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Tuesday 25 May 2010

UMNO welfare help denied to Sarojini, single mother with two children aged 3 and 1, and a 53 year old unemployed mother.

url umno welfare
The one year old is a sickly baby. This is yet again the tip of the iceberg where welfare help is denied to the Indian poor and the elderly (SH 23/5/2010 at page S27). How come the RM 48 million for welfare programmes including for rental payments and the RM 174 million for senior citizens do not reach this thousands of the Indian poor? Is is for Malays only?
Prime Minister Najib Razak’s announcement that an income of RM 687 per month is the Poverty Line Index (NST 24/10/09 at page 10) but again the thousands of the Indian poor have again been excluded! Why? Why this level of racist against in particular the Indians by UMNO by commission, and racial omission by PKR, DAP, PAS, NGOs’ Bloggers, Indian elite, all of whom are silent on these issues, yet make empty wayang kulit bodoh claims of multi-racialism.
P. Uthayakumar

1 comment:

Dom Casas said...

It really is not easy to be a single mother. I heard that grants for single mothers and obama's program are running out of funds.