberapa suspek yang dipercayai menaiki motosikal membaling mercun bola yang diikat dalam jumlah yang banyak ke arah pintu hadapan balai berkenaan dan melarikan diri sebaik berbuat demikian.

Kejadian itu berlaku dengan pantas, kata Nasir.

Setakat ini polis belum mengetahui motif sebenar kejadian itu dan siasatan lanjut masih dijalankan.

“Tiada kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) di balai berkenaan tetapi kita akan mendapatkan rakaman CCTV yang terdapat di kawasan berhampiran bagi mengenal pasti suspek terlibat,” katanya.

Beliau berkata kes itu disiasat menurut Seksyen 5 Akta Bahan-bahan Hakisan dan letupan.

Orang ramai yang mempunyai maklumat atau melihat kejadian berkenaan diminta menghubungi Ketua Bahagian Siasatan Jenayah Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Seberang Perai Tengah (SPT), DSP Aziz Ahmad di talian 04-5382222 atau mana-mana balai polis berdekatan.

Mapim kecam NGO Islam `ancam’ pemimpin DAP

Orang Islam tidak memerlukan NGO-NGO seperti ini, mereka tidak boleh mendakwa mewakili orang Melayu dan Islam.

PETALING JAYA: Sebuah NGO Islam – Majlis Perundingan Pertubuhan Islam Malaysia (Mapim) menolak dan mengecam tindakan beberapa NGO Islam lain yang menyembelih dua ayam dan menawarkan ganjaran RM1,200 kepada sesiapa yang berani menampar pemimpin DAP, Teresa Kok.

NGO berkenaan melakukannya sebagai tanda mara marah kepada pemimpin pembangkang yang didakwa menghina kepimpinan Melayu dan Islam.

“Orang Islam tidak memerlukan NGO-NGO seperti ini, mereka tidak boleh mendakwa mewakili orang Melayu dan Islam.
“NGO ini menghalalkan perbuatan batil untuk mencapai matlamat yang yang sah tetapi cara ini tidak boleh dibuat,” kata presiden Mapim, Mohd Azmi Abdul Hamid.

Beliau meminta pihak berkuasa mengambil tindakan segera dan tegas supaya ia tidak menjadi bom jangka dan seterusnya mencetuskan keganasan.

Beliau menambah, tindakan NGO berkenaan, Islam melarang umatnya membuat kemudaratan, apatah lagi jika berlaku kemudaratan kaum.

“Kalau hendak berjuangan jangan lalukan yang tidak senonoh, ini bukan islam dan tapi emosi. Ini bukan cara Islam, pihak berkuasa tidak boleh pandang ringan, boleh jadi bom paksa, kita bimbang pihak lain akan cetuskan tindakan balas,” tambah beliau.

Bagaimanapun, Mohd Azmi kerana bertindak menangani isu seperti itu secara berat sebelah menyebabkan ia semakin menjadi-jadi.

Katanya, tindakan kerajaan membiarkan kumpulan pro kerajaan melakuakannya tanpa sebarang tindakan telah menyebabkan mereka tidak takut mengulanginya.
“Kalau kumpulan pro pembangkang, tindakan cepat diambil, akhirnya tercetuslah perkara yang tidak diingini,” beliau menambah.

Tindakan melampau

Sehubungan itu Mohd Azmi menginggatkan organisasi yang mahu membela Islam supaya tidak bertindak melanggar undang-undang .

Kita tidak mahu orang bukan Islam marah terhadap tindakan yang melampau itu, katanya.

“Walaupun berapa banyak kita marah ia tidak boleh jadi alasan sehingga bertindak dengan tidak wajar,” katanya lagi.

Kelmarin, kumpulan yang menggelar diri mereka sebagai Jemaah Islamiah menyembelih dua ayam dan menawarkan ganjaran RM1,200 kepada sesiapa yang berani menampar Teresa .

Mereka mendakwa ahli parlimen Seputeh menghina kepimpinan Melayu dan Islam.

Mereka melumurkan darah ayam itu ke atas kain rentang yang terdapat gambar Kok, Lim Guan Eng, , Lim Kit Siang dan Adun Machang Bubuk daripada PKR, Lee Khai Loon.

Bagaimanapun, Teresa yang juga ahli parlimen Seputeh telah membuat laporan polis di Balai Polis Tun H S Lee, Kuala Lumpur.
Beliau menggesa polis mengambil tindakan terhadap kumpulan itu kerana ia membabitkan keselamatan dirinya.

Najib’s son fumes over ‘misleading’ report

Oscar nominated 'The Wolf of Wall Street' producers Red Granite Pictures are threatening Sarawak Report with legal action for 'false' and 'malicious' reporting.

KUCHING: The producers of the Oscar-nominated ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ movie, Red Granite Pictures, is fighting to dispel insinuations that it was fueled by proceeds from Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s allegedly corrupt government.

Red Granite Pictures has apparently issued a legal letter to investigative journalist Clare Rewcastle Brown for “false, misleading and malicious” articles published on her widely read blog Sarawak Report.

Reporting the latest development, UK’s The Independent newspaper said the company has threatened to sue Rewcastle Brown over her claims that Malaysian monies was behind the movie.

Rewcastle Brown, who is the sister-in-law of former British prime minister Gordon Brown, posted a series of stories in her blog about Red Granite Pictures, the Los Angeles-based independent company which financed the US$100 million (RM330 mil) Leonardo DiCaprio film about corrupt stock market trader Jordan Belfort.

Rewcastle Brown, 53, a former BBC World Service journalist, was in America recently to investigate the company which was co-founded by Riza Aziz, the stepson of Najib. His mother is Rosmah Mansor.

The company was launched in 2011 and swiftly established itself as a backer of big-budget films.

In an article published after the film’s release she asked how Riza Aziz had managed to emerge as a major bankroller of Hollywood movies.

“Could it be linked to his family position and circle of associates?” she asked.

The activist also questioned the “special thanks” full screen credit on the film given to Jho Low, the Malaysian “billionaire tycoon” who posed on the red carpet with Aziz and DiCaprio at the Wolf of Wall Street premiere.

The article alleged that Low is involved in Malaysian government business projects led by Najib and Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud.

No appology

Local opposition here have taken up on her disclosures.

Rafizi Ramli, who is PKR’s director of strategy reportedly said: “The Prime Minister has a duty to prove that his stepson’s source of funds is legitimate and does not have anything to do with public funds.

“We want to know who are the financiers in his company. Who are so generous as to give such huge amounts of money.”

Red Granite, which rescued the Wall Street film by getting Paramount Pictures on board after the project stalled at Warner Bros, has sent a “cease and desist” letter to Rewcastle Brown following her reports.

The newspaper said it had seen the letter from the producer’s lawyers Loeb & Loeb which objected to the “false, misleading, damaging and malicious statements” on the blog and demanded their retraction and an apology.

It argued that talents of the calibre of director Martin Scorsese and DiCaprio would never have got involved in the film if there had been anything “illicit”, “improper” or “tainted” over its financing.

The letter states that the film was not financed by Aziz, his relatives or “any other sources of finances emanating from Malaysia,” but utilised “traditional sources of movie picture financing” such as major financial institutions and any suggestion that Jho Low was an investor in Red Granite, or the film, was also false.

Meanwhile Rewcastle Brown has refused to comply with the letter and has continued to publish the posts on the Sarawak Report.

“I believe I am asking valid questions about this company and the sources of their finance. No-one had heard of these individuals in Hollywood until a couple of years ago,” she told The Independent.

Rewcastle Brown said she spent a week in Los Angeles talking to industry figures about Red Granite.

“People in Hollywood have sent me mystery emails. I have more information which I intend to run in further posts.

“Everything I have written is based on evidence. They told me to get off their properties but they haven’t followed up their libel threats so far.”

Sex queries part of health poll in schools

The Negeri Sembilan Health Department defends the controversial survey carried out in Nilai.

SEREMBAN: The Negeri Sembilan Health Department today defended the controversial survey conducted among school children in Nilai last month, saying its objective was to prevent heath and social problems among youths.

The department’s director, Dr Zailan Adnan, said the explicit questions on sexual behaviour formed only a part of the questionnaire.

She also said the Health Ministry had been conducting the survey throughout the country for the past three years.

Last Thursday, state assemblymen J Arulkumar of Nilai and P Gunasekaran of Senawang lodged a report with the state education department on behalf of a parent who had found out that his 10-year-old child was involved in the survey at Sekolah Kebangsaan Desa Jamin in Nilai.

The survey was also conducted at two other schools in Nilai.

Page Three of the five-page questionnaire contained the following questions:

Question 2: I have done the following (Yes or No)

a) Read/watched pornography

b) Masturbated (Caused myself to be sexually aroused)

Question 4: I have (Yes or No)

a) Sexual desire for people of my own gender

b) A desire to change my gender

Question 5: I have experienced sexual intercourse (If Yes, answer Question 6)

Question 6: I have

a) Changed partners

b) Had sexual intercourse with someone of my own gender

c) Engaged in unnatural sex

d) I/my partner use condoms during sexual intercourse

e) I/my partner practise birth control (with family planning pills, etc)

Profiling the students

The students were not supposed to take the questionnaire home, Dr Zailan told FMT.

She said the questions were prepared by specialists in various fields.

“From the answers given, we can detect if any of the students have health or social problems. Then we take that particular problematic student’s survey form and refer the registration number with a master list that contains the student’s name.

“Then we will take action and help the problematic students by referring them either to a counseling, obstetrics or gynaecology specialist.”

She said her department had its own method of informing the respective parents about the problem cases.

“The health survey questions are not weird because they have been used all over the country for the past three years by the Health Ministry,” she added.

“I would like to stress that the questionnaire is only for youths from the age of 10 to 19 years.

“Students in Standard Four, Five and Six are entitled to answer the questions with the condition they must be guided by a medical or health officer on duty.”

She said the completed survey forms were supposed to be given back immediately to the officer on duty.

“Probably one of the students didn’t answer the questions in the survey form and instead brought it home.

“However I’ve already reminded the respective officers, and an investigation is ongoing.”

She also said she would take the matter to a “higher level” and seek a review of the questionnaire.

“Another thing I would like to stress is this survey is not solely on sex; there are also questions on health, smoking, food and other matters related to health.”

Hindraf: Waytha Moorthy to quit all govt posts

(The Star) - Hindraf chairman P Waytha Moorthy has tendered his resignation from all positions in the government and the Senate, effective Feb 10, according to a statement from Hindraf.

Hindraf secretary P. Ramesh said the central committee unanimously decided that Waytha Moorthy should tender his resignation, claiming the government had been “dragging its feet” in delivering its promises to aid the poor Malaysian Indian community.

“Hindraf owes its loyalty to the Malaysian Indian poor community and to them only.

“We did the most unthinkable – signing a pact with our one-time nemesis, entirely in the interest of the Malaysian Indian poor and in the honest belief that Barisan Nasional will fulfil its promises.

“We have given up hope of that happening, after eight months of trying,” he added.

Hindraf signed a memorandum of understanding with the government on April 18 last year, just before the May general election, in a bid to resolve the socio-economic problems afflicting the Indian community in Malaysia.

The memorandum’s contents were not disclosed at the time, but Ramesh said the Prime Minister, in his speech, had apologised for the past lapses by the government and promised action.

Ramesh claimed that it was agreed that a Hindraf representative would lead the charge.

Although Waytha Moorthy had been appointed senator, and then as Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Hindraf claimed he had met with nothing more than an “unending series of delays and dead ends.”

“It is now clear to us that the Prime Minister and the Barisan Nasional are not going to honour the memorandum, as they have neither the political will nor courage to deliver.

“Hindraf’s only regret is that we have not been able to deliver the changes to the Malaysian Indian poor which we had promised with this initiative.

“We sincerely apologize to them for the hopes we raised,” said Ramesh. Attempts to reach Waytha Moorthy for comment have been unsuccessful.

No sex please…. We are PKR

no sex please we are pkr
Another Brick in the Wall

“No Sex Please … We are British” was a 1970s play about a Bank Manager with a young wife who send for a mail order of Scandanivanian glassware.

However, he ended up getting a stream of pornography, photographs, books, films and eventually girls. The hilarious part of the play, which was made into a film, was the attempt to get rid of the embarassing paraphenalia.

Before making any guess that this posting is more sexual expose on the sexual escapade of Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, please read on because your guess could be wrong.

Talk of Anwar’s homosexuality must have started sometimes in the mid-1990s when his political career took a meteoric rise when he did a blitzkrieg to takeover late Tun Ghaffar Baba position as Deputy President UMNO and Deputy Prime Minister.

It became public coincidentally in the midst of the financial crisis and the Kuala Lumpur Commonwealth Games.

Since then, any election involving Anwar or PKR or other Pakatan Rakyat parties, his homosexual court cases and extramarital sexual escapades will be made into an issue to question his moral standing and integrity.

Kajang by-election will be no exception and expect it to be another bi-election like Permatang Pauh in 2009.

This time, the ex-Keadilan started the first salvo with their statements that got frontpage coverage in Utusan Malaysia.

They claim the Kajang “bi-election” is merely Anwar’s attempt to delay his sodomy case at the Court of Appeal.

Part of it was touched in our past posting here.

Subsequently, UMNO Chief of Information, Dato Ahmad Maslan repeated the same message uttered to emphasize that Anwar is running in the “bi-election” to seek ways to escape his sodomy trial.

Then news reported effort to gather 3,000 former Adil or PKR members to campaign against Anwar
in Kajang. Former tennis partner and provider of speacial services to Anwar back then, Dato Nallakaruppan announced his intention to run as candidate.

When the news of the resignation of the PKR Kajang state assemblymen followed by Anwar’s announcement to run, there was widespread resentment.

Certain faction among the liberals within the pro-opposition fold, PAS and DAP supporters have legitimate issues against the necessity of Anwar and PKR for holding the by-election and his interest to assume the position of MB.

Till today, Rafizi has not been able to give a proper reason and Anwar has to step in to convince his supporters on the reason for the removal of Tan Sri Khalid as Selangor Menteri Besar and replaced by himself.

There is also Anwar’s ability to govern and administer. When he was a Federal Minister till assuming the Minister of Finance position, most in the know see Anwar as only a Ministry spokesman and deliverer of prepared speech.

IF not for the support of Tun Dr Mahathir and Tun Daim Zainuddin to guide him, Anwar would have been worse than Dato Hasan Malek.

However, these former foe turned allies seemed to be only concerned for his overdeveloped libido.

Anwar merely brushed aside that predicatable line of attack by saying he will not delve into personal character attack. The Malaysian Insider’s reported:


KPRU: ‘Kajang Move’ kickstarts PAKATAN’s Road to Putrajaya 2.0

A resounding theme in Malaysia’s 13th General Election on May 5th had been the prospect of change, and the popular slogan being bandied about was ‘Ini kalilah! Ubah!’. Yet May 5th had passed, the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) that has ruled Malaysia for the past half-century still succeed to retain Putrajaya. And this, too, put a full stop to Pakatan Rakyat (PAKATAN)’s road to Putrajaya 1.0.

So, 267 days after the May 5th 2013, we have now witnessed the PAKATAN, or Parti Keadilan Rakyat (KEADILAN), to be precise, has taken the initiative to steer the electoral politics of Malaysia by calling for by-election in Kajang. Despite criticisms and contestation, think tank Political Studies for Change (KPRU) opines that Kajang by-election is a new departure for PAKATAN in the quest for Putrajaya, again – not by following the same old road, but hewing out a new path instead. It is a strategic move to re-deploy against the attack from BN – it has come to the time wherein PAKATAN does not passively combat in BN’s warfield by complying to their rules, but to become the game master. As the Chinese saying goes, catch an enemy off guard with a surprise attack. Kajang Move is definitely a strike beyond expectation, and this strike just come in time to invigorate PAKATAN’s quest for Putrajaya 2.0.

Losing the 13th general elections with 52% popular votes was indeed a great disappointment; it is a huge blow to people’s morale and confidence, as well as of the oppositions. Furthermore, the temperature of the general election last year had then cooled, the euphoria and excitement hoping for a regime change had evaporated. The following price hikes have furthermore rendered the ordinary folks in despair and helplessness. The recent hype on Prime Minister Najib’s ‘kangkung’ price remark has gone viral and spread like wildfire but nevertheless a harmless joke. Meanwhile, as Selangor PAKATAN government, as well as Pulau Pinang, has entered its second term, people will inevitably place higher expectation on its performance in every respect, and how Selangor, as a targeted state, play a strategic role to strengthen PAKATAN’s strategies to Putrajaya 2.0.

Recap PAKATAN’s Road to Putrajaya 1.0: From 308 to 505

The historic results of the 12th general election, later widely known as March 8th political tsunami, was an unprecedented massive swing towards the opposition, and since then a newly formed PAKATAN has begun to pave the way towards Putrajaya.

The results of the 2008 general elections were remarkably stunning, and it played a pivotal role as a stepping stone for the forming of KEADILAN-DAP-PAS coalition, later known as PAKATAN. Since then, we can hardly dismiss the evolvement of a new Malaysia with a brand new political sky, where opposition coalition taking 82 seats in Parliament and winning state power in four states on top of PAS’s Kelantan, namely Pulau Pinang, Selangor and Perak. However, Perak was later seized by BN, not through legitimate elections but unethical and unconstitutional power grab.

As the BN suffered a major setback in the 12th general election, yielding one of the worst results in the coalition’s history, former Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was urged to step down in favour of his successor Najib Tun Razak during the UMNO General Assembly held on April 1st 2009, and the latter sworn in as the Prime Minister on April 3rd 2009. During Najib’s days in Prime Minister Office, he had and is still tirelessly launched various ambitious programmes with bombastic names, including the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) and Government Transformation Prograam (GTP), as well as introducing one after another airy-fairy slogans – from ‘1Malaysia’ to the latest ‘Endless Possibilities’. Nonetheless, your average Joe and Jane on the street does not necessarily understand those big words, as they were, and are still being left out from the fruits claimed in his Janji Ditepati rhetoric.

Meanwhile, unceasing scandals broke out in corruption-riddled BN, from Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal to National Feedlot Corporation (NFC)’s “cattle and condos” scandal, from diamond to private jet, and the lists go on. People’s dissatisfaction and anger has been brewing and reaching its peak.

We have witnessed a growing social movement having bigger impact. Hundreds and thousands courageous Malaysian flooded the heartland of Malaysia during the third rally by the Bersih organization for free and fair elections on April 28th 2012. Also, between 300,000 to 500,000 Malaysians from all walks of life, gathered in the historic Merdeka Stadium just before the 13th general election on January 12th last year, showing that they are aware of the issues at stake in Malaysia, and they want their government to hear them. People’s political consciousness and awareness have underpinned the emergence of new political landscape.

PAKATAN has not only harnessed the dynamics, but at the same time also working hard to consolidate and strengthen its influence. PAKATAN had launched alternative budget in 2012 and 2013 prior to the tabling of federal government’s budget. Additionally, PAKATAN also presented its common manifesto, highlighting people’s most needs and concerns, and essentially making sure they are on the right track to capture Putrajaya.

However, the journey to Putrajaya 1.0 came to an abrupt end when PAKATAN failed to capture more than half of the 222 seats in parliament, although successfully garnered more than half of popular votes. What is worse, PAKATAN merely succeed to retain Kelantan, Selangor and Pulau Pinang, whilst losing Kedah to BN and failed to regain Perak.

Creating a level playing field

Anwar Ibrahim’s Kajang Move will be a new sheet of history in Malaysia politics. Malaysians, especially those young one will no longer recognize him as the ex-Deputy Prime Minister or ex-Finance Minister who were once holding the second most powerful post in the government, or merely a figure of politically active and of international repute, but a reformist-cum-office holder who dare to force the dysfunctional political system to evolve through the legitimate use of the electoral system.

To compete with the current Prime Minister Najib – who wields not merely executive power, but also resourceful enough, Anwar as the Opposition Leader, on the other hand, should at least have considerable power and resources, if not equal one, to compete competently with the federal ruling coalition’s top leader. Kajang Move provides such an opportunity enabling the shackles of restraint to be wrecked, and thus creating space for the rise of a stronger and more resourceful leader, who can then carries much more weight in a political and parliamentary system choosing to ignore its fundamental flaws. Worse still, the whole discussions about strengthening opposition forces used to ignore those fundamental flaws while assuming a Plato type of philosophical king as the leader par excellence.

Recognizing the hardship ahead

Sooner or later, the Election Commission (EC) is about to embark on an exercise to redelineate electoral boundaries, and the constituency re-delineation motion is most likely to be tabled in the March parliamentary sitting. It is doubtful that the redelineation will be done in a free and fair manner, considering the fact that EC had just help BN winning 60% of seats with a mere 47% of vote in the last general election. In addition, the substantial increase in the number of voters, which carve out new demography, will render another challenge to PAKATAN ahead of the 14th general election. All these lump together with the economic hardship laying ahead coupled with heightened political tensions currently faced by Malaysia, signals an urgent need that PAKATAN has no other alternative but to take initiative to master the game so that the road to Putrajaya will be possible, again.

Kajang Move, is beyond strengthening and entrenching PAKATAN’s foothold and influence in Selangor as to counter BN. Crucially, Kajang Move, as a starting point of the PAKATAN’s road to Putrajaya 2.0, will likely to determine PAKATAN’s fate on the coming 14th general elections. Nonetheless, what should be borne in mind is that, PAKATAN winning Kajang by-election must not be at the expense of ignoring criticism.

Is Zahid seriously suggesting that it is perfectly lawful and permissible to organise public demonstrations to offer RM1,200 to anyone to slap the PM, DPM or Home Minister?

By Lim Kit Siang,

Overnight, Malaysians are asking whether the law of the jungle have replaced the rule of law in the country on our way to a fully developed nation status in six years’ time in 2020.

This follows the shocking statement by the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi who dismissed calls to investigate the organisers of Thursday’s chicken slaughter protest against DAP MP Teresa Kok, and who dismissed the RM1,200 reward offered by the self-styled “Council of Islamic NGOs” who slaps Teresa saying “there is nothing to investigate as it is not a threat”.

He said: “Why do we need to investigate that?

“Slapping is not a threat. If they say murder, then it is a threat.”

Is Zahid seriously suggesting that it is perfectly lawful and permissible to organise public demonstrations to offer RM1,200 to anyone to slap the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister or the Home Minister?

Is the Home Minister advocating the law of the jungle instead of the rule of law? Then we are not heading towards a fully developed nation in 2020 but down the abyss to a failed state by the end of the decade!

Zahid’s dismissal of the country-wide police reports by DAP/PR MPs and State Assembly members against the 30-odd people in the “Council of Islamic NGOs” demonstration committing offences of criminal intimidation, sedition, incitement of violence against a woman MP and incitement of another May 13 riots, is the height of irresponsibility for a Home Minister and raises the question whether the Home Minister is committed to upholding the rule of law, peace and harmony in the country.

I want to ask Zahid whether his comments amount to a directive to the police not to investigate the police reports which have been launched countrywide by DAP and Pakatan Rakyat MPs, State Assembly members and leaders against the self-styled “Council of Islamic NGOs” for a battery of criminal offences, including criminal intimidation, sedition, incitement of violence against a woman MP and incitement for another May 13 riots?

Is Zahid also telling the Police that they should not investigate the Council of Islamic NGOs for breaches of the Peaceful Assembly Act in not giving the police 10 days notice for the assembly?

At Thursday’s chicken-slaughtering and blood-curdling demonstration, a spokesman of the Council of Islamic NGOs even raised the spectre of May 13 riots, saying that the blood of the slaughtered chicken was symbolic of the May 13 riots.

He even demanded that the government expel Chinese and Indian citizens who were not fluent in Malay from the country?

There are also Malays who are not fluent in Malay. Are they also to be expelled from the country?

If Zahid thinks that the above extremist and ultra statements and demands are perfectly legitimate and acceptable, then he is not fit to be Home Minister for all Malaysians.

I want to ask the new MCA leadership led by Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai and Datuk Dr. Wee Ka Siong whether they agree with Zahid that there is nothing wrong and therefore nothing to investigate with regard to the shocking and outrageous incidents of the the offer of RM1,200 to slap Teresa and the slaughter of chickens and smearing of the chicken blood on banner featuring DAP and Pakatan Rakyat leaders.

If not, are they prepared to take a principled stand including requisitioning of an emergency meeting of the Barisan Nasional Supreme Council as the very basis of a rule of law and a legitimate democracy have been brought into question by Zahid’s heretical statements, which completely repudiates the rule of law in Malaysia.

Groups laud stay of execution of death row prisoner

The Star

PETALING JAYA: Several groups have lauded the stay on the execution of P. Chandran, but warned that there are many others still in death row who are yet to be executed.

Amnesty International said the Government's move to halt Chandran's execution scheduled for Friday was a positive step forward.

"We are glad that Chandran Paskaran will not be put to death today (Friday), but his life is still at risk – his death sentence must be commuted immediately," said Isabelle Arradon, Amnesty International's Asia Pacific deputy director in a statement.

"It is shocking that it took an outcry from human rights groups for this postponement to happen. What about the other secretive executions Malaysia is planning to carry out that do not get the same attention?," added Arradon.

The execution of death row prisoner P. Chandran was halted after a reprieve from Johor Ruler Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar, following pleas from his family.

The Bar Council welcomed the show of compassion and the swift intervention of the Sultan.

"The Malaysian Bar is heartened by, and, which resulted in the stay of execution of the death sentence on Chandran s/o Paskaran," said its chairman Christopher Leong in a statement.

Leong added that the Bar also commended the Prime Minister and the Government for their role in the matter.

"The Bar notes that the Malaysian Government has, since 2010, announced its willingness to re-look at the mandatory death penalty, with a view to its possible abolition or the reintroduction of a discretionary death penalty.

"In light of such review, the authorities and the Government should, in the interests of justice, impose an immediate official moratorium on any and all executions of the death sentence," said Leong.

Chandran, then 29, was sentenced to death in 2008 after a Johor Baru High Court convicted him for the murder of K. Muthuraman Krishnasamy, 36, by slashing him with a parang in front of the victim's house in Taman Puteri Wangsa, Ulu Tiram, at about 8.15pm on July 19, 2003.

The court found that Chandran and 11 others, who were still at large, had attacked the victim following an argument over a CD player.

Post-mortem results revealed that Muthuraman suffered 24 slash wounds all over his body.

Chandran's previous appeals at the Appeals and Federal Courts were dismissed.

Bukit Gasing being raped by MBPJ

BUKIT GASING IN PETALING JAYA IS UP FOR SALE: I don't think any one party can save it as GREEN LUNG anymore. We, human are the dangerous creature in this world. The future generation will loose the beautiful landscape of Malaysia. Who is responsible for all this? Responsible citizen should question their atrocities.

Soon this green lung will vanish, huge bungalows are being built all along the slopes...

This huge bungalow at Bukit Gasing is up for sale...

This tree is ear marked for chopping....

These poor creatures have no where to go....their home is being demolished...

Sivan temple being demolished...sign at the entrance gate to the temple...

This one near the temple : Parcel 25

Going up the hill on the right, left some huge bungalow is being constructed...

This old tree along the roadside is marked for chopping

Parcel 84 is along the snake temple road

Parcel 59 already sold

This is what happens to the nature when parcel of land in Bukit Gasing are sold for greed against nature

This parcel already bought by one Dato K Durai and the sign shows a bungalow will be up soon given approval by MBPJ

MBPJ do not respect Allah and his creation