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Monday 24 January 2011

“Interlok” hapless compulsory literature unlocking the true agenda of UMNO and pseudoism in PAKATAN


Not only that it is insulting but proofs such a free hand that UMNO along with its toothless mandores in executing the executive duties through its agencies without a lift or flick of the eye based on what is conscious or what is the real history when the Melayus’ sat in their kampong fishing and farming, while their royalties wined and dined with colonist and sold their souls whereas the Indians toiled and ensured the bourgaise British and the royalties earned their luxury for monetary gains. Did you know that the sultanate was not ready to embark into independence in 1957 as they did not want to lose their privileges? Yes this is yet to unfold but in time it will be revealed.

Today, UMNO is doing the same shit as the colonist along with their mandores will play to the tune.

Let’s look at some of the comments in Interlok with my interlocutory observation

(a) Maniam seperti orang India yang lain, tidak pernah khuatir tentang keselamatan isterinya. (Page 218). (I don’t know the relevance of this, such an insult to Indian women)

(b) Mereka yang dari arah ke utara sedikit bercakap bahasa Malayalam atau Telugu, tetapi hampir semuanya tahu bahasa Tamil. Malayalam dan Telugu pun berasal dari satu rumpun bahasa Dravidia. Satu perkara besar yang membuatkan mereka senang berkaul adalah kerana mereka tergolong dalam satu kasta Paria. (page 211) (This guy is so messed up, he does not know the difference oif north or south India since the proto -Dravidian language has about 85 branches that is in the south including that is used by the Brahui community in Pakistan, Afgan & Iran. Yes the civilization of Indus Valley civilization.

(c) Mereka tidak perlu takut akan mengotori sesiapa kalau bersentuhan.(page 211). Derogatory when you don’t know the culture.

(d) Mereka berasak-asak seperti kambing. (page 211) Contradictory to the above

(e)Disini,pekerjaan yang membezakan kasta tidak ada. (page 216) Self serving to justify, the kerja to ensure the Melayu can continued to be spoon fed.

(f)Kuli-kuli Cina itulah yang lebih banyak mendapat kesempatan. Maniam mengakui bahawa mereka lebih pantas bekerja dan sedikit bicara. (page 218). Chinese are opportunist and that is a known fact. How is this reflected on the caste issue.

(g) Dia gembira hidup di negeri ini kerana untuk pertama kali dalam hidupnya dia berasa dirinya sebagai manusia seperti orang lain. (page 218). What manusia, go and look at the statistic of Indians who did well before the 80’s and how they are treated as 2nd class after that. UMNO propaganda with their toothless mandores.

(h) Disini dia tidak sahaja bebas bercampur gaul dengan orang lain sama sebangsanya, malah dia tidak takut dengan pantang larang yang terdapat di negaranya apabila seorang India daripada kasta rendah menyentuh orang India daripada kasta tinggi. (page 218 & 219). Are you talking about UMNO and their kuncu-kuncu ?

(j) Dia tidak sahaja dimaki hamun dengan kata-kata yang kesat, malah disisihkan daripada masyarakat sehingga dirinya dan orang-orang yang sekasta dengannya menjadi lebih hina daripada. (page 219). Are you talking about UMNO and their kuncu-kuncu?

(k) Di negeri ini, orang daripada keturunan kasta tinggi, kasta Brahma memakai punul yang melintang di tubuh, tetapi dia tidak takut menyentuh orang itu. (page 219) Are you talking about UMNO and their kuncu-kuncu?

(L) Dia boleh membeli barang daripada penjaja dengan memberikan wang dari tangan ke tangan; tidak seperti seperti di negaranya, dia mesti meletakkan wang itu di suatu tempat dan penjaja itu akan menyiram wang itu dengan air sebelum diambil dan dimasukkan ke dalam petinya.(page 219) ) Are you talking about UMNO and their kuncu-kuncu? I wonder why we have gloved half passed six doctors within the Muslim community.

(m) Apatah pula lembu ialah binatang suci bagi orang Hindu; dan kalau binatang itu mati, seperti ibunya sendiri yang mati. (page 220). So what is so wrong with it? Yes, the cow is the the ultimate source of life, yet the Muslims will slaughter it.

(n) Tidak makan tengah hari tidak mendatangkan masalah, asalkan dia dapat mengunyah sirihnya seperti lembu atau kambing memamah biak. (page 224). Aah!!!! Sarcasm? Did you know sirih is actually an aphrodisiac? This day they call it Paan in Amrica and it is a booming business.

(o) Dia gertak sahaja, orang kulit hitam ini tentu takut kecut. (page 253). I like the part of orang hitam that speaks well how Malay literature has progressed.

(p) Suppiah menerpa ke hadapan dan sujud di kaki orang putih Lantas, dia menendang Suppiah. Suppiah terjungkir. (page 256) & Dia berasa bangga kerana anjing orang putih itu jinak dengannya. (Page 276). Thank you at least with orang Putih we knew what and how to deal with, but farcical Malay laurerate like who will sell your soul to ensure to maintain the UMNO hegemony is a bigger snake.

I must thank the ungrateful PAKATAN with their silence on this issue who like UMNO have learned to play to the tune as they are only interested on the vote count as for them Malaysian Indians is the ball to be kicked around as and when it is pleasing to maintain their own status quo not one that is based on humanity.

Either way since the Malaysian Indians are going to be kicked around, then with UMNO and now with PAKATAN, why don’t they just unite and stand steadfast under HINDRAF as they seem to be the only one who have not swayed from their agenda nor their goal to ensure humanity prevails.

R. Shan (Human Being)

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