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Monday 3 September 2012

Reject Elements That Can Disrupt Unity, Says Muhyiddin

PAGOH, Sept 2 (Bernama) -- Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin today called on the people, particularly the younger generation, to reject the elements which could disrupt unity which has been the country's strength since it achieved independence 55 years ago.

He said these elements would also threaten the socio-economy development that was steering the country to become a developed, high-income nation by 2020.

"There have been signs that because of political ideology, certain groups have been arousing hatred and disrespect for the basic principles of good people relations established since a long time ago," he said.

Muhyiddin said the signs could be seen in the behaviour of certain youths in not respecting the Jalur Gemilang to the extent of wanting to change it, claiming that the national flag did not portray the real Malaysia.

He was speaking at the launching of the Gempak Merdeka 2012 Carnival at the Pagoh Sports Complex.

The deputy prime minister wants the younger generation to also shoulder the responsibility of maintaining racial unity for Malaysia to continue developing and be respected by the world community.

At the function, Muhyiddin also launched the Pagoh IM4U programme to encourage volunteerism among young people.

Earlier, he attended a TNB Aidilfitri function in Muar where he handed out "duit raya" to 30 orphans.

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