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Wednesday 14 January 2015

'Sirul in Australia, no money to return'

Sirul Azhar Umar, the second accused in the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu, is currently in Australia, according to Bernama.

The national news agency claimed that he did not have enough money to return to Malaysia for the Federal Court's verdict, which was delivered this morning.

Quoting sources, the report stated that Sirul, who has been out of the country for some two months, was aware of the court date.

Asked if Sirul did not return because he feared the verdict would be against him, the source replied: "It (verdict) was not something to be expected, but it was necessary for Sirul to be overseas."

The Federal Court found Sirul and another former policemen Azilah Hadri guilty and sentenced them to death for the murder.

Previously, the Court of Appeal had acquitted the duo and overruled the Shah Alam High Court's earlier decision.

Forgiveness sought from fiancé

Meanwhile Azilah’s former fiancé said he was ready for whichever way the Federal Court's verdict would go.

Norazila Baharuddin, 37, said Azilah conveyed this to her in a phone call yesterday and also sought her forgiveness over their failed relationship.

"Azilah was prepared to face whatever decision the court would take. Bad or good he would have accepted it. He did not want to run away from it," she said.

Norazila, who has since married (in May last year), said the last she met Azilah was in August 2013 when the Court of Appeal acquitted him and Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar of murdering the Mongolian model.

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