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Sunday 16 May 2010

A big push for BN from Najib's final pitch

By Pushparani Thilaganathan - Free Malaysia Today

SIBU: News of Prime Minister Najib Razak’s meeting tonight with the Malay/Melanau community has upped Barisan Nasional’s support in the Nangka constituency.
Until late yesterday, the 5,470 voters here were peeved with Najib for ignoring them during his last trip.
Najib’s dismissal of the fringe community, which was hardly a distance from the Tua Pek Kong Chinese temple which he visited, was the final straw for an already angry community.
The Nangka constituents are furious with state assemblyman Awang Bemen over his inefficiency and conveyed this to Najib’s legmen yesterday.
Following ground reports, Najib was advised to return immediately and forestall a plunge in the Malay/Melanau support, which PAS has been actively canvassing.
Meanwhile, the situation in the Chinese community too has improved. BN is now looking at 42% support, according to an intelligence source.
“It’s a relief... at least we’re clear,” said the source.
There is much pressure on Najib to win more than a 5,000 vote majority here.
Some 2,537 postal voters have already been cast , comprising 1,910 military and 627 police personnel.
'Money in your hour of need'
Pakatan remains confident of its support among the Chinese, Malay/Melanau and Sarawak Bumiputeras.
BN is facing its toughest ever challenge in 24 years to retain its grip on the Sibu parliamentary seat as a consolidated Pakatan Rakyat coalition systematically chews into its vote pool.
Tonight sees the top leaders of both BN and Pakatan in Sibu running parallel gatherings.
Earlier today, two schools and four churches confirmed receiving funds totalling RM1.7 million as promised by Najib.
Boats ferrying BN’s little “Napoleons” armed with “goodies” have been whizzing up and down the Rejang river.
Each longhouse, Chief Minister Taib Mahmud had reportedly, said would receive RM600.
There are 110 longhouses in 13 villagers here boasting just over 10,000 votes.
Said a Pakatan insider: “It’s the final hours that we most fear… and money in your hour of need.”

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