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Wednesday 3 February 2010

Anwar’s trial – Our duty to spread the truth

by Nathaniel Tan

a quick ps- in the article by Siva mentioned below, he correctly anticipates that the prosecution will charge that semen was found, and will once again go down the fake DNA road.

Well, a big trial began today.

I would recommend to anyone looking for a refresher on this whole affair Siva’s article on Loyarburok which provides a comprehensive, detailed recount of the multitude of sketchy details and clear signs of conspiracy that surround this case.

A simple reading of the facts in 2010 and in 1998 reveal observations that are nothing less than shocking.

My only conclusion can be this – that BN truly believes that Malaysians simply do not care enough to look closely at what they are doing.

They appear to hope that control over the mainstream media alone will cloak their devious deeds – deeds so obviously repugnant to anyone with any sense of justice.

I’m full of rhetoric here, but really, read the article – or any article you like on the matter online – and watch the video in the sidebar to the right to see blow by blow accounts of just how ridiculously twisted justice is becoming in Malaysia. Pay special attention to how the same players in ‘98 have all since miraculously risen through the ranks and today (conveniently for Sodomy II) occupy the highest offices of law enforcement.

BN doesn’t seem to learn from past mistakes in this regard. They may think that Sodomy I ‘knocked out’ Anwar in ‘98, but Mahathir has since been deposed, and Anwar is still at the forefront of politics. Thinking replaying the same game will garner success is painfully short sighted on their part.

I note with encouragement the number of foreign diplomats who were present at the trial today (see 7.57am) – indicating resolve by the international committee that injustice go not unnoticed.

Of course, the triumph of good over evil is not guaranteed. It falls to you and me to make ourselves aware of all the shenanigans they have pulled and continue to pull, and to spread the word.

I myself may be trying to get myself a copy of Anwar on Trial, pictured above, which looks to be an extremely detailed first hand account of 1998. Perhaps its time many of us do.

Remember, this whole thing is not about Anwar, it’s about you and me.

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