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Thursday 20 August 2009

Ask BN for everything, Anwar urges voters - Anil Netto

Photos by Anil

Last night, I thought I would go and check out the scene in Permatang Pasir at random. It didn’t take me long to stumble upon a crowd along Jalan Kubang Semang, near the Permatang Pauh old town centre. Traffic police were doing a good job making sure the crowd did not spill on to the road.

As I approached the ceramah venue, I heard a familiar voice – Anwar’s. He was urging the voters of Permatang Pasir to ask BN leaders to do as much possible for the area.

“As the MP for Permatang Pauh (in which the state seat of Permatang Pasir lies), I urge all of you to ask the BN leaders for whatever you need, whether road repairs or improvements to the mosques or whatever. Take whatever is given, but you know how to vote,” he said to chuckles from the crowd.

But he warned the crowd of 400 at a house along Jalan Kubang Semang not to be too complacent. “I am worried about this.”

Next door, some female campaign workers seated around a table at a BN operations centre ignored what Anwar was saying and beavered away with their own work.

Next up was Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad, the MP for Kuala Selangor. He spoke at length about BN candidate Rohaizat Othman’s problems with the Malaysian Bar.

“I am not indulging in character assassination here,” he clarified. “But the issue is important as it involves integrity and accountability. We want all our leaders to be clean.”

As Dzulkifi addressed the crowd, which had dwindled after Anwar left, it began to drizzle. A few in the crowd opened up newspapers and placed them on their heads to keep away the raindrops (see pic above). Nice to see the mainstream newspapers being put to good use!

A large banner in the premises advertised motorbike service checks and free lubricants at an event apparently related to the Pas campaign.

As I walked back after 11.00pm while the ceramah was still going on, the BN operations centre next door looked almost deserted (see pic above). Further along the road, workers were setting up a stage and arranging chairs under a canopy outside a row of shophouses near a cluster of Umno banners.

Just another night in Permatang Pasir.

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