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Monday 4 March 2013

Islamic Subject Teacher Arrested for Allegedly Molesting 13 Students

A teacher of Islamic studies in East Java was arrested on Friday for allegedly molesting at least 13 elementary school students.

“The suspect, S., 48, holds a degree in Islamic studies and teaches at an elementary school in Gandu, Nganjuk. He has been detained as of today for molesting his students,” Nganjuk Police Chief Adj. Comr. Anggoro Sukartono told the Jakarta Globe on Friday.

Anggoro said that S. often called his students into private meetings on the pretext of grading their tests.

He asked the students, some as young as 8, to sit on his lap while he molested them.

The students said the teacher had also touched them improperly during classes.

All 13 victims have undergone a medical examination, Anggoro said.

“The medical examinations confirm that the students have been sexually abused,” he said.

Anggoro said the police were still questioning the suspect to find out how long he had been sexually harassing his students.

“If there’s other victims, we hope they will come out and file a report, and immediately get a medical examination.”

Anggoro said the suspect threatened the students if they told anyone about the alleged sexual abuses.

The police said if proven guilty, the suspect could face 15 years in prison for violating a law on child protection.

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