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Friday 18 June 2010

DAP leader says PR refuses to resolve Indian problems, only want Indian votes.

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So says Asoghan, the Bagan Luar DAP branch chief. He says the Indian bureau has not met after the march 2008 general elections. Asoghan says elected representatives including Dr. Ramasamy had not taken any initiative to address the community’s problem in the state.
He said they were also disappointed that the non-Indian Pakatan state executive councilors had washed their hands of the problems faced by the community in Penang, Kedah and Selangor.
Even with three giant Indian MP mandores Karpal Singh who is DAP Chairman, Kulasegaran a former secretary general, and DCM Dr. P. Ramasamy, and five Indian State Assemblyman Mandores in Penang the last traditional Indians village in Penang, the Kg. Buah Pala, could not be saved. Even the party chairman has been proven to be powerless and useless. What more the 11 Opposition Indian MP mandores from PKR, DAP and PAS.
They do not speak up even on the critical Indian problems. Because they will lose malay muslim votes?
Similarly all the 76 PR “multi-racial” MPs and top leaders have been known to speak up on all and every Malay-sian problem, except when the victims are Indians.
Similarly none of the other 76 PR “multi-racial” MPs and top leaders have been known to speak up on Indians issues. Has anyone heard Tian Chua, Sivarasa, Azmin Ali, Saifuddin Nasution, Nik Aziz, William Leong, Chua Jui Meng, Zaid Ibrahim, Teresa Kok – anyone at all, speak up on Indian issues?
So where is the multiracialism?
Karunai Nithi @ Compassionate Justice

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