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Saturday 15 August 2009

SMSes are not true!

One Sms has been spread which sounded;

"I lived in the village. I am saddened that my own race spoke with lies and deception. When the Pg govt. came with a solution mind you, my Indian leaders told me to ignore it.I knew the previous govt. had sold us off like like cows.LGE met us 4 times and spoke with truth. Now, i hve accepted the offer and I hope the leaders in PR are real unlike Hindraf and MIC! Raj, former Kg.Buah Pala resident.

fwd from 019-4711491...

There is no former resident by the name of Raj, Someone trying to tarnish some parties name and this sms sounds instigating! This is not the sms from the villager and it must be from some outsiders trying to create chaos and taking advantage of the situation!

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