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Wednesday 20 October 2010

Madam, may I be excused from jury duty? I’m related to the…

By Haris Ibrahim,

In a PKR divisional election in Selangor, things got so bad that some people had to be hospitalised with broken bones.

As it turned out, those in hospital lost the election.

Police reports were lodged.

Complaints were lodged by the vanquished with the central election committee under the stewardship of Dr Molly Cheah.

The complaints, it would seem, were considered,whereafter the committee upheld the results of that election.

A decision well within the purview of that committee, you would think, and all perfectly in order.

Things, though, are not always as they seem.

A man and his wife sit on that committee, I am reliably informed.

The man, I am given to undertsand, is related by marriage to the victor in that rowdy election.

Was this nexus disclosed to Molly and the rest of the committee?

Was it disclosed to the complainants?

Did man and wife recuse themselves from the deliberations and the decision by the committee on the validity or otherwise of the election results?

Until these questions are adequately answered by Molly so as to put to rest any reservations about the propriety of the decision of her committee, can someone please remind me what the ‘K’ in PKR stands for?

And, for the avoidance of any doubts on the part of the central election committee, I am referring to the Kota Raja divisional elections

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