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Friday 9 April 2010

Someone could have held Kugan when he was assaulted, says witness

(Bernama) - Car theft suspect A. Kugan, who died in police custody, might have been held by someone while he was assaulted at the Taipan police station in Subang Jaya, the Sessions Court was told yesterday.

The deceased's injuries could have been inflicted by only one person in a position where he was being held by another to keep him still," said pathology and forensic expert Abdul Karim Tajuddin.

He said this when defence counsel Datuk P. M. Nagarajan requested a demonstration to show Kugan's position when he was assaulted and inflicted with such grievous hurt.

According to Abdul Karim, the first was when Kugan was chained in a squatting position, via a chain handcuff, and held by two people with another assaulting him in front.

The second involved using a normal handcuff in front and a piece of wood placed between Kugan's legs while he was sitting on the floor, to restrict his movement, he added.

Abdul Karim, 61, who is attached to Serdang Hospital's forensic medicine division, said both positions could have caused grievous hurt on Kugan as there was no way he could avoid being hit.

"When handcuffed from the back and (if he) did not move, he would not be injured...but if he moved and fought back, he would be injured because the handcuff would graze his skin, causing it to become red, swollen and bruised," he said, adding that Kugan's wrists would have also been injured if he was in handcuffs for five consecutive days.

Abdul Karim was recalled to testify in the trial of Constable V. Navindran who is charged with causing grievous hurt to Kugan at the interrogation room of the police station in USJ at 7am, on Jan 16, last year.

Navindran pleaded not guilty to the charge on Oct 1, last year.

He also pleaded not guilty to two alternative charges of causing hurt to Kugan at the same time and place.

Abdul Karim said there were about 40 wounds on Kugan's body, including bruises and scratch marks.

Hearing before Judge Aslam Zainuddin continues today.

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