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Wednesday 5 May 2010

Malays are 'racists', and the rest? Khir's query

By FMT Staff
KUALA LUMPUR: Dr Mohd Khir Toyo is wondering why a Malay is swiftly condemned as a racist while the rest are spared when they champion the interests of their own race.
The former Selangor menteri besar also questioned MCA and Gerakan's decision to pin the blame on Malay pressure group Perkasa for the loss of Chinese support in the Hulu Selangor by-election.

He pointed out that just like the Chinese education movement Dong Jia Zhong, Perkasa does not have any links with Barisan Nasional or Umno.

“Does this mean that Malay voters would not support a BN candidate from MCA because of MCA and Gerakan's ties with this organisation (Dong Jia Zhong)?” he asked.

According to him, MCA and Gerakan should have explained to the Chinese voters in Hulu Selangor that Perkasa is a non-governmental organisation which is not affliated to BN.

“Do MCA and Gerakan want to be parties that would balance the need of the Chinese community with that of the other races by going to the ground and providing rational explanations.

“Or are they only interested in gaining the support of the Chinese community by being a champion of that race's interests just like DAP?” he added in a blog posting.

The Umno leader also failed to understand why his attack on DAP had led senior leaders in MCA and Gerakan to brand him a racist.

Khir was also perplexed as to how his statement -  that the lack of Chinese support for BN is a sign for the prime minister to review certain policies - could be construed as racism.

The Sungai Buaya Umno division head had urged Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to re-look the '1Malaysia' concept and the New Economic Model.

“BN must find ways to pull in the votes. If existing polices are not supported, then they must be reviewed. Is this being racist?” he asked.
Chinese youths easily 'incited' by DAP

In an obvious referrence to Perkasa boss Ibrahim Ali, the former MB said he had never asked for the Chinese voters to be punished.

“Nobody can be angry at them for not supporting BN. That is their right,” he added.

Following the April 25 by-election, Ibrahim urged the government to withhold its election promises for the Chinese community, since an overwhelming majority voted for the opposition.

Khir explained that he had merely stated his view that the Chinese support for PKR candidate Zaid Ibrahum was an attempt to strengthen the Chinese-dominated DAP in Selangor.

“If MCA and Gerakan have a different viewpoint, they should disclose it. What is odd is that my attack on DAP saw MCA and Gerakan (leaders) getting riled up,” he said.

Khir said it is MCA and Gerakan's task to explain the BN concept of power sharing among the various races to the younger generation of Chinese.

“But is this being done today?” he asked. “How many Chinese youths actually understand and appreciate this concept?

“I find that most of them are seperated from the historical roots with regard to the formation of this country and are now easily 'incited' by DAP,” he added.

Khir's comments come on the heels of Najib's advise to Umno leaders to play a more significant role in roping in the non-Malay votes, especially Chinese support.

Confirming this with a news portal today, Khir, who attended the Umno retreat over the weekend, said the prime minister does not want BN leaders to confine themselves along racial lines.

The prime minister, said Khir, even suggested that Umno leaders attend Chinese functions instead of leaving the task to their Chinese counterparts in BN.

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