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Wednesday 5 October 2011

Indonesia: Radical Islam infiltrating top universities says counter-terror agency

Jakarta, 3 Oct. (AKI/Jakarta Post) - Radicalism has found its way into several of Indonesia's top universities, according to the national counter-terrorism Agency (BNPT) .says
“We are seeing a massive increase in radicalism. It is penetrating some top-quality and favourite universities such as [the University of Indonesia] and [the Bandung Institute of Technology],” BNPT chief Ansyaad Mbai said Tuesday.

Mbai added that he had received reports from several university leaders about radical movements within their institutions.

“BNPT has received reports from rectors, deans and rector’s assistants concerning issues of radicalism at their campuses,” he said.

Radicalism had not only been found among students studying religion, but also students of other faculties such as engineering, mathematics and science, Ansyaad said.

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