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Friday 18 June 2010

Leaning Arch: Now you can't measure the tilt!

Talk about a cover up! Someone has just put up a barrier around the ‘Leaning Arch of Penang’ after the revelation yesterday that its tilt has worsened.

Notice that the fencing is not to protect the unsuspecting public from danger in case the arch collapses (it is too small for that). But it appears aimed at blocking Penang’s newest ‘tourist attraction’ from further public scrutiny.
Hmm, that takes care of the nosey folks with plumb lines and theodolites, eh?
Asked an engineer, “What is the appropriate word to use to describe this conduct: pathetic, deplorable, despicable, contemptible, laughable, pitiful, myopic, unthinking, selfish or merely bone-headed stupidity?”

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