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Wednesday 19 May 2010

Ex-Sabah CM says no reason for BN to panic

By Michael Kaung - Free Malaysia Today

KOTA KINABALU: Former Sabah Chief Minister Salleh Tun Said, the state Umno deputy chief, says there is no reason for the ruling Barisan Nasional government to panic over support for the coalition in Sabah and Sarawak.
He is confident that the BN parties can deliver the seats to the coalition in future elections despite their shock defeat in the Sibu, Sarawak by-elections on Sunday.
Salleh, who himself spent a lengthy period cooling his heels on the sidelines of the state government, took fellow BN leader Chin Su Phin, the deputy president of Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), to task for advising BN leaders to stop treating the two states as their 'fixed deposits' in elections.
He said the BN's defeat in the just concluded Sibu parliamentary by-election cannot be used as a barometer to judge support for the ruling coalition.
“Sabah and Sarawak are still and will continue to be the fixed deposit for BN. In fact Sabah BN's support is solidly behind state Chief Minister Musa Aman who has been chosen by the central leadership,” he said.
Salleh, who is currently the science advisor to the chief minister, said he was taken aback by Chin's candid statement and questioned his motive for disclosing it to the media.
“We (BN) have channels and ways to forward any opinions like in the case of the state leadership, a component party will go through the state BN chairman. Making open statements is not healthy and against the BN spirit."
He argued that the BN need not fear for their grip on power in the two east Malaysian states based on the outcome of the Sibu by-election.
The election, he said, did not represent the majority of people in Sabah and Sarawak and it was an isolated case because the issues raised were 'localised' problems.
"It is unfair to say that Sabah and Sarawak are no longer BN's fixed deposit just because it lost in a by-election. The people in Sibu will vote for BN again in the next general election," he assured.
Salleh also dismissed Chin's assertion that a crisis is brewing in the state BN leadership.


pirate said...

just take it as a lesson and continue to serve people.

mr corn said...

BN still has time to make improvement and do not let sibu case breaking your spirits.

karaabau said...

the BN govt surely need to improve its service specially in sabah and sarawak...hopefully the govt will work harder and continuously develop sabah and sarawak.....

villager said...

political is unpredictable, anything can happen. people has rights to vote and do not blame on them. just forget it and bring what people need...

tombolo said...

BN still strong in Sabah and Sarawak, BN need to hard working to get people support especially in sabah and sarawak.

SE W850i said...

Well, i hope they learn something from what ever happen in Sibu. Time to fulfill their promises..

cicak said...

Kalah dan menang sebenarnya tidak membawa apa-apa makna bagi parti yang benar-benar ikhlas menjalankan tugas. Bukan salah parti kalau ada kalah sebab yang dilihat oleh pengundi terutama orang-orang kampung ialah samada pemimpin mereka sudah melaksanakan tugas atau tidak. Selalunya mereka ingin lihat jika janji manis sebelum pilihanraya itu sudah tertunai atau tidak baruah seseorang ahli politik tu boleh dipercayai. So semua calon-calon parti terlibat harus sentiasa aktif menjalankan tugas sebab orang-orang kampung sekarang sudah tahu menialai antara kaca dan permata

kotak said...

Betul kata former CM Sabah yang BN tidak perlu takut akan kekalahan yang telah berlaku di Sibu. Kalau jentera-jentera parti terlibat itu benar-benar menjalankan tugas dengan ikhlas, telus dan betul maka tiada apa yang perlu dirisaukan

Unknown said...

If they have a strong hold and foundation in the party, then there is no problem. But if there are internal conflicts in the party itself, then the foundation will crumble.

Maybe they are way too confident during the Sibu by-election.

2PM said...

Well, I think now they are planning a strategy and waiting for the right time to execute the plan.

Paquin said...

Tak payah panik.. teruskan perjuangan ja :)

Paquin said...

Ya betul pirate. Jadikan sebagai pengajaran, kaji setiap kelemahan supaya next time dapat buat yg lebih baik g.

aku bah said...

Memang betul juga lah.. Bagi saya kekalahan di Sibu tak sepatutnya menurunkan semangat juang BN.
BN adalah parti yang gah, so teruslah berusaha..
Saya yakin masih ramai yg menyokong BN.

Paquin said...

mr corn, betul tu.. Masih ada masa lagi menambahbaik sebarang kelemahan yg timbul..
Belum terlamaba, so jgnlah panik dulu.t

Wan said...

Saya yakin BN tak duudk diam ja ba.. Dorang pasti akan buat perancangan rapi, perbaiki setiap kelemahan/kekurangan dan terus berusaha.. BN ba tu:)

Wan said...

Saya setuju pendapat ko villager.
Politik mmg sukar diramal, apa2 pun boleh jadi..
Tapi tu lah yg penting utamakan dulu keperluan/kehendak rakyat.

Wan said...

Apapun saya yakin BN pasti akan bangun semula. Mcm slogan 1Malaysia ba, Rakyat didahulukan;Pencapaian diutamakan. hehheheee
Go BN, chayoo!! :)

Paquin said...

Jangan risau, asalkan BN buktikan keikhlasan mereka - konpom rakyat akan bagi sokongan padu juga.

Noi said...

Tindakan BN utk mengotakan janji biarpun kalah di sibu adalah satu bukti yg dorang ni tetap utamakan rakyat.
Hal ini juga menunjukkan nbahawa BN takkan mengalah dgn mudah.. so good luck BN :)

Paquin said...

Ya kotak. Asalkan ikhlas berusaha dan berjuang utk rakyat - pasti hasil positif dapat dicapai.

project_ok said...

Drop the terms 'fixed Deposit' first, give the best service to the rakyat, keep doing project for rakyat, improve infrastructure such as road, water supply & electricity...BN will have a huge chance to win again in Sabah at the the next GE...

2718 said...

saya harap selepas ini, pemimpin lebih bertanggungjawab, jujur, teliti dan bersungguh2 melaksanakan dasar2/projek kerajaan serta perihatin dengan nasib, hak dan keperluan rakyat.

mr whatever said...

tindakan kerajaan meneruskan bantuan kewangan dan projek di sibu walaupun kalah meraih undian telah membuktikan kewibawaan BN sebagai parti pemerintah... layanan sama-rata tetap diberikan..BN gagal meraih undi tapi menang membela nasib rakyat..well done,,