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Monday 14 June 2010

Video: HINDRAF/ HRP wants standard varsity exams for all and abolish STPM


Sign our Petition here:
SPM 7 A’s above denied JPA Scholarship, Matriculation & University seats.
Urgent Public Petition Campaign to PM Najib Razak (Download, circulate &
return to us by 14/6/10
HINDRAF & Human Rights Party (HRP) urges all concerned citizens to protest
the injustices of the UMNO/BN led Malay-sian government denying top and
high achieving Indian students UP TO 13A’s JPA scholarships, Matriculation
and Public University seats locally and overseas. We call upon all
concerned citizens to support our “HINDRAF & HRP 10,000 signature campaign
Petition to PM.Najib Razak on Indian students being denied JPA
scholarships, Matriculation & Public University places especially in
critical courses and also for a Royal Commission of Enquiry to stop such
UMNO’s racial discrimination”.
Please avoid waiting until the last moment to sign and we urge you all to
access our website & to
sign our online petition or download our petition get it sign and return
the same to us.
You could also come to our HRP HQ at No.6, Jalan Abdullah, off Jalan
Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur (near to Klinik Pergigian Jalan Bangsar) and collect
the signature campaign petition and return it immediately or by 14/6/10 to
us by fax at 03 22825245 & Tel: 03 22825241 or email to
Please help this campaign in putting to a stop these 40 years of
injustices against the top and high achieving Indian students.
Please join us on 15/6/10 at 11.00am at the Parliament House in submitting
our Memorandum to Prime Minister Najib Razak.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully
HINDRAF & Human Rights Party (HRP)
Information Chief
012 6362287

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