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Wednesday 5 May 2010

Secret Extra-Judicial Execution Unit

Taiping Murder (2) An Indian is killed every 10 days. Those are the stats.
The is an unnamed 17 man unit in the Kementerian Dalam Negeri that carries out these extra judicial killings using the UTK for backup and cover. The Arahan Tembakan Mati is signed by the minister upon advice by a committee. In Ipoh, Perak, the source of the latest killings of two brothers,  this unit is officed at the Bangunan Persekutuan. Originally intended for hardcore criminals, today even those without criminal records, and those accompanying them too are shot dead, whether it is a pregnant woman or child.
This executions are different from the custody killings (like Kugan and Teoh) by police, and the trigger happy killings by police patrols like the recent Malay teenager.
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