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Tuesday 25 August 2009

MACC and Lim Guan Eng-Nice Game!

Kg.Buah Pala issues has been ongoing for more than a year now since the take over by the Pakatan Rakyat Government from 3rd March 2008 due to the influence by the Hindraf supports which cannot be denied by anyone. Upon taking over the Penang State Government, its DAP based Chief Minister the Faithful and generous, Lim Guan Eng, the leader who does'nt Lie! (Bullshit!) had promised to take severe action on the Illegal transaction of the land of Kg.Buah Pala to the Koperasi Pegawai Kerajaan Pulau Pinang by the former Penang TPM/DCM from Barisan Nasional Government.

He, and 2 more leaders with integrity(Bullshit!) and never lie leader(Bullshit!) Prof.Ramasamy and RSN Rayer(The Award winner for the best Liar! ADUN by Cryingvoices) had made a complaint to the MACC on the corruption and fraud found in the Buah Pala Land transaction. The report of the investigation is now available for public viewing at every bus-stop and public toilets nationwide!

Funny? are you thinking that this writer is insane and making fun of the situation? Yes I am, where the hell is the MACC report? why Lim Guan Eng who was so eager to file a case with MACC and bambooing UMNO and Barisan Nasional for the illegal transaction is on the developers underwear now? Why is he so eager to chase the Villagers and keep mum about the MACC report made by him and his pirates? Why was Jagdeep sent out of the State Assembly? What did he accused the former DCM who is from UMNO? Why blaming Koh Soo Koon for the fraud when you as the Chief Minister of a State has all the rights to stop the Project? and file a suit against the former government when you know it's an illegal transaction? Where is section 116(1)(D)? When you planned to use it? after all the houses been demolished and when the construction starts? so that you can use the land for your personal use and the senseless agreement that you are forcing the villager to sign now will be invalid when the project halts? or Is it because all the people there, are Poor Indians and the place is full of Cowshed and Cow Dungs all over like you have mention earlier?

You are not a racist Mr.Lim Guan Eng, yes we agree that you have 2 useless right hand mans with you who is a bigger liar than anyone else and blaming Samy Vellu and poking his backside whenever their fingers are itchy, Whatever Samy Vellu did for the past 30+ years in the politics maybe wrong, but he has never demolished anyones house and chase them out in the street, His 30+ years crimes are smaller compared to the sins that you two Liars commit! Prove me that I m wrong! Sue me if you have never promise the Villagers that this Land will be here as long as Ramasamy is in power with Pakatan Rakyat as the Deputy Chief Minister 2, Sue me if you say I talk nonsense and you have never promise to arrange for an allocation to have the Ponggal festival as an annual event in Kg.Buah Pala! Sue me if you did not say that Kg.Buah Pala is the only remaining indian Heritage Village in the country! Liar! Liar! Liar!

Simple point to think ; You were so eager to make this land fraud a big issue, then you said that you wanted to use 116(1)(D) to stop development project, then you screwed the Developer Nusmetro for trying to Demolish the Village, and now you are acting as Die Hard FAN for Nusmetro, why this much of changes in principals? What happened to case that you three stooges filed with the MACC?

Why Must you eager than the Developer and the Landowner Koperasi trying to persuade the Villagers to sign on the Shit agreement that Nusmetro Uneducated fools prepared? As a Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister, Professor, Lawyer and crook team, dont you think that the agreement is a mere trap for the villagers? Who has prepared it? who signed on behalf of the Director? Where is the Stamp? where is the chop? Where is the floor plan of the Double storey house which you, you and only you claiming will fetch up to RM500,000 in the market? What Material? where will it be built? Who guarantees the project? Why no letter from the state government?

So many question is lingering in my mind, even my mind, as a fool in the legal terms, what about u? Professor? Lawyer? Crooks? Think... we know everything thats going on, you still have another 4+days to retract the project and stop all your sins.. Good Luck for the next General Election, If Buah Pala falls! DAP Government in the Penang State will be dragged together and buried beneath the Debris of the Demolition!

Conscious and Unconscious



wong said...

ahhahaa good joke to yrself ? take a walk babe !

Anonymous said...

Luckily the country is ruled by Malays,just imagine if the country is ruled by Chinese bustards like this LGE they will chase the other communitys out of this country.The proverb is true "kalau tak tipu itu bukan cina"