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Saturday 15 August 2009

Bernama and its 'blur sotong' reporter?

Are there credible witnesses for Malaysian courts?

First, we had the Utusan reporter who mistook 'ultra vires' to mean 'to insult'.

Now, we have an RTM reporter, Eliana Mazlan, who admitted that she does not know which party Karpal Singh belongs to. Nor does she know who Anwar Ibrahim is, save for her ability to only describe him as the president of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).

Young at 26 years old and had only been on the job for two months, Eliana was entrusted by RTM to cover Karpal Singh's March 17 press conference.

Her testimony is crucial to the introduction of an RTM video recording of Karpal’s statement to the press which is now a sedition suit that had implicated the DAP national chief under Section 4(1)(b) of the Sedition Act 1948.

By questioning her understanding of what transpired during Karpal's press conference, the defence is attempting to prove she is an unreliable witness.

Full story in Malaysian Insider.

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