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Tuesday 25 May 2010

HRP demonstration against UMNO discrimination, Mega Rally to Come

url hrp
The UMNO Kerian District Council has persistently denied Indians in Parit Buntar and the surrounding areas trading lots, market and food stalls, government jobs and land for animal rearing. The Star 24/5/2010 at page N47.
Even when the Indians are called in for an interview for the trading stalls etc, their application is rejected for the smallest, illogical or “unknown reasons”.
Our finding is that this is only the tip of the iceberg of UMNO’s direct discrimination against the Indians nationwide that is being implemented by UMNO’s 1,016,799 racist Biro Tatanegara graduates who are mostly civil servants (See UM Buliten 21/6/09 at page 19).
Parit Buntar Branch Human Rights Party Chief M. Sivakumar’s Memorandum submitted to the UMNO authorities had been ignored. UMNO’s racist religious extremist and supremacist agenda is to deliberately exclude the Indians from the national mainstream development of Malaysia.
Hundreds of our Memorandum and letters running into thousands of pages had been completely ignored by UMNO for over 16 years in a row. This led to the bubble bursting and the banks breaking it’s seams and which led to the 25th November 2007 Hindraf Rally which was during the election season of 2007/2008.
Today with this very small peaceful assembly, the seeds has today been planted for another peaceful assembly against UMNOs’s racism by commission and also against PKR, DAP and PAS’ racism by omission, which has jointly and severally led to the Indians being excluded from the national mainstream development of Malaysia, even direct discrimination against the soft target Indians at every level of life and even death in Malaysia for 53 long years.
The coincidence is that it may happen again just before the 2012/2013 general elections but targeted at both UMNO/BN and also PKR, DAP and PAS/PR.
P. Uthayakumar

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