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Monday 3 May 2010

Selangor to move motion on Freedom of Information Act

By FMT Staff - Free Malaysia Today

SHAH ALAM: In support of press freedom, the Selangor government will re-categorise several state documents which are now under the Official Secrets Act (OSA).
In conjunction with the world press freedom day today, Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim said the process of reclassification of certain documents had already begun as provided for under the “authority of the Menteri Besar”.
This will enable the rakyat to access actual information on issues handled by the state government.
“The state government will move a motion for the Freedom of Information Act in support of media freedom.
“Up till now some documents classified under the OSA have been re-categorised using the powers allocated to the Menteri Besar to ensure the rakyat have access to actual information on several issues handled by the Selangor government,” he said in a statement.
May 3, is celebrated worldwide as international press freedom day.
International organisation, Reporters Without Borders, has in their recent report noted that press freedom in Malaysia had deteriorated to 39.50 as compared to 44.25 previously. (0.00 points is ranked the best and 100 worst). Malaysia is two points ahead of Zimbabwe and Nigeria.
“Here in Malaysia, we are aware of the extreme grip that the federal government has on the media.. the latest case being NTV7 producer Joshua Chong who was forced to resign.
“We also know that there are some media who are being pressured and journalists who have been detained without trial.
‘Worse still are documents relating to corruption which have been stamped Official Secrets and as such cannot be processed, “ he said.
Khalid added that such practices can only be changed through political will which the state government under the Pakatan rule will ensure.
“The Selangor government believes that a free media will be able to aid the government to improve and support its move towards a fair, transparent and responsible administration and management of the state,” Khalid said.

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