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Wednesday 17 March 2010

Rawang villagers gather bravely against TNB to prevent high tension cables over their homes

by Nathaniel Tan,

Tomorrow, some very brave villagers from Kg. Terentang in Rawang are going to face down TNB and possible hordes of police.

These villagers are only trying to protect themselves by preventing the building of high tension electric cables from being built over their homes.

Imagine if someone wanted to build one of those above your house? >:( All they want is to be left in peace so they can contribute to society in safety. The land is TNB reserve, but temporary leases were granted under the last state government – in what I understand was a vote garnering ploy, the ramifications of which the villagers are now being left to face alone.

If you’d like to show solidarity, the gathering will be at 7am, 17th March 2010 (Wednesday), at S.R.J.K(C) San Yuk, Kg Sg Terentang, Rawang. YB Gan Pei Nei – one of the best YBs I know – will be there, leading the way.

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