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Wednesday 3 February 2010

Court Rules No Foul Play In Dr Cynthia's Death

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 2 (Bernama) -- The Coroner's Court here Tuesday ruled that Dr Cynthia Joseph's death was a mishap and not due to foul play.

Coroner Tasnim Abu Bakar said all evidence and exhibits produced in the proceeding were a far cry to link her death with any elements of foul play.

"All witnesses testified that they did not see any internal or external injury on Dr Cynthia's body," she said in her written judgment.

She said the fact on the quantity of the 'midazolam' drug found in Dr Cynthia's liver and kidney could not be used to establish whether she had taken the drug herself or given an overdose of the drug that caused her death.

Dr Cynthia, 42, died at the Pantai Cheras Medical Center here on Sept 27, 2004, and police exhumed her body on Dec 2, 2004, after her family lodged a report suspecting foul play in her death.

Eight witnesses were called during the inquest, including the deceased husband, Dr Retnarasa Annarasa, and her father, Joseph Sebastian.

In her ruling, Tasnim said the court also not ascertain how Dr Cynthia died on Dec 27, 2004.

"From testimony by witnesses, the court gathers that on Sept 25, 2004, Dr Cynthia fainted and was taken in an ambulance to the Pantai Cheras Medical Centre.

"On arrival, she was given emergency treatment by sixth witness, Dr Ravi Apparow, who then confirmed the deceased suffered from 'hypoglyecemia', which is low sugar content in the blood," she added.

She said Dr Cynthia was found unconscious and with no heart beat by nurses on Dec 27, 2004.

"Efforts to save her failed and the sixth witness confirmed the cause of Dr Cynthia's death as cardiac arrest," she added.

Tasnim said a complete post-mortem on the body could not be done as it was already in a decomposed state when exhumed two months later.

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