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Sunday 16 May 2010

Najib's bribery/'leadership' by example: trying to buy Sibu's dignity -

ps- Selamat mengundi Sibu! :)
Amidst great turnouts at PR crowds in Sibu, we read of Najib once again relying on blatant bribery:
Making a last-minute pitch in a DAP stronghold, he announced an allocation of RM5 million for flood-mitigation projects in Rejang Park.
“I want to make a deal with you. Can we have an understanding or not?” Najib asked some 1,000 people who attended a public rally at the residential area.
“The understanding is quite simple. I help you, you help me,” said the Barisan Nasional (BN) chairman.
“If Robert Lau becomes the MP on Sunday, on Monday I will ask the cheque to be prepared,” Najib told the all-Chinese audience.
How can we expect our policemen not to ask for bribes? How can we expect our civil servants not to demand under table money?! When our NUMBER ONE EXECUTIVE is the very one spouting “I help you, you help me.” ?!?
How many times have we heard this statement from the crooked traffic cop, or the government officer whose approval we need for our restaurant license?
How can we fight corruption in this country, with this sort of ‘leadership’ by example? >:(
The question that is really being asked here is: how much is our dignity worth?
In Chinese majority Sibu, I suppose this is an especially pertinent question.
The question may seem to be whether one should choose RM 5 million for flood mitigation projects, even if it means putting up with the same arrogant Umno racism that has existed for decades and continues today ala statements from Ibrahim Ali re: the May 13 gathering -
“Even Tun Mahathir himself had explained that the gathering was meant to inform, and that the gathering was peaceful, just as the Chinese also organise their own gatherings.
“If they do not feel safe with Malays having such gatherings, they can leave the country,” he quipped.
In fact however, the question is: what moral right could Najib possibly have to tie aid for flood mitigation to political choice?
Surely this is a) an election offence, and b) holding the rakyat’s own money and (more importantly) safety and livelihood ransom.
The people of Sibu *deserve* that RM 5 million to help stop flooding, REGARDLESS of who gets voted in tomorrow.
If Najib cannot see that, he must take us all for whores, and will clearly never, ever be a real statesman.

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