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Wednesday 19 May 2010

'Punish parents for child neglect'

The New Straits Times 
by Annie Freeda Cruez

KUALA LUMPUR: Parents who neglect children, especially those who leave them home alone, resulting in mishaps that cause deaths, should be taken to court.

This is the view of the Bar Council, educationists and several non-governmental organisations that said parents must take responsibility for their actions.

They were commenting on Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil's statement that parents could be held accountable for leaving children home alone, resulting in mishaps that cause deaths.

On Sunday, she had reminded parents that neglecting children was a crime punishable with a RM20,000 fine or 10-year jail sentence under Section 31(1) of the Child Act.

She was commenting on a recent case in George Town, where 10-year-old Kuhesri Nadarajah was found hanging at her flat after being left alone.

It is learnt that the ministry was studying if there was negligence involved on the part of the mother before initiating legal action.

Malaysian Bar Council chairman Ragunath Kesavan said: "The legislation is there as a deterrent and guide. Parents must take the responsibility to ensure their children are safe and protected."

Ragunath attributed lack of enforcement, awareness and education as the root cause for children becoming victims of neglect.

He said parents neglecting or leaving their children alone in the house was a serious problem in Malaysia and in other countries worldwide.

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