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Wednesday 17 March 2010

Kg Terentang win round one!

By Nathaniel Tan

I’m happy to report that the Kg Terentang villagers have prevailed – if only for this morning.

The residents had been blocking all three entrances to the village from 7.30am, but dispersed at 11.50am as there was no sign of the TNB team as anticipated.

The residents had waited outside the main entrance, across which they have parked a bulldozer, and kept up their spirits with songs and speeches.

Their solidarity and bravery have carried the day (so far) – and scared a regime probably unwilling to bear any more bad publicity.

(hope they don’t come back later and try to sneaky sneaky, when less people are there)

We still hope for a just solution to this problem, that does not adversely affect the lives of good Malaysians just trying to get by.

With innovativeness, sincerity, and a willingness to put people before pure profit, I’m sure we can settle the matter amicably.

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