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Tuesday 25 May 2010

Massive Umno puppet show: CSL's 'scripted' bravado, Samy/Mugilan

By Nathaniel Tan,

A quick post on some recent BN dynamics and patterns that may be emerging.
We see Chua Soi Lek now stepping up to market himself like some champion of the Chinese (once again going on about money; reinforcing the negative stereotype that that’s all the Chinese care about – even though Sibu clearly debunks that), while on the MCA side, the GAS movement seems stronger than ever.
For my money, I say Umno is really just pulling the strings of a massive puppet show.
It is clear Samy is a liability they are just dying to hang out to dry. I mean, would a political nobody like Mugilan have the guts to take on the granddaddy of MIC politics by himself with no solid backing?
As for MCA, my suspicion is that Najib and Chua have already colluded and written a script, where Chua will bang the table, and then Najib will pretend to be wow’ed by his oratory and ’stature’ – where in actual fact, all the deals will have already been pre-planned and arranged.
All this merely = a desperate attempt to restore some credibility to MCA, a party no one gives two hoots about any more.
So yes, we have many signs that Umno dominance has in fact reached the stage where they are truly behind anything and everything, the single player calling all the shots (remember Kamalanathan?).
Is Pakatan ready to capitalise on this? Time will tell.

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