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Wednesday 3 February 2010

Ku Li’s use of opposition platform not acceptable, says Dr M

(Bernama) - Umno veteran Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah’s use of an opposition platform to state his stand on the oil royalty issue is not acceptable, said former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

He said this was because the former finance minister could have used a more suitable platform like a forum to put forward his views.

“I don’t think it is acceptable, I must use other channels like a forum in order to voice out my views. He could have raised it with the Prime Minister,” he told reporters after delivering an address entitled “Asean: Present and Future Challenges” at the 2010 Asean Logics Fonference at the Interantional Islamic University, Malaysia here today.

Dr Mahathir said this when asked to comment on Tengku Razaleigh’s action in stating that Kelantan was entitled to oil royalty at a PAS function held at the Sultan Mohamed IV Stadium in Kota Baharu recently, which was also attended by Kelantan Menteri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat.

“I think he gives Kelantan more priority than the government. As a Kelantanese (Tengku Razaleigh is the Member of Parliament for Gua Musang), you want to see Kelantan get its money,” said Dr Mahathir.

Asked if Tengku Razaleigh’s action would have an effect on Kelantan voters, Dr Mahathir said: “Perhaps, but in any case we (Barisan Nasional) will not be able to retake Kelantan because the Kelantanese have their own ideas.”

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