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Monday 14 June 2010

For a mere RM 200 an Indian slashes another Indian. Height of Indian poverty under 53 year UMNO regime

najib n muhyiddin Even as recent as some twenty years ago Indian gangsters and Indian crime as we know of today did not exist.
This Indian crime phenomena is a very new development and as a direct result of UMNO’s 53 year social engineering of excluding the Indians from the national mainstream development of Malaysia. They effect this by undertaking all programs designed for Malays only, non malays excluded, and some crumbs for the Chinese and Indians.
The Chinese gangsters even up to the 1980s have all been given licences for businesses and are no more gangsters today.
As an analogy, one must be given a fishing rod and taught how to fish, then one would be able to fish for himself. Here in Malaysia, a license is required to own a fishing rod, and a permit is required to fish in certain areas. In the case of the poor Indians they are denied the fishing rod license or the permit to fish, or both!
Give these Indians besi buruk and car wash licences, 10 acre land ownership schemes like in Felda, Felcra, Risda, Fama, Agropolition etc. Give them Petronas, KFC, Mc Donald, highway rest area food stalls. Give them petty trading licences and opportunities. Give them taxi, lorry, express and local bus permits.
In short give them equal upward mobility opportunities and there is no way they are going to slash or kill someone for a mere RM 200. This Indian man must be so desperate and deprived of opportunities in prosperous One Malay-sia with the world’s tallest twin towers for him to slash or kill for a mere RM 200.
Karunai Nithi @ Compassionate Justice
for a mere

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