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Saturday 15 August 2009

Nusmetro & Malaysiakini are now LGE’s buddies in the Kg Buah Pala issue

Watching the video on “Nusmetro speaks” on Malaysiakini, I wonder
whether the script writers for both LGE and Thomas Chan are the same
person. What is even more disgusting is the reporter from Malaysiakini
has already decided $500,000 is the “durian runtuh’ for those

Wah!! Since when have reporters become property appraisers or has it
been decided that the residents are just about $$$$ although they have
time and time stated they would rather preserve their way of life?

Aren’t reporters supposed to be objective in their personal views? It
must be happening only in Penang and in particular in Kg Buah Pala.
When the world braces itself with world recession and depreciation of
properties, only in Penang and more so in Kg Buah Pala that land is
valued at $357.14 per sq foot even without the building being there.

At this current stage I am beginning to doubt the credibility of some
of Malaysiakini’s citizen journalists as they seem to be biased in
their thoughts by making their own subjective minds as opposed to the
neutrality that is expected from them.

Look at the questions posed by the reporters; it seems so dictated and
in tune with what has been reported to create a negative perception on
the Kg Buah Pala residents to ensure that LGE’s government who is in
cohorts with the Developer are supposedly doing the right thing.

Where are the questions such as how can you launch your project and
conduct sales even before it was approved, how come your brochure
stated over 1,000 sq feet but in the S&P it is only 700 sq feet, why
hasn't the Joint Venture agreement with the Koperasi been made public,
why have so many banks refused to finance the prospective purchasers,
what are the sale figures and how many purchasers have cancelled their
purchase. I could go on and on and bore you. Where are the objective
questions that are there to gauge public sentiments rather than
helping to blow the trumpet for LGE and Nusmetro?

If you are objective in your mind, you will notice that all
Malaysiakini's questions seem to be tailored to fit the agenda and
that is disappointing. What difference is there between the UMNO run
media and those media that is supposed to unearth the truth in an
objective manner? I would rather stick to MT in this issue.

To be precise - is this another propaganda scam by the LGE government,
this time with the assistance of the Developer and Malaysiakini to
blemish those Kg Buah Pala residents?

The sad path of the whole affair, at least in the media's mind, is
that nobody seems to address the plight of the Kg Buah Pala residents
but only how the media can swing the whole thing mainly through
reporters who fail to be objective in their reports for reasons known
best to them.

Whatever that has been said and done, I respect the resilience of the
Kg Buah Pala residents to right a wrong for they have been the victim
of both the previous government and the current government on false

I just wish we the general public can unite and be as resilient as
they are as they fight a cause for what is just and fair whether it is
BN or Pakatan. Our thoughts and actions should actually reinforce our
strength rather than hinging on someone else or on false propaganda
that we are so used to.

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