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Wednesday 20 October 2010

Najib: Hey Big (su)Spender

Oddly enough, Najib seems to fit right into this picture:Reading the massive spending the Najib administration has recklessly embarked on, I’m running out of eyes to pop out. 3 big ones:
1) TMI:
The Najib administration revealed today that it had allocated a whopping RM18.14 billion for the Prime Minister’s Department for the year 2011, almost double the RM10.2 billion this year.
The allocation amounts to 8.55 per cent out of the RM212 billion Budget 2011.
O.O Doubled in just a year. And next year? RM 30 billion? For one department?
One single man controlling almost 10% of our entire national budget. Does that seem right to you?
2) MK:
Government data reveals that agencies and projects under Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Idris Jala’s (below) hand will cost the rakyat RM12.6 billion over the next two years.
Bukit Bendera MP Liew Chin Tong said that based on the latest operating and development expenditure documents released last Friday, the sum was akin to that required to run a full government ministry.
Now hold on one damn minute here. Isn’t Idris Jala’s job to make the government more efficient?!?
I think if you spent about 0.1 percent (RM 12.6 million say) on the right people, and the other 99.9 % (ironically enough, if you round that up, that’s the same figure: RM 12.6 billion) on actually improving the lives of the rakyat instead of enriching consultants, maybe you actually make a bloody difference for a change.
The only real consulting taking place here is in the first three letters of ‘consulting’. Rest assured that in exchange for some very fancy powerpoint presentations, a few key government officials are getting kickbacks the likes of which even Malaysia has probably never seen.
3. MK:
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s official travel expenditure and that of his deputy Muhyiddin Yassin has this year ballooned by 75.2 percent from 2008′s figures.
In a written reply yesterday, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz stated that the total of cost of 1,102 officers who had accompanied Najib and Muhyiddin on their official trips since 2008 have cost a staggering RM21.45 million.
This may not be in the billions, but it shows a very clear trend of excessive spending - how much do you wanna bet Bik Mama has something to do with this?
In summary, we are poised to spend RM 213 billion next year, but are set to only earn RM 165 billionadding another RM 50 billion to our existing deficit O.O
I don’t think words can describe just how incredibly insane all this is.
When faced with burning criticism regarding his phallic tower of vanity, all Najib could do stammer like a doofus and say was “Look, it wasn’t my idea ok?”
What an idiot. You think he’d be singing the same tune if all that criticism was praise?
“It was PNB’s idea” ?? Wtf. Is PNB the finance minister? Is PNB the chief executive of the country? TAKE SOME DAMNED RESPONSIBILITY.
Sigh. This post is too long already, and it’s just as well. I don’t think I can handle any more billions.
Big spender indeed. Or who knows? Maybe he’s more of a bit (su)spender:

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